Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1030 Is Ye Yang worried?

"Ye Yang?!"

Zhong Fucheng's eyes were shocked, and when he saw Ye Yang's face, he was stunned.

Isn't this the terrifying existence of the top consortium in the world that is famous in China today? ?

The shadow of a famous tree.

Although I didn't pay much attention to what Ye Yang looked like, he seemed to be a handsome young man who often visited the Magic City and could afford such an expensive banquet of fresh food.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhong, I think we should go to the second seat. It would be unwise for us to argue with Mr. Ye."

Zhang Jiutian took advantage of every opportunity and kept talking.

"Ahem, it turns out it's Mr. Ye, I was reckless."

Zhong Fucheng saw that Zhang Jiutian was so frightened that his face turned pale. He immediately knew that he must not have run away. A frightened and embarrassed smile appeared on his face. He immediately clasped his fists and bowed: "I hope you will not remember the villain's fault!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly and joked: "I'm just a junior and I've never heard of your name. Do you think you don't mind?"

"Mr. Ye has never heard of a villain's name. It's so appropriate! Who am I! A dog's name is worthy of your ears, Lord Ye Yang!?"

Zhong Fucheng laughed repeatedly.


Ye Yang was shocked in his heart. This old boy was so shameless. He was arrogant in front and respectful in the back. His attitude was completely reversed because he even turned around in the air and then knelt down...

"Mr. Ye, you are here tonight too!"

Qian Boxian's voice came, and he walked over with the help of a faucet.

"Mr. Qian."

Ye Yang smiled at him.

Qian Boxian also compensated him in the beginning, and later did some things for him, so the relationship was not bad.

And the other party was the former underworld leader of the Magic City.

You can entrust him with things that are difficult to come forward for.

Therefore, he has always maintained some kindness towards Qian Boxian.


After hearing what happened to Zhong Fucheng just now, Qian Boxian wiped his cold sweat, "You dare to mess with this guy, you really have a long life. Fortunately, he was not completely offended in the end, which made him relieved."

"Mr. Ye, this Zhong Fucheng is my adopted brother. In recent years, he has also washed his hands in a golden basin and done many good deeds. It was also a sin for him not to recognize you just now..."

Qian Bo now wants to intercede with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang waved his hand.

He didn't bother to worry about these things.

He just said: "Times have changed. In the future, you will be less likely to rely on your old age outside. Remember today's lesson!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhong Fucheng nodded repeatedly and said yes.

Ye Yang nodded.

He took Vesni to the first seat.

Zhong Fucheng let out a long sigh of relief. He was so frightened just now that he almost had a heart attack...

Qian Boxian also patted him on the shoulder: "I told you a long time ago that times have changed. Your mentality still hasn't changed."

"It was my fault……"

Zhong Fucheng couldn't laugh or cry. It seemed that he really had to be careful when going out in the future.

The magic city is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Even if you just invite an old friend to a banquet, you will encounter such a ruthless person who shocks the world.


The feast of fresh food was very sumptuous.

After all, it was a feast that cost over a million dollars.

"This wine is so fragrant and mellow. It seems to be much different from the white wine I drank before."

Vesany tasted it: "It seems to have the fragrance of flowers."

"This lady has great taste. This is the accompanying wine for the Hundred Fresh Banquet. It is called Baihua Brewing. In it, there is the brewing essence of flowers, the flowers of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the petals of wealth and beauty, all blended into one jar. Brewing It has been aged for a long time, and each vat of Baihua Brewing is unique because of the different types of flowers sealed inside.”

The beautiful waiter explained patiently.

"I see!"

Vesany nodded and tasted it again. Her whole body felt clear, her mouth was fragrant, and there was a complex and wonderful feeling of hot and cold, extending from her mouth to her stomach. The feeling was incredible.

Ye Yang also nodded: "This Baihua Brewing is indeed unique."

He has now tasted all kinds of fine wines.

This Baihua Brew still made his eyes light up.

“This dish is not bad either.”

Ye Yang ate a piece of fish that was full of color, flavor and flavor. The fish bones were all picked clean. After the selected fish was steamed, it was sprinkled with some exclusive ingredients to exude the most rustic fragrance.


Chinese cuisine is very different from European cuisine. She is used to eating Western food with knives and forks, and suddenly eating the highest level of Chinese feast, Vesany enjoys it extremely.

In addition, after a tiring day of playing today, the food tastes even more delicious.

Vesany was in an especially good mood today.

After eating, he held Ye Yang's arm and enjoyed a chat on the street.

He talked a lot about his thoughts, sweetness, or troublesome experiences.

As they walked slowly, the two of them were deepening their understanding and knowledge of each other.

"Is Ye Yang worried?"

Vesany asked.

"Yes, I have……"

Ye Yang sighed: "As a human being, how can we not have worries?"

"Ah? Yes, then what is Ye Yang's trouble?"

Weisuni felt that what Ye Yang said was reasonable, and asked at this time.

"I am worried, what should I do if I have finished enjoying all the top food and wine in the world, and there is nothing new for me to enjoy? After all, there are only so many famous wines worth more than one million yuan..."

Ye Yang sighed.


Vesuni had a question mark on her face: "Ye Yang, you are so irritating!"


Ye Yang laughed out loud.

"Is there anything else?"

Vesany asked.

"Of course, they say that the greatest pain in life is when someone dies and the money is not spent. I think it is very likely that I will suffer this greatest pain!"

Ye Yang sighed.

"I don't want Ye Yang to die! Don't say such things!"

Vesany pouted and said.

Ye Yang was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and patted her little head.

In fact, he is still a human being after all. How could he not have thoughts like Versailles or wanting to show off a little?

If other people heard what they just said, they would probably roll their eyes and say that they are too dazzling, but when hearing the same words to the ears of someone who likes you, the point is completely missing...

His heart warmed slightly and he stopped joking. Vesany's words made him feel something different.

"Of course there are worries... The world seems peaceful and peaceful now, but in areas that we can't see with our eyes and can't understand on the Internet... wars break out every year, and people die all the time due to cruel conflicts of interests, and there are still people Starving to death because of lack of food, the world is far from being as beautiful as we imagined.”

Ye Yang smiled lightly and said: "Every child has a simple and primitive wish when they are young, and that is world peace."

"The world...?"

Vesani nodded ignorantly. Standing at Ye Yang's height, what she saw in her eyes and what she thought in her mind were fundamentally different from ordinary people.

after all……

If you cannot care about the world, you are not worthy of sitting in the position of governing the world.

"World peace is the common wish of everyone in the world. But as I grow up and see all the social problems, this wish that everyone originally expected has turned into a luxury. In the end, it has evolved into a joke among adults. words~"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Even for him, the future of world peace is too far away. Although he is already the pinnacle of mankind, he is not Ultraman after all~

"Also, be realistic."

Ye Yang said in a deep voice: "China's current rise will inevitably lead to conflicts and dangers in the future. As one of the wills of China, I naturally have concerns in this regard..."

Even now it is just on the verge of a complete rise.

All of this has aroused the scornful eyes of the top established financial groups in the United States and Europe. They do not hesitate to conflict and gamble, and block them life and death, not to mention what will happen in the future...

(First update)

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