Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1036: Frustrated as soon as I arrived in China


Looking at the three ace agents leaving, Henrys showed a sneer.

These three people can be said to have unique skills. They are also well-known among killheads. They rarely make mistakes. They have a very high status in the European spy circle.

"I have spent so much money, don't let me spend it in vain!"

Henrys crossed his legs, already imagining the future of marrying a super consortium, and then living a wonderful life where he could spend every day...


The leader of the ace trio is Hal, a man with leaden hair and a gloomy expression.

The second child is a white-faced man with kidney deficiency dressed as an aristocratic butler, Jal.

The third child is the devil muscleman, the muscle killer man, Gill.

The three of them were walking on the streets of Magic City, feeling very emotional.

China's criminal activities are the most difficult in the world.

After all, the infrastructure here is developed, and there are cameras everywhere. Petty thefts may not be taken care of by anyone, but if big things are involved, these cameras will be the killers of criminals.

Moreover, most of the internationally famous killers are foreigners. It is difficult to remain ordinary once you enter China. The most important thing for an agent is to be inconspicuous.

Finally, the security here is stable. If you want to do something dirty, it is difficult to find an entry point and get some intelligence and help.

"This is my first business trip to China. I hope everything goes well. I have a bad feeling."

Butler Jal said.

"We three brothers travel across Europe. We have never seen anything difficult. It's just kidnapping. It's easy."

The muscular man Gill said proudly.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. The man who abducted the target Vesni is named Ye Yang. He is very famous and influential in China. We must have a careful and complete plan this time."

Hal, the leader, said.

"Fortunately, we entered the country secretly this time. Ye Yang must not know about the existence of the three of us! It will be easier to do things..."

"That's right... We are hiding and he is hiding. We can find out no matter what. He is still famous in China, and his every move may be traceable."

"Well, let's find a place to stay first, then investigate and make a plan!"


The three of them thought about it and went to find a place to stay.

Yida Cinema’s super-sensing giant screen hall.

Ye Yang is watching a movie with Vesani.

He received messages one after another on his mobile phone, and he thought there was a world war.

After all, ordinary trivial matters cannot be transmitted to his mobile phone at all now. What he handles every day is at least hundreds of billions of orders and major human affairs.


He opened his phone and glanced at it, only to find that the message was not sent by the same organization, but the content was very different.

The hurricane, his intelligence system in China, and the official system all sent him messages.

"Three ace agents of the European gray organization Killhead entered the country for unknown specific purposes. They had contact with Prince Henrys of Senluburg, and it is speculated that they should be related to Princess Vesany."


Several notices have some relevant analysis, and there are also videos of several people unable to find their way on the streets of China.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

These guys thought they had entered the country secretly and were planning with great confidence!

But how could such a big thing be hidden from a boss of his level?

"What's wrong?"

Vesany looked over.

Ye Yang told her the situation.

"what to do!"

In Europe, Vesany is naturally more aware of Killhead's reputation than Ye Yang. In Europe, among the gray organizations, this is considered the number one, and the three ace agents are also well-known names!

Very strong!

She is not worried about her personal safety. After all, he is her uncle, and he should not be crazy about doing anything to her, but if this affects Ye Yang...

"Don't worry about it. I'm going to send someone to find out the real purpose of Henrys. Give him the right medicine."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

Not long after, the information arrived on the phone.

All parties have verified that these people were obviously instructed by Henrys and were prepared to kidnap Vesany by any means, and then use her as a bargaining chip to attack Ye Yang and force the royal family to marry the Balor Consortium!

"What! He is my uncle! How can he be so vicious!"

Vesany thought these people were just entrusted to monitor her, but she didn't expect that they came to kidnap her. And looking at the evidence, her uncle was even prepared to seal her mouth!

Before he achieves his ulterior purpose, he is not going to let her show up again!

This means that at least her personal freedom must be restricted!

If you think about it more...then maybe you will do something to her!

She couldn't believe it at all, but Ye Yang's intelligence department was too powerful, and almost all the information sent had solid evidence, so she couldn't tolerate her disbelief.

Now, she was completely determined to follow Ye Yang's plan!

If such a guy with evil intentions hangs around in the royal family, sooner or later her father will be harmed too! ! !

"What do we do?"

Vesany asked.

Ye Yang pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "Use the trick and lure the snake out of the hole!"


this moment.

They finally found a hotel and prepared to get off the taxi.

“Scan the QR code to pay!”

the driver said.

They used simultaneous interpretation. After the translation, they asked in confusion: "What is scan code payment?"


The driver looked like a country bumpkin: "WeChat or Alipay! Scan the code and transfer the fare to me!"


Several people were stunned.

Credit cards are generally used for payment in Europe, and scanning codes has not yet been fully popularized. They are doing gray work, and now they are in China, they are completely stunned.

"You don't want to be a pirate, do you? I want to call the police!"

The driver took out his mobile phone vigilantly.


The three ace agents were in a hurry, took out the only cash on them, stuffed it into the driver, and got off the car with a dusty face.

Good guy, just arrived in China, before starting the mission, a driver almost sent them to the police...

"Oh, it's terrible."

They wiped their cold sweat. As agents, they must have used fake identities and could not be seen in the light. If they really checked carefully, it would be easy to have problems.

"This rubbish prince, the information provided is so incomplete..."

In the next two days, they didn't dare to go out, and they cram Chinese knowledge in the house.


Finally, after spending a lot of money, a lot of resources, and paying a heavy price, they basically adapted to life.


The top floor of the Magic City Hotel

Henrys has been frowning these days, and he has been in touch with news all the time.

"More money!"

"More money!"

"Give us more money!!!"

They all want more money!

"You guys are untrustworthy!"

"It's obviously you, the old bitch, who didn't explain the situation clearly!"


The two sides almost fought.

But Henrys finally sighed and compromised, borrowed money and sent it to them...

"That's better."

The three agents nodded.

Everything is ready, it's time to start! ! !

(First update)

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