Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1020: Killing the heart: Come on, I believe in you

"This European wolf-ox! Attack the Pentagon if nothing happens!"

"Such big guys have been counterattacked!"

"Haha, the United States is probably going to quarrel with Europe, and Europe will probably not let such technical talents go. At least you can't compensate the United States for some money?"

"Killing me……"


"News just broke out that the international branch of China's Jincheng Law Firm sent an invitation to the United States, saying that the United States only needs to pay three billion U.S. dollars to help the United States fight the lawsuit and is guaranteed to win. Stop talking about sentencing this guy to 20 to 30 years!"

"Only three billion US dollars is too good, you can take advantage of the situation..."


There are passionate discussions on the Internet.

For China, this is just two guys with evil intentions biting each other, and they are naturally happy to see it.

Netizens watched the show with joy.

Of course, the hacker forum is concerned about the fate of the galactic black hole...

After all, three of the four legendary hackers who took action have been exposed!

Only the Milky Way Black Hole is left and has not been pulled out yet. However, the time for these three people to be dug out is getting faster and faster, and it is estimated that the Milky Way Black Hole will be dug out soon.

"Based on this trend, it will probably happen soon."

"Can't even the galactic black hole stop this iron fist of justice!?"

"It's really incredible!"

"After such a long time, it should have been almost solved. I think it is unknown whether the galactic black hole was exposed first or the iron fist of justice was exposed first."

"Is it possible that the Iron Fist of Justice will finally lose!?"

"A man who fought against four legendary hackers and defeated three of them is already a legend among legends. I think he should lose!"

"Not necessarily, I will always believe in the Iron Fist of Justice!!!"


The forum was divided into two groups, and heated discussions began.

Ten minutes have passed...

Half an hour passed...

Three hours have passed...

Neither the galactic black hole nor the Iron Fist of Justice has been exposed.

People are a little confused.

"Is the news this time wrong? The galactic black hole didn't take action at all?"

"It's over!? In fact, only three legendary hackers took action?"

"What am I saying? If you add one of the top three galactic black holes, how could the Iron Fist of Justice achieve such results?"

"Perhaps they have discovered each other's identities and are afraid of each other. Now they are negotiating for reconciliation!"

"This is also very possible."

"I am also inclined to this statement..."

"What's going on!? Decrypt it quickly! I'm getting annoyed waiting!"

"Maybe it will never be decrypted..."

"Yes, if they were really negotiating a reconciliation treaty with each other, we wouldn't know the inside story..."


The forum is confused and everyone is speculating on the truth of the matter.

And the fact is.

Ye Yang felt that directly exposing the galactic black hole was too boring.

He suddenly became interested and paused his attack on the opponent.

He stopped, drank a cup of coffee, and went out to have a big meal with Lin Xueer. When he came back, he uncovered some dirty information about a rival luxury brand and browsed forums and online discussions.

In the end, it was the process that looked towards the galactic black hole again.

"This is too slow, you are so naturally stupid!"

Ye Yang sighed.

At that time, he heard about the four legendary hackers teaming up to attack, so he panicked a little, and carefully deployed fifteen layers of encryption algorithms, five layers of key locks, and thirty fake fakes made with the technology of the next era. Jump IP.

It can be said that they attach great importance to the four hackers, as if they are facing a formidable enemy.

As a result, it was discovered in real actual combat...

The other party's dish exceeded his expectations.

Until now, the galactic black hole is still stuck before the ninth-level algorithm, and even the superficial fifteen-level encryption algorithm has only solved half of it...

Although I have witnessed the abnormality of the skills given by the system along the way.

But this time it deepened his feeling.


And this side of the galactic black hole.

He was also extremely confused as to why Ye Yang stopped his offensive.

"What happened? Did he go into shock? Did he have a heart attack? He worked as a programmer for too long and died suddenly?"

He couldn't figure it out.

But now that we have the opportunity, we must strike first.

Keep cracking.

When he felt that the sixth level was the ultimate, as soon as he cracked the sixth level, he saw the seventh level.

When he felt that the seventh floor was the last, he had just lost countless hairs and broke through, when he saw the eighth floor standing on the road ahead...


He felt like he was vomiting blood.

Moreover, I gradually felt that this iron fist of justice was really unfathomable!

It seems that there is no limit or end to the strength...

When he finally reached the ninth level.

The algorithm has changed...

In the end, he looked at his IP as if facing a formidable enemy. Iron Fist of Justice had not yet launched a counterattack...

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"what happened?"

He frowned and looked at the changing algorithm, which seemed to be getting simpler and simpler...

Finally, on the black command screen, the ninth-level algorithm automatically collapsed!

"Heaven is helping me? God is above, God is invincible!"

For the first time he believed in theology.

After the collapse, two eye-catching large characters appeared on the last line of the screen.


Nowadays, most people in the world know Chinese, so he has learned it too.

"Come on... Come on!"

After he understood the meaning of these two words, his brain went blank because of extreme anger.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!!"

This can be said to be a heart-breaking murder.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, splashing in front of the computer screen...

He was so angry that his eyes rolled back and he pinched his philtrum...

It took him a long time to catch his breath and walk down weakly...

The tenth floor also collapsed automatically.

"I believe you!"

Four more big words came into view.


The Galaxy Black Hole almost fainted with anger.

"I don't believe you still have anything after the tenth floor!"

He walked down fiercely.

The eleventh floor...

He was dumbfounded.

Just by taking a look, he knew that with his current level, it was impossible to uncover this algorithm wall...

It's like a high school student doing a difficult college entrance examination question. The legendary hacker is a high school god. As long as it is a high school level question, no matter how difficult it is, he can always come up with a solution.

Even if it's beyond the scope, even if it's difficult, you can always figure it out if you have time.

But starting from the eleventh level, he had never come into contact with the knowledge involved, and it was not possible for a high school student to do it!

He was completely desperate.

He knew that he had lost, completely lost.

The gap between him and this righteous iron fist was beyond reason...

It was simply a world of difference, and he could only look up to him.

"Before exposing myself, I just hope to see how big the gap is between me and the real world's top..."

He slowly typed these words on the console, hoping to communicate.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and decided to satisfy the other party...

(First update)

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