Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1021: Directly defecting, the depressed Balor Group


The algorithm wall collapsed layer by layer in front of the Galaxy Black Hole.

The Galaxy Black Hole opened his eyes wide.

He couldn’t believe what he saw.

He thought the eleventh layer was the only masterpiece created by the Iron Fist of Justice in his life.

As a result, there were five more terrifying algorithm walls that were completely beyond his cognition...

If any one of them was placed on the first layer, the four of them could not even break through the first layer together...

Behind the algorithm wall.

He saw the constantly jumping digital key.

“What, what is this!?”

He stood up from the stool with his buttocks, his eyes almost popped out!

This pseudo-quantum key technology is still in the conceptual stage, and it is not even known whether the theory is feasible.

Or, what theory is used to realize this concept?

He actually saw the next era! ?

Is this the gap! ?

He sat down with his buttocks, and just by placing this pseudo-quantum key here, he knew that even the top hackers now could not break it!

Absolutely safe!

And he saw five layers of such keys...

"It's simply too incredible..."

He felt like he was hit by a dimensionality reduction...

He sat down on the chair dejectedly.

"There's more?"

Seeing that the screen didn't mean to stop, he widened his eyes.

"How is this possible!?"

He wanted to stick his face to the screen.

It turned out to be a virtual IP...


He was sweating profusely. Although he knew it was a virtual IP, he couldn't think of any possibility of cracking it.

He didn't even understand how this IP was made...

The previous layer of pseudo-quantum keys was beyond his cognition, and he couldn't understand this virtual IP technology of the next era at all.

I just felt it was awesome...



The display stopped.

A sentence appeared on the big screen.

"I have thirty layers of such virtual IPs."



If he was vomiting blood and depressed before, he was horrified later.

Now, he can only sigh.

Desperate sigh...

The height they stand at is not something he can climb at all.

I can't even see it when I look up.

I can only let others slaughter me. Now he clearly realized what kind of terrifying existence he had provoked...


He looked at it and found that his IP had been hacked.

But he thought it was natural. If he wanted to destroy it, he would destroy it...

But he didn't wait for the other party to expose his information online...

After a while.

A line of words appeared on the screen:

"I won't reveal your information."


He thought everything was over, but he didn't expect the other party to let him go?

"You still have a conscience, and you are still a promising talent."

Ye Yang read the other party's past and found that this person did not use hacking technology to do anything harmful to the world. Instead, he stole money from the rich and mailed it to charity organizations and disaster area foundations.

This time, he just wanted to make money and see if he could meet a real opponent and exchange technology.

The three legendary hackers before had dirty hands and evil in their hearts, and they all used their own technology to do things that were harmful to the world. Naturally, he would not be soft-hearted.

But this Galaxy Black Hole still has some humanity, he won't do anything too extreme.

"If you are willing to follow me and work for me, you can continue to be a hacker in the future. There will still be no harm to the world in the things you need to do in the future."

The next sentence appeared on the screen.


Galaxy Black Hole felt hope.

He must have been extremely passionate about the hacker industry to get to this point. If he can't do it in the future, it will obviously be a big blow.

"I do!"

He agreed without hesitation.

To be able to follow such a top powerhouse, even the leader of the nine legendary hackers would probably be eager for it! ! !

He actually got a blessing in disguise!

"Okay, first help me dig out the substantial evidence that the Balor Consortium instructed several luxury brands to jointly encircle and suppress Tang Han Zhihui, as your gift for following."

After Ye Yang left the last sentence, he left a hidden mailbox.

Then he turned off the computer.

Soon, the hidden mailbox received an email.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows. Not only was there substantial evidence of instigation, but a bunch of scandals were also dug out, which was considered to be over-fulfilling the task.


He nodded.

I am quite satisfied with this Galaxy Black Hole. I can consider giving him other tasks in the future.

Although his hacking skills are invincible, he can't do all the dirty work! ?

This Galaxy Black Hole has good skills and good character.

He is a good assistant.

And of course, he still has to use his good time to enjoy life...


Hacker forum.

Many people are discussing.

"It must be a settlement agreement."

"I think so too."

"It's already this time, the result must have come out long ago."

"It seems that the Iron Fist of Justice is not that awesome!"


Many people are discussing.

Galaxy Black Hole: "Justice Iron Fist has cracked all my information, but he is not going to expose me. In order to repay him, I will follow him in the future!"

Seeing that someone said Ye Yang was not good enough, Galaxy Black Hole could not stand it anymore and spoke out angrily.

"Damn it! Black Hole boss really took action!?"

"Is this Justice Iron Fist so strong!?"

"Which country is this hacker from? He actually fought against four people alone and wiped out the four legends!"

"He is from China, right? Didn't you see that his ID is written in Chinese?"

"Is there such a powerful person in China!?"


The forum exploded immediately.

After Galaxy Black Hole said this, he stopped talking.

Justice Iron Fist is now a god in his heart!

No one can insult him!

Balor Manor.

"What a shitty legendary hacker?! It's only been one day, and they are all wiped out!?"

"That Justice Iron Fist is so strong!?"

The council members of Balor Manor were all in disbelief. They were the four legendary hackers!

Not only did they kill three people, but one of them also defected and became the opponent's lackey...

At that time, they were not prepared for the Galaxy Black Hole, and they provided the data interface to the opponent to facilitate the opponent to find resources to fight against the Iron Fist of Justice.

As a result, the opponent stole some secrets of the Balor Consortium directly from the interface...

By the time they found out, some of the data had been stolen.

They were furious.

But they could do nothing.


"Where did Ye Yang find such a top hacker!?"

"Such an arrogant person was actually used by him!"

The council members were so angry that their foreheads were smoking.

"No matter what, Tang Han Zhihui must be killed! So what if there is no hacker! Just crush him head-on!"

(Second update)

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