Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1032: The fate of the scheming woman


That night, Vesni's biological knowledge greatly improved, but there were also deviations.

"I feel like the knowledge I gained doesn't match my practice this night."

After Vesni got up the next day, she held Ye Yang's chest and said weakly.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"The book says that a normal male's time should definitely last less than half an hour. Why is it different from the book!? And it can last all night, which is even more wrong!"

Vesany pouted.

Ye Yang laughed: "Maybe it's because I'm too strong!"

"Huh? So that's it?"

Vesany nodded in realization.

"Ahem, okay, you can stay here for now. I'll buy you some daily necessities in the supermarket downstairs."

Ye Yang handed the key to the flat floor to Vesni and then went downstairs.

Vesany was exhausted from class last night, so she definitely didn't want to go downstairs to move around at this time.


Outside the building.

The scheming anchor Yuan Yuan stayed outside all night, looking haggard.

"Finally out!!!"

Her sluggish expression instantly became energetic, and she took out her makeup mirror and touched up her makeup.

Although she only looks pretty, she feels that she is already the most perfect woman in the world.

After all, there are Internet famous sayings as evidence: Confident women are the most beautiful, sister is the queen, confidence shines...

"Okay! That's it!"

She took a deep breath and began to plot the plot internally.

After a night of hard thinking, she reworked several scenes of the domineering president and finally figured out the routine.

As a romantic drama heroine.

There are three elements in total.

First, just be stupid!

Second, you still have to be stupid!

Third, and most importantly, that is, stupid! ! !

She must act like a silly and sweet person.

"After watching the self-cultivation of actors all night, there should be no problem! Go, go, go!"

She screamed inwardly.

As he walked, he followed Ye Yang.

Ye Yang had already discovered the woman who had been following him yesterday, and he was a little shocked.

Is it an illegitimate meal? Came to follow you?

Or paparazzi? I want to dig up news! ?

But he didn't care much. He sat up straight and wasn't afraid of being secretly photographed.

He walked into the supermarket.

One benefit of high-end communities is convenience.

This community has its own community hospital, community department store, community restaurant, community gym, and even a supporting Linjiang kindergarten.

As a department store in a high-end community, it naturally has everything you need and the decoration is light and luxurious.

Ye Yang made a random shopping cart and wandered around in it, purchasing supplies.

He doesn't quite know what girls need, so he just takes it when he sees it and puts it in when he thinks he needs it.

After a while, a cart full of sanitary napkins and the like was loaded.

Yuan Yuan, on the other hand, has been observing and planning, preparing to play a classic. In TV series, there is no way for the male and female protagonists to know each other without collision!

Must collide!

She waited at the end of the container, calculating Ye Yang's speed. As soon as Ye Yang's shopping cart appeared, she would rush up and pretend to be ejected!

This way you can recognize Ye Shenhao!

She watched.


She rushed over, and with every step she took, she felt that the money-filled future was calling her, and the world became brighter.

The road ahead is as dazzling as gold!

I'm coming!

She felt the collision, and the movements she had rehearsed countless times were simple and skillful. An exaggerated but realistic back flip showed her technique and determination! Reached a new height in life!


She fell hard onto the shelf next to her, knocking over a lot of goods.

She was buried between packets of potato chips.

The 'cute' exposed head shook its head vigorously, and while shaking it, she said in a coquettish voice: "I'm sorry... I accidentally hit it!!!"

"Huh? Haha, doesn't matter! It doesn't matter!!!"

The silly laughter coming from the side sounded like a crazy guy, not the handsome and handsome Ye Yang! ?

She took a closer look and realized that the shopping cart she knocked over belonged to a fat otaku weighing over three hundred pounds!

Moreover, this person has small eyes, a big mouth, freckles on his nose, a silly smile when touching his head, stubble all over his face, and drooling water. It looks like he is a super fat nerd and a perennial idiot! ! ! !

She was so frightened that she screamed and almost fainted...

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? It's all my fault! You were so scared that you fainted! There's nothing we can do! I've been living for so many years, just waiting for this moment when a hero saves the beauty! Let me, the righteous Kamen Rider, come to you Do artificial respiration! Save this dying girl!”

After saying that, the fat otaku even made a pose, and then came over to give artificial respiration to the beautiful girl...

However, as soon as he leaned down, Yuanyuan was frightened and came to life!

He screamed, slapped his fat face away, and ran out of the supermarket without even bothering to wipe the oil on his hands...

Ye Yang, on the other hand, watched all this with great interest and couldn't help laughing.

"This is too beautiful."

He had basically figured out what this woman was thinking.

But this chance encounter was too unsuccessful, haha...

"Brother, why are you still standing there? This is love! Chase after me!"

Ye Yang looked at the fat man who was stunned by the slap and teased.

"But she hit me!"

The fat man with stubble said.

"Hitting is love, scolding is love, she is shy!"

Ye Yang said with certainty.

"Ah! You really woke me up!!! I understand!"

The fat man has not been in a relationship for 28 years. At this time, love has come. Like chicken blood, his meat balls bounced and he stood up.

"Beauty, I'm coming!!!!"


Yuan Yuan was stopped as soon as she ran to the door. After all, she had damaged the goods and had to pay compensation.

As soon as she paid the money, she saw a mountain of meat running towards her. She screamed and ran away in fear...


"What's going on?"

"The crew? Filming Beauty and the Beast!?"


The two waitresses were talking.

Turning around, she saw Ye Yang walking leisurely with a shopping cart.

"Wow! Ye Shenhao!"

"The only owner in the community! A big star!!!"

"He's so handsome! This, this is too handsome..."

They instantly forgot the tragedy just now, drooling while helping Ye Yang scan the code to check out...

"Let me help you move these supplies to your residence!"

The beautiful waitress was attentive.

But Ye Yang smiled and shook his head and refused.

In the large flat.

At this moment, Weishenni has recovered a little, standing by the balcony, looking at something.

"What are you looking at?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile.

"There is a fat guy chasing a little girl downstairs? This scene is too outrageous."

Weshenni didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"This fat guy has good endurance!"

Ye Yang didn't expect that he had returned to the room, and the other party was still chasing that scheming woman...

(First update)

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