Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1037: Destroying the lawn? Urinating and defecating anywhere?


All three of them were very proud and felt confident.

It's easy to snatch away Princess Vesany from Ye Yang's hands!

They got in a taxi and came to an attraction.

According to their secret information channels, they knew that Ye Yang would bring Vesni here today.

"This should be it! The view is really nice!"

"There are just a lot of people."

"There are really many Chinese people!"

The three of them were complaining while going up the mountain.

Ye Yang and Vesni were chatting and strolling around, so he naturally knew that those three people were nearby.

The other person feels that they are perfect.

But every move has already been counter-monitored.

Ye Yang knew where they had breakfast and how many buns they ordered. Of course, he didn't have the time to find out about it. It was more important to pick up girls.

As for his itinerary, he naturally dispersed on his own initiative, but was 'accidentally' discovered by the trio.

"It's really lucky that I saw the two of them when I first arrived!"

"First of all, we have to capture the evidence of Ye Yang's abuse of Princess Vesani for that old guy! Even if it is just a forgery, it will do, but there must be material that can be forged."

"Well, let's observe them first and confirm the fact that Princess Vesany has been kidnapped! Then kidnap Princess Vesany back!!!"


The three of them made up their minds, lay down in the grass, took out their video cameras, and were ready to record at any time.

"Hey! What are you three foreigners doing! Come out here! You will be fined 200 for damaging the lawn!"

When the old sanitation worker in charge of patrolling the scenic area saw the three of them, he frowned and hit them on the back with a shovel.


The three of them were depressed and vomited blood and paid the fine. Why is China feeling like it is in crisis all over the country! ?

Any driver or sanitation worker can make them lose their temper... It's so terrifying! ! !

They feel suffocated.

I deeply regret taking this business.

"I will never come to China again!"

"That's's too difficult to do bad things here..."

Several people complained, so they could only hide it and occasionally snap a picture.

"They're holding hands!"

"Looks so sweet!"

"Are they a couple? Where's the kidnapping? That old man is lying again!"

"Maybe Princess Vesany has Stockholm Syndrome?"


Vesseny is a popular princess, known to many people in Europe, and is more famous than a celebrity. Although the three of them are agents, they also regard Vesseny as the lover of their dreams.

Now seeing her actually having sex with a Chinese, she was so angry that her nose was crooked.

"This Ye Yang! How dare a foreigner touch my goddess like this!"

"They... kissed!!!"

Several agents gritted their teeth and their eyes fell to the ground...

Is this still the princess who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world and is like a goddess coming to earth!

The kiss was so passionate!

How deep is this love! ! !

They all had extremely hot eyes and felt extremely painful.

"Damn Chinese man, I don't know what kind of magic he cast to make the princess so obsessed!!!"

"But I think they are more like true love..."

The third child said naively.

"Shut up!!!"

The boss and the second brother shouted in unison.

"All right……"

The third child scratched his head.


At the Magic City Hotel, Henrys' face turned pale after seeing the video.

"No!!! How could this happen!!! This is not true!!!"

His eyes exploded, he clutched his chest, feeling bursts of pain, and suddenly fell off the bed...

"It's over, now we can't get any evidence at all! And a princess came out..."

It seems that Vesani is really attracted to Ye Yang! ! !

He will never allow this to happen!

This niece is an extremely important chess piece to him! If he cannot marry the Balor Consortium, he will not be able to realize his future ambitions and plans! ! !

He directly and fiercely replied to the message: "No need to take any bullshit evidence! Just kidnap Vesany back to me! As long as she is in my hands, Ye Yang will still be able to explain! What is the truth? It's not up to me. A mouth!"

"Well, we have to find a good time."

The three agents reluctantly agreed.


The scenic spot is full of cameras and tourists, as well as the mountain patrol security team, and three old sanitation men who are psychologically troubled by the sight of them and dare not take action.

Only surreptitious videos.

After getting tired of playing, Ye Yang got into the Ferrari with Vesni in his arms, stepped on the accelerator, and left handsomely...


The three of them were riding on the second-hand car they finally got.

Because I can only use a pseudonym, I dare not seriously buy a good car that requires a real name.

"Hurry up!!!"

The three of them almost stepped on the accelerator!


I drove too fast and the wheel flew off, almost causing a car accident...

They gnashed their teeth.

"The second-rate dealers in China have a very bad conscience!"

Jarl swore angrily.

"Second brother, when will you learn Japanese..."

Jill asked confused.


After a bumpy journey, the three of them arrived at the gate of Linjiang Community in shabby clothes and shabby clothes.

"Okay, there is a sheltered observation point here. Let's observe with telescopes right here!"

The three of them squatted in the grass...

Looking in from the large flat window, Ye Yang and the goddess of their dreams, Vesseny, were hugging each other passionately, taking off their clothes...

"Second brother, why are you drooling!? What is so beautiful? Show me quickly!"

Muscular man Gill said repeatedly.

"Ahem, there's nothing to see, just let me see it alone!"

Although the goddess was about to be taken off by others, he was angry and excited inside...

When they were about to continue watching, a car stopped in front of them and blocked the lens...

"Don't urinate in public! Fine 300!!!"

The urban management officer rolled down the window and looked at the three brothers with disgust: "These foreigners are not good enough. They squat in the grass and urinate on the spot. Which country are they from? There are no toilets in your country!?"

The second brother Jal was so anxious that he shouted: "We are actually from India!!!"

"Oh, no wonder..."

The urban management officer nodded and suddenly felt that it was understandable. He collected the fine, kindly told them how to get to the public toilet, and then drove away...

"Quick, quick, keep watching!"

Jal raised the telescope again with great excitement.

But I found that the curtains on the large flat floor had long been closed...

The good show is almost gone.


Jal looked sad and angry!

Magic City Hotel.

"What?! You mean Vesany!?"

Henrys' worst fear has happened...

Vesuni actually developed to that point with that Ye Yang! ? !

"We must not let the Balor Consortium know about this!"

He was so anxious that his head was sweating: "We can't delay it any longer. Vesany must be kidnapped tonight!!!"

(Second update)

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