Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1024 Super Moon Rocket Project?

"Since we can't stop him or start a business war with him, then we will use our hard power to defeat him!"

"Hard power? Isn't that still a business war?"

"No, the reason why consortiums are superior to other business forms is because we control the fundamental resources of the world. We control the fundamental things of the world, such as military industry, such as steel, metal, coal, aerospace..."

"Yes, but what does this have to do with teaching Ye Yang a lesson!?"

"As long as we use our strengths to compete with him, we can easily defeat him! This kind of hard power that involves the core of the world, China can't compete with a powerful country like us that has developed high technology for two to three hundred years, right? "

"I see!"


"I kind of understand what you're going to do!"

"But he is not a fool. He would not compete with us if he knew he would lose."


Many council members think this idea is great!

There is such a way!

"Don't he like to bet!? As long as we propose a bet, he will definitely accept it!"

The councilor said: "The reason we lost twice before was because we were not absolutely sure, but this time, it's different!"


"If we fight with hard power, he will never be able to defeat us!"

"I agree with this proposal!"

"What are we betting against this Ye Yang!?"

Many people agreed with this proposal and asked again and again.

"Our Balor Consortium, luxury brands are just some advantageous projects, the real core, have you forgotten?"

"You mean...aerospace!?"

The eyes of many council members shone brightly.

"That's right! We, the Balor Consortium, have contributed tremendously to the aerospace technology in Europe. It can be said that our Balor Consortium controls most of the core. We persuaded several other companies, and then we joined forces with Ye The Sellers Consortium, which has a hatred for Yang, fights with him in the aerospace industry!"

"What a great idea!"

"You are so smart!!!"

"This is a great move!!!"

"It's absolutely wonderful!"


The eyes of many council members lit up and they felt stable!

"Aren't we already working on plans to develop lunar rockets with several other consortiums?"

"Just use this to compete with him!"

"China has a profound accumulation in aviation and is now a major aviation country. Ye Yang is one of the wills of China..."

The rationalists sounded worried voices.

"Even though they are strong now, how many years have we been on this road before them!?"

"Whether it is accumulation or investment, I don't think they can compare with us. Besides, we are not competing with the whole of China, but with Ye Yang. Even if he is one of the wills of China, he cannot use China's resources at will. , are you satisfied with your private gambling? This is a taboo in China!"


“That makes sense!!!”

Many council members were convinced.

"Let's compete with who can build a moon base first!"

Sesis Balor nodded and finalized the content of the bet: "Since we are going to do it, we must make him suffer! Directly bet 600 billion euros!!! Let him vomit out everything he has eaten!!!"

Ye Yang had spent a lot of the 8 trillion he had won from gambling, investing in Kyushu military industry, developing spaceships, and fighting business wars with the Balor Consortium.

Today there are only about four or five trillion left.

After all, Sethis is a top figure in Europe. Although he couldn't find the details, he also knew where the funds were going and estimated Ye Yang's current financial situation.


"Mr. Sethis is wise!"

"With several consortiums and the aviation technology accumulated in Europe over the years, I don't believe that I can't defeat a little Ye Yang!"

"That's right!!!"

They spent the next few days planning.

Although he looks down on Ye Yang, Ye Yang has risen too fast recently and has accomplished too many miracles.

They are extremely fearful and want to fight a sure battle this time!

Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed! ! !

"Good news, good news!"

Some council members walked into the meeting hall with excited faces.

"What's wrong?"

"The Sellers Consortium responded. Not only will they contribute money and efforts, but they will also share the American aviation technology they control. Of course, they require us to also disclose equivalent scientific research results."

"Okay! I'm more sure this time!"

"Hahaha... I guess that Milo Sayles was feeling depressed about the gambling incident in college last time, and this time he tried his best to defeat Ye Yang!"

"We are really powerful! We will win!"

"It's already a sure win, let alone with the addition of American technology!"

Before the rise of China, the top of the world's sciences were basically in Europe and the United States. Only the once brilliant Soviet Union could compete with them.

Now that the two swords are combined, they are invincible!

"We have been secretly developing this super lunar rocket project for more than ten years in advance, and now it is almost completed. With sneak attacks and absolute strength, coupled with strong alliances, this Ye Yang will definitely die!!!"


The entire Balor Consortium estate has swept away the gloomy atmosphere of losing the business war and being laughed at by the whole world. It is all ambitious.

As long as this battle is completed, it will be 500 billion euros!

"Several other companies are also preparing to come in for a share of the spoils. The final bet is expected to be even more ambitious! With Ye Yang's arrogant and arrogant personality, it would be strange if he didn't take the bait!"


A few days later, everything was ready.

The Balor Group sent out the second wave of envoys...

"We are the angels of honor of the Balor Group! Why don't you open the door and welcome us quickly!?"

The envoys were extremely arrogant. The last time, several envoys were traumatized by Xiao Qingxuan, so they naturally dared not come again. The new batch of people continued the arrogance of the Balor Group and looked up to the sky.

"The master is not here, wait outside!"

Inside the door, there was only a lukewarm reply...

"Asshole! What a big frame! He Ye Yang dared to let the noble guests of the Balor Group stand outside and wait! Hurry up and invite us in!"

"If you make any more noise, I will tear your tongues apart!"

Xiao Qingxuan happened to pass by the door and kicked one of them, then clapped his hands and walked into the manor.

After being kicked by Juli, they all became obedient.

At least they didn't dare to act too cool anymore, they could only lean on the stone lions next to them and wait for Ye Yang to come back.

"When Ye Yang comes back later, I will make him punish his evil slave! He dared to hit our noble envoy!!!"

It was night.

Ye Yang, who had just had a great time in the Magic City with Princess Visene, drove back in a super luxury car and saw a few miserable figures at the gate of the manor...

(First update)

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