Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1023: Scared of Business War

"This Ye Yang is simply crazy!"

The council members of the Balor Consortium were dumbfounded by Ye Yang's recent actions.

How can there be such a business war! ?

This is too crazy!

It’s completely unorganized!

They have accumulated deep experience and strong business talents.

If it really comes down to it, Ye Yang's secretarial team still lacks some experience.

But people don't care about the loss at all, they are just tough!

In addition, the Balor Consortium did not have an advantage in any aspect, and was directly defeated by this brutal and unreasonable offensive.

The sales of the three major luxury brands have fallen continuously, and their stock prices have also plummeted...

Damn it, damn it! ! !

They all wail.

However, obviously these are meaningless...

Because Ye Yang was bitten to death, no matter how much money he spent or how much time he spent, he was worthy of the Balor Consortium.

But the Balor Consortium has no such intention.

After all, they are still a consortium that mainly focuses on making profits.

This kind of losing money all the time and having to deal with it is against their nature.

They soon couldn't hold on any longer.

Keep sending peace messages to Ye Yang.

I hope Ye Yang will stop this meaningless attack...

Unfortunately, Ye Yang completely ignored it.


Then shut down three of your brands to apologize to me!

Ye Yang is extremely determined.

If he had not had a hand in this matter, Tang Han Zhihui would have been doomed to death, and he would have collapsed and been removed from the luxury goods industry within a week!

Now you want to stop the war just by talking?


Then no one would dare to attack him easily in the future!

He wants all opponents of the same level in the world to see clearly that as long as they dare to attack him, they will have to pay the price of blood before the fight ends! ! !

"Madman, an absolute madman!!!"

Seth Balor had mixed emotions after seeing Ye Yang's reply.

On the one hand, he was furious, on the other hand, he was helpless, and on the other hand, he was worried.

"It's just nonsense. How can such a person have so much money? It simply goes against the principles of a businessman!!! Nonsense! Nonsense!!!"

He no longer knew what to say.

Another week later.

The Balor Consortium thoroughly confirmed that what Ye Yang said was true. After the council members met and made a decision, they decided to stop the useless burning of money for the three major brands.

Without the continuous cash flow provided by the Balor Consortium behind them, the three major brands soon became unable to withstand it and completely declined.

In the end, under the huge public opinion offensive and the financial chain was broken...

The three major brands finally faded out of sight and fell directly to the first-tier brand level. It was only a matter of time before they were destroyed...

Tang Han Zhihui, on the other hand, stepped on the corpses of the three major brands and truly stepped onto the pinnacle of luxury goods.

Whether it is reputation, publicity or sales, it has reached the absolute top! ! !

Everyone who was paying attention to this incident was sighing.

After all, the three major luxury brands are still very famous, but they were completely destroyed in less than a month.

The general public just saw it as a joke.

But those who knew the origin of this matter, the world's top bosses, were even more worried. This Ye Yang was really a weirdo.

However, we are still within China, so we can't really do anything to the other party.

"It seems that we should be cautious about our attitude toward Ye Yang in the future."

"If you are not sure that you will kill with one strike, it is better not to provoke the opponent."

"It's really crazy. As long as you provoke him, you will definitely make the other party pay the price! You will never stop until you achieve your goal!"

"He is cruel!!!"

"Even the Balor Consortium can't stand it."

"The Balor Consortium is one of the four leaders among the top ten consortiums in Europe. It can be said that it controls the European economy. How can such a terrifying consortium not be able to defeat Ye Yang!?"

"It's not that I can't resist it. I guess it's out of the businessman's nature to protect the best interests, right?"

"Well, if we really start a full-scale war with this ancient consortium, I guess this Ye Yang won't be able to withstand it at all. It's just because the consortium will not die with him that he is so confident."


There are all kinds of discussions.

But the outcome of this business war really shocked everyone.

After all, this is not something like building a university on one's own territory. Even if the Sals consortium monopolizes the education sector, the ultimate goal is to prevent the other party from building schools on one's own territory.

Officially losing a consortium in a head-on business war are two completely different concepts! ! !

Ye Yang's status has skyrocketed in the hearts of the world's top bosses through this battle...

A number of top tycoons are beginning to realize that this is more than just a rising star.

This is a guy who truly has the power to fight against the world's ultimate consortium, and who has the crazy heart to subvert the existing rules of the world.

A real danger! ! !

"Haha, if God wants him to perish, he must first make him crazy! He is so popular that he won't live for a few days!"

"Sooner or later, he will be tolerated by all the big guys in the world, and they will all target him together, so that he will be wiped out in ashes!!!"

I don’t know how many of Ye Yang’s enemies are whispering and cursing in secret...


"He is just a lunatic and doesn't abide by the rules of the business world at all! You can't engage in a business war with such a guy, otherwise it will be easy for both sides to be destroyed, and no one will get better. On the contrary, our enemies will be happy."

Balor Consortium Estate.

All the councillors were talking about it.

"But the outside world's discussion is really annoying! We made the best choice out of reason, but they really thought that our Balor Group couldn't beat Ye Yang!"

"It's a joke! We are one of the four leading European countries! How could we be weaker than a rising star in China!"

"We must correct our reputation!!!"

"But we must not fight a business war..."

The councillors were indignant, but they all agreed that they must not fight a business war with Ye Yang. Even if they really had to fight, it would be the day when they really wanted to fight to the death and go to war, even if they were seriously injured.

They were terrified during Tang Han Zhihui's offensive and defensive battle.

They were scared of being beaten.

But they would never admit it...

"We must make him feel the pain!"

"We must fight back! A hundredfold!!!"

"What method is better..."

The councillors were scratching their heads. They were used to crushing their opponents. When they encountered a wave of threats, they would directly launch a business war, which basically solved the problem.

But now, Ye Yang would not be persuaded by soft or hard tactics!

They had no other choice...

"Got it!"

Someone slapped his thigh, his eyes bright.

"What!? Tell me!"

"Not bad, what's the good idea!?"

Many councillors looked over...

(Second update)

PS: Weekly no prize quiz: Guess what the councillors' suggestions are?

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