Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1022: Regardless of time, regardless of cost

"That's right, even if we can't get his dirty information or expose his secrets. But we haven't lost in a head-on confrontation."

The people in the Balor Consortium are full of information.

After all, they are confident that a small luxury brand can be killed with just one move.

Although they encountered many obstacles this time, they all felt that it was just a matter of time...

Subsequently, the Balor Consortium increased its investment.

The frontal commercial suppression and suppression has become even more intense!

However, with the ebb and flow of public opinion and reputation, Tang Han Zhihui not only survived this business war, but became more famous and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"This!? This is so against business logic. If you want to keep Tang Han Zhihui still able to do so, you have to invest at least 10 billion euros in cash flow, right?"

"You can really hold on!"

"This Ye Yang is just spending money indiscriminately for the sake of face!"

"That's right!"


No one in the consortium can understand it.

According to normal business logic, spending so much to protect a business goes against profit thinking. Pure businessmen like them would not do such stupid things anyway.

"I don't believe they can really hold on!"

"Fuck them for me!"

The Balor Consortium is getting more and more arrogant.

However, when the news came out that they jointly encircled and suppressed Tang Han Zhihui, public sentiment surged within China.

"This foreign consortium is so shameless! They actually joined forces to suppress the luxury brand owned by Mr. Ye!"

“This is also China’s only brand in the international luxury goods industry that is truly famous at home and abroad!”

"We must not let it fall!"

"Fight back!"


Public opinion was in an uproar.

However, after all, Tang Han Zhihui was positioned as a luxury product, and not many ordinary people could afford it.

But in this case, many wealthy people also participated.

I also want to do business internationally in the future, and I don’t want to be miserable.

There are friends of Ye Yang, and there are also those who want to curry favor with Ye Yang.

There are also those who want to take advantage of this wave of popularity to buy Tang Han Zhihui to increase their brand favorability, or to create personal IP...

For various purposes.

Tang Han Zhihui’s sales have skyrocketed!

In China, sales have completely crushed the top overseas luxury goods that have dominated the domestic market for who knows how many years!

It has become the first choice for wealthy people to buy luxury clothes and jewelry!

Today, China leads the world in the consumption of luxury goods.

The prosperity of the Chinese market caused Tang Han Zhihui's sales to skyrocket.

Supported by objective data from various financial reports, sales statistics and public opinion surveys, many large capital investors entered the market to buy stocks.

No one is a fool. Everyone is rushing to make money and invest. Of course, data and facts will speak for themselves.

The Balor Consortium’s simple price war and public opinion offensive collapsed one after another...

On the contrary, with the revelation of various black materials.

Not only China, but also many people in foreign countries have begun to abandon the luxury brands of the Balor Consortium, which has caused the stock prices of its three major luxury brands to fall continuously and sales to decline. It is very tragic...

"The other party's financial base and determination to keep Tang Han Zhihui completely exceeded our expectations... If the fight continues, our three major brands will probably be destroyed together."

"Stop your losses in time!"

"This war has already been lost. If it continues, it will only cause us greater losses!"

The rationalists of the Balor Consortium spoke out one after another.

Sesis Balor obviously also understands this truth. The loss of money is indeed a matter that the council members of the consortium attach great importance to. The situation within the consortium has changed!

"This Ye Yang, we can find other ways to deal with him at any time, but if this small battle continues, we will just help each other and destroy our own century-old brand! The gain outweighs the loss!"

Capitalists often call themselves intellectuals.

This is often a cover-up for their lack of humanity and bloodiness.

Driven by profit, they simply gave up and stopped.

But, they want to stop.

Ye Yang didn't want to stop...

"If you want to fight, you can stand, if you want to leave, you can leave. There is no such thing in the world!"

Ye Yang's voice spread from the Internet.

"Tang Han Zhihui will step on the corpses of the three old brands and become the true number one in the world!"

"Too arrogant!"

"It's absolutely heartbreaking!"

"Do you really think that the Balor Consortium can't do anything to him!?"

"I'm so angry! Twenty years ago, who in the entire world would dare to speak like this to our Balor Consortium!!!"

All the members of the Balor Consortium were furious and furious.

I thought that Ye Yang was holding on. As long as they declared a truce, Ye Yang would definitely be happy to negotiate for peace. However, things turned out to be completely different from what they thought!

Ye Yang wanted to take advantage of this battle to destroy their three major brands in one go!

"Do you think our Balor Consortium is vegetarian!?"

"Really want to start an all-out war with us!?"

"I'm afraid you're not qualified yet!"

"Compared with our financial reserves, if you want to play a money-burning war with us, it's just like a fly on a tree!!!"

A group of council members also shouted repeatedly.

Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth.

He never cared about business thinking and so-called financial thinking. Sometimes, it is these seemingly rational ideas that destroy the most precious things of mankind.

That's basic personality.

If you are violated, you must retaliate!

Whatever the best choice is, it’s all bullshit!

These three major brands must be destroyed!

If he hadn't received the 8 trillion yuan in capital flow, he might not have been 100% sure of winning in the full-scale war.

But now, this is all the enemy's money, it's useless.

Why not use the enemy's money to defeat the enemy?

And with the nature of the Balor Consortium, they always think about the gains and losses, and it is estimated that they will not fight him to the point of life and death...

Competition between luxury brands.

300 billion is enough to win.

After all, whether it is from justice, public opinion, funds, products, etc., he has the advantage.

If you don't establish your authority at this time, you are just a fool.


In the future, many industries in China will inevitably go global. If the leaders of each industry are sniped by foreign countries, who dares to leave China! ?

He just wants to smash the world's strongest resistance and tell all Chinese businessmen that the so-called strongest capitalists in the world are just paper tigers!

Just kill him and it's over!

"Invest another 300 billion and launch a full-scale counterattack! No matter the losses or the cost-effectiveness, we will completely kill the three major brands! Suppress them from the luxury market and make them the last in the market!"

Ye Yang waved his hand.

The luxury market has a brand effect. If the reputation is bad, it's over.

But after all, the other party is a century-old brand, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is impossible to completely destroy it all at once.

"Even if it takes twenty years, fifty years. I will do this. I want the Balor Consortium to regret its decision to attack Tang Han Zhihui forever!"

One battle, establish prestige!

(First update)

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