Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1028: Scolding Prince Henrys

"What are you going to do!?"

Henrys asked in disbelief.

"I think it's what you want to do!"

Ye Yang asked back: "The royal family claims to have aristocratic blood, but now they only care about how much money they have to squander! You only care about your own greed for pleasure, and where do you put Vesni's future and happiness! ?”

Henrys was forced back by Ye Yang's questions, and finally got stuck on the threshold and fell directly to the ground.


He grimaced as he fell.

But there is really nothing to refute what Ye Yang said.

He just did it out of selfish desires, and there was no high-sounding reason to excuse him.

"Sacrificing one's own happiness for the sake of the royal family is the consciousness that royal people should have!"

He can only sing high notes.

"Then why don't you sacrifice yourself? Why don't you join the Balor Consortium? There are a lot of ugly old women in the Balor Consortium, right? Why don't you sacrifice yourself? When you sacrifice others, you sound more confident and more confident than anyone else. When it’s your turn, why?”

Ye Yang shouted angrily.


Henrys was completely dumbfounded. He was speechless and had nothing to say.

"Anyway, I'm taking Vesany back to China this time! Don't even think about stopping me!"

Henrys raised his head: "I am here to represent the will of Sen Luburg!"

"This is China, and I represent all the will here!"

Ye Yang's eyes were stern: "And Vesni is my friend. As long as she doesn't want to, no one can take her away from me!"


Henrys gritted his teeth.

The royal bodyguards nearby all came over.

in case of conflict.

Ye Yang sneered.

"After all, you and Vesany share the same ancestry. I don't want to hurt you, but don't ask for trouble! Standing on the land of China, do you still want to intimidate me!?"

Ye Yanghe asked.


Henrys suddenly realized that this was the magical capital of China!

Other people's territory!

And this Ye Yang is a ruthless person who even the top financial groups dare to beat up. If he is really anxious, he probably will not care about his status as the so-called prince and the special envoy of Senluburg, and he will only suffer! ! !

Vesni looked at Ye Yang with full eyes.

This man is so handsome!

"You can stay in China as long as you want. I will protect you until the day you want to leave."

Ye Yang turned his face sideways and assured solemnly.


Vesany nodded and smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Who wouldn’t love such a man? ?

Thinking of this, her face turned slightly red.


Ye Yang took Vesni's hand and pulled her out.

"This, this, this!!!"

Henrys wanted to scold and stop him, but he didn't have the courage. Ye Yang was famous and he was still on the opponent's territory. He didn't dare to be arrogant, but his lips trembled in anxiety.

If Henrys didn't give orders, the royal bodyguards would naturally not dare to make their own decisions.

As members of the royal family, they are somewhat aware of Ye Yang's international importance. If they take action, it will be an international dispute in a big way. China is now a superpower, so it is better not to cause trouble...

The royal security guards surrounding here automatically gave way to a path as Ye Yang moved forward.

Ye Yang pulled Vesni and walked grandly and calmly out of the building guarded by layers of royal bodyguards.


Two royal bodyguards at the door watched them leave.

"What a talented man and beautiful woman!"

"I feel so too……"

"Ahem, let's stop talking. Prince Henry is probably going to be furious again soon."

"Ha ha……"

The two royal bodyguards laughed out loud...

Ye Yang pulled Vesni to Koenigsegg one1: "Please, my little princess~"


Vesni was amused by Ye Yang's serious look, after sitting in the car.

"Where to go?"

Ye Yang asked.

"I don't know. I've been stuck in the hotel for the past two days and I'm very bored. I just want to go somewhere to relax."

Vesany said.


As soon as Ye Yang stepped on the accelerator, Koenigsegg One1 roared and ran with its head held high...

At this moment, Henrys chased him out of the door.

"Why are you still standing there! Chase me! These Chinese people robbed and kidnapped our princess! If the princess is lost, you will be the one to blame!!!"

Henrys shouted.


The bodyguards were all upset. It was clearly because you were trying to be nice and angered Ye Yang, which led to this result. In the end, you wanted to take the blame for them!

Oh, by the way, you seem to have given a disguised assist to two young men and women!

If the king knew about it, he wouldn't scold you like crazy! ?

But there was nothing they could do. They couldn't really say these complaints, so they got into the sports car and started chasing.

Those who can be selected are those with special skills. The two people responsible for tracking are retired professional racing drivers.

They didn't take the pursuit seriously at all, after all, although Ye Yang's car was better than theirs.

But after all, he is just an ordinary person, and his skills are too far behind theirs.

Following Ye Yang, they are confident that they can bite each other!

Therefore, they were not in a hurry to drive.

However, they soon discovered that the car in front seemed to have disappeared...

"What the hell!?"

They blinked, not believing what they were seeing.

This Ye Yang's driving skills are too strong!

He is very skilled in dodging, drifting and overtaking.

"Chase him! He will disappear soon!"

The two were terrified and drove to catch up.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

They stepped on the accelerator again and again.

They were also driving sports cars. On the urban highway, the speed they showed was actually similar to that of Koenigsegg One1. After all, they both had speed limits.

They could only compare pure skills.

But Ye Yang's car is all-round, even the current world racing king can't beat him.

Not to mention the two retired racers.


"This is too good!"

The two retired racers were overwhelmed.

Soon, the two were left behind and Ye Yang's car was nowhere to be seen...

They were both stunned.

This driving skill is too strong!

"I would like to call him the Chinese driving king!"

"Oh, yes, he is really too strong."

"I didn't expect that Ye Yang is not only a powerful person in public, but also a driving king in secret!"

"It's incredible..."

The two sighed.

Then they received a call from Henrys.

"What!? Lost!? Aren't you professional racing drivers? Lost with an ordinary person!?"

"He is definitely not an ordinary person!"

"Yes, it feels like the level that only top professional racing drivers can have..."

The two of them kept explaining.

"You have to make up some lies! He is so young, and his business development is so good, so he is very strong. He is also a world-class racing driver? Lie to hell!!!"


The two racing drivers looked at each other and spread their hands helplessly.

Then just treat it as a lie?

(First update)

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