Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1035: Ace Agent, Henrys's Plan

"It's just for publicity!"

Soon, he raised his head and sneered: "In the end, it still depends on the finished film! If the plot is not good, the acting is not good, and the filming is not good, it will be ruined in the end! How many TV series have been promoted overwhelmingly, but in the end they are not cool at all! No one is watching!”

The secretary wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't open his mouth.

"Huh!? If you have anything else to say, let's talk about it together!"

Pu Buting can naturally see it.

"They also announced it in our Great Cold Underworld. By the way, I asked me to send you a sample..."

The secretary gave an edited video to Pu Buting.

"Haha, you want to give me some power?! What have I never seen in my life?! You're so naive!!!"

Pu Buting snorted coldly and clicked on the video.

The beginning of the video.

It is the starry sky in the universe, gorgeous and charming...


This special effect is made to be realistic without losing visual impact.

There is a feeling of combining reality and art, reaching the pinnacle...

"It's just the beginning!"

He gritted his teeth. Based on his understanding of Chinese TV dramas, special effects of one minute and two minutes were carefully made, which was enough to edit the promotional video. As for the content, it was shoddy. If you really watch it, you won't be able to watch it.


The more he saw the back, the more shocked he became.

The special effects at the beginning are simply too shocking! ! !

A powerful being stood in the starry sky and killed an unparalleled beast with one sword. Then, the gods from the legends of various countries appeared...

Whether it’s the special effects or the style, it’s all top-notch! ! !


He was stunned and completely speechless.

This special effect alone is enough to take the world by storm.

As long as the plot is not mentally retarded, even if it is at a normal level, it will be enough to reach the top of the world with this top-notch special effects!

"It's incredible! When did China's film and television production level reach such a high level!?"

He couldn't understand it at all.

Before, it was all shoddy, the special effects in TV series only cost 50 cents, and the fights were all in slow motion...

"It seems that it's not that China can't make high-quality products, it's just that those junk investors in the past didn't let those production teams create high-quality products!"

He sighed.

Just a short video made him completely feel his previous narrow-mindedness.

"It seems that he is a strong opponent!"

He completely put away his contempt: "We must fight with all our strength! We, the Great Cold Underworld, must not lose!!!"


The secretary nodded.

"I have to ask the big guys behind for more resources! They have always been coveting the Chinese market. If they can defeat Ye Yang head-on this time, they will definitely be very interested."

He sneered. He didn't believe that Ye Yang could really defeat Dahan Mingguo in the film and television industry!


Magic City.

In the past few days, Ye Yang has been running to Vesani's flat floor when he has nothing to do. He is worthy of being a mixed race of Eurasian descent. His body is a combination of the strengths of others. It is not only full of resilience, but also has strong endurance.

"My uncle couldn't find me and started looking for your embassy, ​​using diplomatic means."

Vesany looked at the latest news, covered her mouth and smiled.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

This Henrys was so stupid that he directly said that he had kidnapped Princess Senluburg. At this time, public opinion was in an uproar.

Vesseny is still very popular in Europe. Although Ye Yang is internationally influential, she is definitely not as well-known as the Pearl Princess in Senluburg.

The rumors he spread aroused great public outrage there.

Many people who don't know the truth are crusading against Ye Yang, this hateful Chinese, for actually kidnapping their princess! ! !

"I'm under a lot of pressure!"

Ye Yang teased: "He became a kidnapper before he knew it!"

"I'm sorry, Ye Yang, it's all because of me..."

Vesany sighed and apologized.

"It doesn't matter, let this rumor spread for a while."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

He could feel that Henrys was the biggest obstacle to Vesuni's happy life. If she didn't get rid of this old man, Vesuni would not be happy even if she returned to Senluburg.

It happened to take this opportunity to damage the reputation of both Henrys and the Senluburg royal family. Henrys, the culprit, would inevitably be deposed directly.

He even kicked out the Senluburg royal family so that he could rest assured that Vesany would return to the country.

He pretty much talked about his plan.

After hearing this, Vesany hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Maybe, this is what my uncle deserves..."

She sighed.

This uncle is rarely seen and enjoys his life in various ways. Only when the royal family's money is not enough for him to squander, will he be seen quarreling with his father.

I was anxious when I had nothing to do, thinking about which consortium she would marry her to.

She hated Henrys very much, and now that he was doing all kinds of tricks, she didn't want to allow this uncle to do whatever he wanted anymore...

When Ye Yang and Vesani were discussing.

Magic City Airport.

Henrys looked at the three people getting off the plane and greeted them.

"Prince Henrys."

The three of them nodded at Henrys, with indifferent faces and arrogant expressions, as if they did not take the prince seriously.

"You are finally here!"

Henrys was overjoyed.

These are the three top agents of Killhead, a well-known organization in the gray industry in Europe.

Killhead is similar to Hurricane in nature, and is responsible for resolving some things that are difficult to solve on the surface. However, although it is strong in business, it cannot do business at the national and battlefield level like Hurricane.

"You are looking for Princess Visene, right?"

The leader of the three top players is a man with lead-gray hair and a gloomy expression.

"Business in China is difficult to do. We have already spent a lot of money to sneak into the country. We have to pay more!"

The butler next to him said with a pale face.

"Okay, as long as you can tie Visene back to me, any amount of money is fine."

Henrys thought very well.

If Visene is tied back and held in his hands, the facts will be impossible to verify. This basin of dirty water will be put on Ye Yang's head and it will be impossible to wash it clean.

Kidnapping a princess of a country, no matter how high his status is, this crime is big enough.

By the way, he can also take the opportunity to cause trouble and force Visene's father to agree to the marriage.

Killing two birds with one stone, with many benefits...

He transferred the money with a painful feeling.

He was a man of extravagance and debauchery, who only ate, drank and had fun.

Although he did nothing every year, the royal family would give him wealth that an ordinary person could not earn in his lifetime, but he often spent it all quickly.

This time, he took out almost all his savings...

(Second update)

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