Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1019: The arrogant betrayer, the reincarnation of a hero?

"This!? He's not just fighting back at me!?"

Galactic Black Hole, who had just broken the third layer of encryption, had not had time to be overjoyed when he saw the news released by the Iron Fist of Justice on the public Internet.


He was dumbfounded.

Not only are four people counterattacking at the same time, but one of them has already been cracked!

The remaining three were panicked.

European Wolf was the first to contact him: "You two, this Iron Fist of Justice is too strong! I am also being attacked and I can't stand it any longer!"

Betrayer: "Is he attacking the four of us at the same time!? This is simply unbelievable!"

Galaxy Black Hole: "It seems right, we must join forces! Let's put aside our pride for a while! With such a powerful algorithm, it is already incredible to come up with just one. Now that I have attacked four, I guess he can also There won't be more than five.

As long as we work together to break through the fifth floor, the opponent will lose! "


"Join forces!"

The three legendary hackers have joined forces as never before!

You know, legendary hackers have their own arrogance and rarely join forces with others! ! !

Obviously, these three people smelled the smell of defeat...

Under the pressure of terror, we had to join forces!

The iron fist of justice is so terrifying! ! !

After joining forces, the cracking speed is obviously much faster.

Under the guidance of the galactic black hole, the three people quickly cracked the fourth layer of encryption algorithm.

"We finally reached the fifth floor!"

They saw hope!

"As long as you uncover this layer, you should be able to unlock everything about him immediately!"

The eyes of several people burst into light.

After all, according to the inference of the galactic black hole, the Iron Fist of Justice only has five layers of protection at most.

"I can't stand it any longer, and that iron fist of justice is about to come to my door!"

The betrayers cry out.


The European wolf and the galactic black hole are also sweating.

After Iron Fist of Justice defeated the Western Silver Fox, it obviously freed up a lot of energy, and the rhythm and speed of the attack became even greater.

The traitor can no longer stand it!

"Don't worry about him. As long as we unlock the fifth floor, we will directly kill him!!! All in all! Let's fight!!!"

Galactic black holes are connected.


"Go go go go go!!!"

The two of them were extremely passionate.

The betrayer screamed: "No!!! He's already in my face!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his voice weakened...

Then, there was no sound at all.

Ye Yang had complete control over his electronic equipment...


Eurowolf and Galaxy Black Hole are both sweating, and two of the nine legendary hackers are finished...

Especially the European Wolf, which is similar in strength to the Betrayer, is now about to be breached.

next moment.

Information about the betrayers was posted on forums and on the public Internet.


Name: Yan Fuhua, gender: male. Age: 25. He used to be a worker in the Chinese security department in his early years, but because of foreign inducements, he stole his company's security information and defected to other countries. He is a veritable traitor.

The legal team is watching you, and no one can protect you. You will be arrested and returned to China within three days!

Iron Fist of Justice issued another shocking announcement!

Everyone was horrified.

"So quickly, this person revealed the second one!"

"That's a legendary hacker!"

"He won't have four people to counterattack together, right?"


"This is incredible!"

Everyone on the forum was confused. The betrayer was finished so quickly that it made people feel dreamy.

Iron Fist of Justice: Yes, I am counterattacking four people at the same time. Anyone who wants to check me can use this as a lesson.

A message, and the real person appears again!

The forum is buzzing again! ! !

"How arrogant this is!"

“But they are so crazy that it’s hard to refute!”

"Yes, with a pair of four legendary hackers, it's really jaw-dropping!"


Hacker forums are filled with horror, but internationally.

Public opinion is angry about the information about these two hackers! ! !

Especially the second one aroused the angry crusade of Chinese netizens! ! !

"Such a treasonous person must be sentenced! If he is not punished, how can he be worthy of our ancestors who shed blood!"

"They should be shot directly! Traitors are the most hateful!"

"You also use the traitor as a name. I think he is quite proud of this title?"

"It's simply too weird!"


The crowd is furious!

In turn, the betrayer also responded arrogantly on the public Internet: "I am in the United States now! Under federal protection! Haha, that's nice to say, can you reach out to me!? There is nothing China can do to get me!!!"


This arrogant reply immediately made people even more angry!

However, soon, the man became silent.

More than half an hour later.

A short video was uploaded to the public Internet.

The betrayer was kneeling on the deck, tied up and covered with a black hood.

"We are righteous people in the world! We really can't stand this kind of shameless bug who betrays his own country and is proud of it. We just kidnap him and give him to China!"

The masked man next to him slapped his chest and closed the video.

"It's so refreshing!"


“I can’t stand the green forest heroes from foreign countries anymore!”

"Ha ha……"

"Half an hour ago, he was clamoring that China couldn't do anything to him!"

"It's right on the deck...the federal protection is too poor!"

"I guess they didn't protect him at all. They were just talking nonsense. How can the United States really help these traitors? They are all empty promises."

"Haha, the truth is here..."


Chinese netizens all exclaimed that this video was so enjoyable to watch.

On the deck of the high seas, the hurricane leader took off his hood and made a video call to Ye Yang: "Hey, boss, am I good at acting? Isn't it just and awe-inspiring!? It's like in a Chinese martial arts novel, the hero is alive!?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Well done, very efficient. I'll give you a bonus at the end of the year."


The leader was very happy and kicked the traitor: "You are my lucky star!"


"It's about to happen. The fifth layer of the algorithm will be revealed soon!"

The eyes of the galactic black hole are shining with desire...


European wolves are also crazy about decryption.


At the moment of unraveling, his identity was finally broken by the iron fist of justice...

I thought they would both die together.

As a result, they were dumbfounded.

After the fifth layer of encryption algorithm lock, there is still...

Moreover, it seems that the difficulty is one level higher than the first five levels!


A feeling of powerlessness arises.

Galaxy Black Hole smiled awkwardly: "It should be... the last layer, right?!"

He showed a sad smile, looking at the information about European wolves that was revealed on the forum and the public Internet.

Another one of the nine legendary hackers, completely finished...

"We must make it in time!"

He gritted his teeth, hoping that before he was breached, he could at least have a death-by-death ending...

(Second update)

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