Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1033 You from the Sun?


After returning from Linjiang Community.

Ye Yang received a message invitation.


Ye Yang looked at it and smiled slightly.

During the National Day family trip, at the Atlantis Hotel, a film crew that had invested in Huabo provided some funds and encouraged them to make a great TV series and give a good fight to Park Buting, a film and television businessman from the Great Cold Underworld. Face.

Now, the filming of the TV series has been completed.

The crew director Han Li invited himself to guest star in a friendly role.

Ye Yang looked at the script and samples, his eyes brightened.

The script is adapted from the most popular online article about dads, called "Daddy's God Restaurant".

It tells the heartwarming story of Lin Yi, the main god of the invincible universe, returning to Earth and becoming a father to raise his baby.

Both funny and refreshing, this popular book has gained new vitality through careful adaptation! ! !

Previous TV series adaptations of novels were unsuccessful, mainly because they would rather spend money to find actors, but were unwilling to spend money on special effects.

Moreover, the screenwriters are always imaginative and wantonly changing the plot of the original text.

As a result, only fans of popular celebrities will watch it.

Fans of the original novel feel the plot has been changed and won’t read it.

Passers-by think the special effects and plot are too ridiculous and won’t watch it.

And the adaptation here is really good, good-looking, and interesting.


"A guest appearance as the final boss?"

Ye Yang laughed, still very interested in this, and then agreed.

In the theater, Ye Yang has already seen some of the previous effect clips.

The crew was not short of money, and the special effects were very good.

Satisfied just looking at it.

He had a premonition that this film would definitely be a hit! ! !

He just had a cameo role, and the filming was very fast. Coupled with his superb acting skills, the crew was stunned on the spot.

Although I have seen his wonderful performance in "Ye Wen".

But actually witnessing that kind of acting skills live is another feeling...

"As expected of the star of the number one movie in the world's film history! Isn't this too strong!?"

"True strength!"


The actors hired this time are all capable, or the new generation who want to film well.

I gained a lot from my interactions with Ye Yang.

Ye Yang also wants to see more exciting film and television works in the future, so he also tries his best to teach acting skills.

"It's done!"

A few days later, the director shouted the final click and said with a smile.


"It's still not finished!"

"I really hope to stay with Mr. Ye for a little longer!"



Before Ye Yang came, the filming was almost done.

He just had a cameo role.

The crew here has just finished filming.

News about the Dahan Mingguo TV series has spread online.

"You from the sun?"

Ye Yang looked at the works launched by the other party and couldn't laugh or cry.

"You have offended so many of our viewers, yet you still dare to use that Liu Minhui!"

Director Han Li came over to take a look and couldn't help but be surprised.

Liu Minhui was robbed of fans by Ye Yang at Xiangwan Airport. He flew into a rage and cursed at us. He was beaten by a group of indignant people at the airport, and subsequently his reputation exploded.

"That Park Buting forced him to record an apology video, and the crazy fans in the country started yelling at Oppa again, and then frantically defended him. Anyone who said anything bad about him would be surrounded by those crazy fans. Beat!"

Someone explained.

"The rice circle culture is really scary..."

Everyone sighed with emotion.

No matter what he did, it was perfect in the eyes of fans, and he only needed to apologize to get the matter over with.

"But most Chinese people will choose not to watch this drama because of this, right?"

"Not necessarily. Didn't N Ball say some bad things about our country before? Aren't many people still going to watch it?"

"Well, there are too many people in the country, and there are all kinds of people. There is nothing we can do."

"Perhaps people don't care about our market at all. They think that the Dahan drama is invincible and can sweep the world easily, so they don't care what impact it has on us."

"I think this explanation is the most reliable..."

"They will pay for their arrogance!!!"


You Who Came from the Sun became popular throughout the Great Cold Kingdom once it was announced, and was hailed as the best cold drama in recent years.

Liu Minhui's fans are crazy about promoting him, but most people in China are still sober and directly boycott!

"No matter how good a TV series starring this kind of person is, I won't watch it!"

"The showrunners behind this don't consider our feelings at all, and using this kind of starring role is simply bad!!!"

"That's right!"

Criticism arose online.

But the showrunners seemed not to hear it at all and went their own way.

The Dahan drama was indeed powerful in the past few years, with the potential to sweep across Europe and Asia. Now it has exploded with such a high-quality product. It is naturally magnificent and has signs of breaking through.

"It hasn't really been released yet. It has just been announced and it has become so popular internationally. It seems that this is a pretty strong opponent..."

Everyone on the crew felt tremendous pressure.

Han Li frowned, but was not intimidated. He said calmly: "Originally, we did not underestimate our opponent. After all, the opponent is a powerful country in TV dramas. In terms of film and television, it has its own reasons for being unique in the world. Fight with all your strength. This battle will win. Chinese TV series, brought to the world!”


Everyone in the crew is said to be excited.

"You don't need to worry about the announcement."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "I will be responsible for the publicity and distribution. You can just work on the content without worries."

“This is so good!!!”

All the crew members were excited.

Ye Yang is now the top player in China, and he is also a super tycoon. He is not short of money!

If you are famous and rich, if you really want to promote something, it shouldn't be too simple! ! !

But then, they became worried.

Most of Ye Yang's fame and money are influential within China. After all, they are lacking too much internationally.

Can it really compete with the Dahan drama, which has long been famous internationally? ?

They were all extremely worried.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

He has too many identities and too many channels.

Not everyone knows his true strength. After all, to ordinary people, people with 100 million or 1 trillion are considered rich.

He won't say much.

It is also a good thing for the crew to maintain a sense of crisis.

"Chinese TV dramas are finally going to the world."

Ye Yang clenched his fists, anticipation rising in his heart...

(Second update)

Tips from Jiuyang: If you forget about the Yacht Director dispute, you can jump to Chapter 955 to review it~

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