Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1026: Battle of wits and courage? Agreement signed

"Who built a moon base earlier?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.


The special envoy raised his head and said, "Isn't Mr. Ye afraid?"

Ye Yang pondered: "It's really challenging! I'm really afraid that I'll lose!"


Several envoys were trembling in their hearts. They were really afraid that Ye Yang would not participate in this competition. Their minds were spinning and they had thought of many ways to persuade Ye Yang.

However, Ye Yang changed his tone: "But...this gambling fund is really rich and very tempting!"

"...Does he want to participate in this competition again?"

The moods of several special envoys changed with Ye Yang's words, always tormenting the king.


Ye Yang pondered for a long time.

"Does he want to regret it again!?"

Several envoys raised their hearts in their throats again.

"Well, after careful consideration..."

Ye Yang finally said.

Several envoys stared with their hearts in their throats.

"I decided……"

Ye Yang deliberately made his voice last longer. This time, the other party was begging to bet with him. If he agreed all at once, he would definitely make the other party suspicious. He might as well take advantage of this opportunity and play tricks on these self-righteous people. The guy who was the angel of heaven descended to earth.


"forget it?"

Several special envoys felt dejected. They came with orders to kill the consortium. If Ye Yang refused, their status in the consortium would probably plummet in the future! ! !

"It's better to participate."

Ye Yang crossed his legs and said: "After all, 800 billion euros, if you don't make money, you won't make it in vain."


This 180-degree turn almost knocked out several special envoys.

"So, Mr. Ye agreed!?"

They were pulled back from the edge of their field of vision with just one word. At this time, they were so surprised that they wanted to kowtow to Ye Yang, but as Balor's special envoy, they had to stay relatively calm.


Ye Yang nodded: "As for the gambling agreement..."

"Ahem, our Balor Consortium has already drafted it! In order to prevent Mr. Ye from saying that we bully the small ones, many of the terms are absolutely fair."

They handed the first version of the contract to Ye Yang.

Ye Yang glanced at it twice and handed it to Yu Momo. He didn't know much about hard-core business knowledge, and he had to have a good wife like Momo.

"These clauses must be modified as follows."

After Yu Momo studied it for a while, he proposed modifications.

After all, it is a gambling contract involving 800 billion euros. Of course, caution is the first priority. Moreover, the other party is asking the boss to participate. How can the terms be fair? Of course it needs to be modified to be more beneficial to the boss! ! !

Balor Consortium Estate.

"There's news!"

"They asked to modify the contract information. For example, if Ye Yang loses, he only needs to pay 750 billion, and if we lose, we will pay the full amount as ordered..."


The council members said again and again.

"This is a sign of his guilty conscience! It shows that he has no confidence and is just coveting the 800 billion euros in betting money!"

"He's used to winning in gambling! He thinks he can win no matter what!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Many council members were misled by Ye Yang's operation, and they all laughed.

"However, as long as the other party agrees, I think it is very strange. If he is not sure at all, how can he agree!? He should know that when we propose this kind of bet, we must be prepared."

There is a rational voice.

However, most of the council members now want to avenge their shame, and feel that Ye Yang will definitely not be able to win. After all, their super rocket is almost completed, and it can be said that victory is within reach.

Unless China has been secretly planning to do the same project and it is about to be completed, it is impossible for Ye Yang to win!


"Promise him!"

"We can't let him regret it! As long as he signs this, everything will be settled. He can't regret it even if he wants to."

"Not bad! Get him to sign quickly!"

The council members of the Balor Consortium urged again and again.

"I think we should be more reserved. Otherwise, if Ye Yang thinks we are confident, we will have wasted all our efforts."


"You still have to hold on a little bit..."

Just like this, when many members of the Balor Consortium felt that they were extremely smart, they were competing with Ye Yang in a battle of wits and courage.

Ye Yang felt happy.

The subsequent signing and negotiation took a lot of time, so I left it all to Yu Momo.

He laughed out loud in other villas in the manor...

"It really made me laugh to tears."

Ye Yang didn't even know what to say. Why do these foreign consortiums always think that they are the smartest in the world and are trying to attack them every day?

The spaceship blueprint had just been unlocked, and they were about to go to the moon to plant rice, but they jumped out and gave themselves money...

It would be an understatement to say that he is seeking death.

The key is that the other party still thinks that he is extremely smart. Ye Yang sees it in his eyes. He just relied on the blessing of human's superb acting skills to hold back his desire to laugh like thunder.

"...Eight hundred billion euros is probably enough for me to invest in two or three epoch-making mega projects. I feel comfortable just thinking about it."

Ye Yang stretched and hummed a tune.

I won eight trillion Huaxia coins before, and as soon as I spent half of it, someone rushed over to give me money. It was so uncomfortable! ! !

However, he was also waiting for the result.

Soon, the result came out.

He returned to the signing room, pretended to be nervous, roughly browsed the contract, and finally signed his name happily and pressed his handprint.

"Contract, done!!!"

Several envoys felt that their goal had been achieved, and all showed crazy smiles.

But when they looked at Ye Yang who was looking at them with a smile, bad thoughts suddenly arose in their hearts...

Could it be! ?


"Mr. Ye, I'm not afraid to tell you that our consortium will be able to develop successfully soon. If you sign this contract, you will lose!"


Several envoys were confident and extremely proud.


Ye Yang nodded: "Then you are really powerful, but I will still be the winner in the end!"

Several envoys were all in doubt.

However, their mission has been completed. Although they don't understand what Ye Yang means, they just picked up the gambling agreement at this time.

"Then let's wait and see the result! Mr. Ye!"

They all snorted coldly, then raised their heads proudly and walked out of Yundingshan Manor.

Ye Yang looked at their backs and smiled.


Yu Momo has a good psychological quality. As Ye Yang's personal secretary, she certainly knows about the spaceship plan. She didn't show it when bargaining just now.

But she didn't know that the spaceship came from the future civilization, she only knew that there was this project.

"Don't worry."

Ye Yang patted her shoulder.

Yu Momo nodded heavily. Since knowing Ye Yang for some time, Ye Yang has never lost what he said he could win!

Since he said there is no problem, there is absolutely no problem!!!

(First update)

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