Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1029: Disney Princess on the Run?


The car drove along, very fast.

Move around.

Vesany was greatly stimulated.

My heart rate has gone up! ! !

"I didn't expect your driving skills to be so good!"

Vesany sighed.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "It's just getting rid of two little old men, it's nothing."

Vesany laughed. If those two people knew that Ye Yang called them little old man, they would probably be furious.

She still knew that those two were also very strong racing drivers at a very high level before they retired.

Being dumped so easily really made her admire Ye Yang even more.

How many secrets are there in this man that have not been discovered yet? ?

Soon, Ye Yang brought Vesani to Disneyland.

This is his property, so he is naturally not afraid of those people coming to harass him.

After giving orders to the gatekeeper of the amusement park, he took Vesany inside...

This was not his first time experiencing Disney attractions, but it was his first time to bring a real princess.

“You’re a real* Disney princess on the run now.”

Ye Yang laughed and said.

"I hate it!"

Vesuni gave Ye Yang a charming look.

"Wow! What a talented man and beautiful woman!"

"Isn't that Ye Shenhao? Who is the girl next to him? She looks like a mixed race, but she is super beautiful!"

"That's right! She looks like a princess!"

"It's really enviable."


As soon as they entered the park, many people recognized Ye Yang and Vesani.

Ye Yang smiled slightly and put on a mask in order to give Vesani a perfect playing experience.

It is also important to be an ordinary tourist and fully experience the fun of the project.

“The roller coaster is so exciting!”

“The ice cream is so sweet!”

"Shooting games are fun! Biubiubiu~"

"Ha ha……"

The Disneyland was filled with Vesuni's happy voice, and countless young, young, middle-aged, and old men were stunned.

"I'm so envious of the man next to her!"

"Don't be envious. Even if only his eyes are exposed, you can see that he is an extremely handsome man. He is not something ordinary people like us can compare to!"

"Prince and princess?"

"This is so showy!"


Disney's official photographers also captured the happy moments of the two people from various unexpected angles.

Make it into a photo album of precious memories.

"Oh, I'm so tired!"

After playing for a day, it was already dark.

Vesuni lay on Ye Yang, acting like a sly cat.

"The depression of the past few days has been wiped away! Thank you Ye Yang!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "What practical actions are you going to take to thank me?"


Vesany blushed.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

"Then how do you want people to thank you?"

Ye Yang rubbed his chin: "You have to think about this~"

Before he could think about it, his cheeks were slightly wet, and the warm touch made him feel like an electric shock.


Vesany's chicken pecked at the rice very quickly, and she was already standing one step away with her hands behind her back.

"Little ghost head."

Ye Yang patted her head.

"Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat."


Vesany nodded repeatedly.


After taking the photo album from the cameraman, Ye Yang looked at the car while Vesani looked at the photo album on the road.

Under the sun, at the top of the Ferris wheel, the beautiful princess looked at the handsome young man with a smile.

Even she, a princess who is used to seeing beautiful things all year round, couldn't stand such a beautiful scene!

"That's great!"

She held the photo album and looked at the bustling night view of the magical city. She pretended to glance casually at the handsome young man driving beside her.

"I really hope to be with you every day..."

she whispered softly.

"Huh? What did you say?"

Ye Yang looked at her with interest.

"'s nothing. I'm talking nonsense! I'm drunk on ice cream!"

Vesany chuckled and turned to look in the opposite direction, her hair flying, blocking her shy red face.


Ye Yang drove Koenigsegg One1 through the night in Shanghai.

"Young rich people, princess-like beauties, top-notch luxury cars, bustling night views. Is this the Magic City..."

Some passers-by were stunned and fascinated when they saw this scene...

If this scene can exist in life, it will be called a life worth living...


Many people are looking forward to such a life, and many people are destined not to have such a life...

After passing through the feasting and feasting, we came to the old bungalow area, where there is an old seafood restaurant, a time-honored restaurant with good taste.

It’s a treasure restaurant that Ye Yang recently discovered...

The environment in the restaurant is very retro and bustling with people, like returning to Shanghai in the old days.

"Both of you~"

The waiters also used welcome etiquette from the last century.

"The top seat, a feast of fresh food."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

The waiter's eyes were shocked. This handsome guy with a mask spoke with the highest standards in the store!

The seat fee for the top seat alone is 360,000 Chinese dollars per night.

Not to mention the price of the Hundred Fresh Banquet...

But this was obviously a regular customer who had been here before, and he didn't dare to make any assumptions.

"Mr. Zhong Fucheng is going to invite a big shot to a banquet here today. The big shot will be here soon. The top seat should be reserved for us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone shouted.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at the speaker.

Except there is no ax on his waist, he is dressed like the members of the Ax Gang in the movie.


The waiter looked troubled.

Ye Yang and the other party were on top of each other, and this 'Axe Gang' was obviously not easy to talk to.

"Zhong Fucheng? Never heard of it!"

Ye Yang shook his head.

I don't remember this person at all.

"Those who can eat here are not ordinary people. Mr. Zhong, how about giving us Mr. Zhong some face!?"

The ‘Axe Gang’ clasped their fists and spoke with a charlatanic air. They must have been gangsters in the past.

"I have never heard of this person, so naturally I have nothing to say about him."

Ye Yang shook his head and smiled slightly: "In order of priority, I will say it first. If you want to bid for a meal, I will accompany you."

There is no need to use force to overwhelm these little people who have never heard of them.

"What a big mouth..."

Just as the Ax Gang was about to say something, they saw a middle-aged man with a tiger head and a bearded waist walking in from the door. The middle-aged man seemed to be opening the way, and he was respectful to the old man behind him.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and saw an acquaintance.

The tiger-headed middle-aged man turned out to be Zhang Jiutian, the boss of Hei Jiutian Security Company whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Zhang Jiutian seemed to have discovered Ye Yang, and immediately came over to introduce Ye Yang to Zhong Fucheng.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Fucheng waved his hand directly: "It's normal for juniors not to know my name. I traveled across the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas in my early years. Your Lord Qian in the Magic City is my adopted brother. I am also hosting a banquet for him tonight. This Uncle Qian is now here." You should have heard of his name?”

"I heard it."

Ye Yang nodded.

Zhong Fucheng raised his head with an arrogant look on his face, naturally preparing to teach him a lesson.

However, Ye Yang slowly took off his mask and said calmly: "I don't know, have you heard of my name, Ye Yang?"

(Second update)

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