Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1027: The Royal Family


Ye Yang kissed Yu Mo Mo's forehead: "Thank you for your hard work."

Yu Mo chuckled: "This is not really hard work, it's even harder at night~"

Ye Yang was stunned and smiled.

Yu Momo pursed his lips and smiled, raised his head and kissed his mouth...


One night of warmth.

The happy night ends until the moon sets in the sky and the sun rises.

The second day.

Ye Yang looked at the big project he was responsible for again, and everything was going on in an orderly manner.

Finished the novel.

He just stood up, had a friendly interaction with the readers, and stretched.

"Is Vesany looking for me again?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

This perfect mixed-race princess seems to be very interested in her, and she wants to go out with him on a date no matter what.

The two of them have gone out many times in the past month.

"I will look for you."

Ye Yang was naturally happy to go out on a date with such a perfect mixed-race princess.

Koenigsegg One1 is out of the warehouse.

Soon, we drove to the top hotel where Vesni lived.

But I found some differences between this place and the past.

"It seems there are more security guards and manpower."

He frowned, and with his keenness, he quickly sensed an atmosphere that was different from the past.

He walked into the Magic City Hotel.


The bodyguard at the door is a foreigner.

Ye Yang frowned: "Ye Yang."

The foreigner was obviously startled, then looked at the person next to him and moved away.


After Ye Yang walked in.

The two just started talking.

"This is China's recently internationally famous terrorist boss!"

"Our royal family is extremely afraid of him."

"But it's a pity that he is destined to be on a different path from us. Our king will definitely prevent our princess from walking with him!"

"That's right... our kingdom is in Europe after all, and it is not a powerful country. It still relies on the support of financial groups. Now that Ye Yang is so stalemate with many financial groups, we will definitely not allow the princess to be with him!"

"But this Ye Yang is indeed worthy of awe. A Chinese man has actually achieved such a terrifying achievement. He single-handedly faced off against the world's top consortium..."

"I just finished beating up the Sales Consortium, and then I started to attack the Balor Consortium. What a god!"

"If possible, I would rather he be our future princess. The earl is this Mr. Ye. He is heroic, strong and domineering! He should be regarded as one of the few in the world!"

"Yes...his attitude towards these top consortiums alone cannot be compared to those of the descendants of those consortiums! Those cowards...if they really marry the princess, I would really feel sad!!!"


The two royal security guards were talking a lot.

In Senlu Castle, Vesany is the national princess. After all, the royal family is now more like a 'mascot', and it also has a sacred royal aura.

Coupled with a perfect appearance and a people-friendly personality.

Jean Vesany has unparalleled popularity in Senluburg...

Along the way, Ye Yang found that the entire hotel had been booked by the Senluburg royal family, which was surprisingly lavish.

Those who came and went were all members of the royal family of Senluburg.

He walked to the top-floor presidential suite where Vesni was sitting with ease.

"Ye Yang!"

Vesni saw Ye Yang arriving and walked over.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang asked.

"My uncle is here and wants to take me back, but he doesn't want to leave yet!"

Vesni pouted and pulled Ye Yang's hand.

"Is it because your royal family doesn't want you to be my friend?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

He is now in the top circles of the world, and his thoughts are naturally not the same as when he first obtained the Get Rich System. He can easily think of some things, and with the words and attitude of the security guard at the door, he has almost figured out everything.


Vesany blushed and nodded: "They are serious! They don't care what kind of friends I make! I'm not a child anymore!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.


Uncle Vesany walked in from another living room.

"You are Ye Yang!?"

Ye Yang turned his head.

He is a man with a curly brown moustache. He looks elegant and arrogant. He is wearing a retro aristocratic ball-sleeved shirt. At first glance, he looks like the proud old aristocrat in the movie.

"This is my uncle, his name is Henrys."

Vesany said.

"it's me."

Ye Yang nodded. His current status, a mascot-like royal prince, was not worthy of being treated as an equal. He smiled because he was Vesany's uncle. In private situations, etiquette was still required.

"You've been so majestic lately!"

Henrys rubbed his curly brown beard: "It's really powerful to beat the world's top consortiums one after another~"

Ye Yang frowned.

Has this old boy always spoken so eccentrically?

Vesany obviously heard some unusual smells.

Henrys advocated marrying into the royal family of the consortium. Ye Yang violently beat up the 'future son-in-law' of the Balor consortium, causing the marriage between the Senluburg royal family and the Balor consortium to fall through and losing potential financial assistance.

This group of royal relatives was very dissatisfied.

Naturally, they disagreed with Ye Yang.

After all, if Ye Yang hadn't disrupted the situation, the money they spent on extravagance every year would have doubled!

As for Visene's happiness? Marriages between big families never care about happiness...

Interests come first.

"If someone offends me, I will offend him."

Ye Yang said lightly.

Since the other party is not going to be polite, he naturally has no good face.

Nowadays, if he wants to go to the United States in an official capacity, he must be personally received by the President and the Shadow Emperor.

A prince without real power in an ordinary country is also worthy of being sarcastic with him?

"If someone offends me!"

Henrys snorted: "The pleasure of revenge is a mistake that young people like to make! Do you know that your recklessness has ended the marriage between our royal family and the Balor Consortium!"

The faster a person loses something, the more he values ​​it.

The royal family's majesty is getting worse in this era, but his self-esteem is getting worse.

Looking down on ordinary people like Ye Yang who have no aristocratic blood, as long as you don't have aristocratic blood, even if you are the richest man in the world, he feels looked down upon!

Looking down on no awe, speaking naturally becomes domineering.

"Are you talking to me?"

A hint of sharpness flashed in Ye Yang's eyes.

He was a master of the highest level, possessed unique skills, and his temperament and spirit were naturally not comparable to that of a frivolous and extravagant prince like Henrys. With just one glance, he was frightened and his legs went limp, and he retreated repeatedly...

(Second update)

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