Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1038: Ace Agent Takes Action

"Didn't you say that there would be an observation period and then you would take action when the time is right? Why do you keep changing your demands?"

The eldest Hal frowned and said unsatisfiedly.

"Ahem, the situation always changes faster than it changes. You are the ace agents of Europe. You don't even have the ability to adapt to changes!?"

Henrys frowned and asked.

"Haha, to do this kind of thing, you need to plan carefully, think carefully, and ensure safety! If you change the requirements casually like this, every variable is a risk to us and is fatal!!!"

The second oldest Jarl said.


Henrys felt that what these people said made sense: "Then what do you want to do!?"

"Of course, add money! Is there any need to say this!?"

Jarl rolled his eyes and said.

"...Add money again! Since you came to China, the price you agreed on before has almost doubled!!!"

Henrys was completely emptied out and owed a lot of debts. If he failed this time, he would be completely scrapped.

"It's up to you. If you're not afraid that the news here will spread outside, take your time."

Jar said lightly.

"No, no, no, I'll raise money for you right now."

Already in debt, the sunk cost is already huge. When Henrys heard that the matter was going to be exposed, he couldn't stand it immediately, so he went to raise money.

As long as it succeeds, it will be an invincible turnaround! ! !



It's come to this point, it's not a big deal to retreat now.


The transfer was completed quickly.

"Well, although this old prince often changes his mind, he is still willing to pay."

Hal nodded and said with satisfaction.

"What should we do?"

Jill asked.

"It's too urgent. There is no other way. We can only use our agent skills."

Jar said.

"You mean!?"

Jill glared.

"That's right, just be a bandit and tie up the woman quietly at night!"

Hal's eyes flashed a cold light.

Even though they have encountered setbacks since entering China, it is because they have never performed missions in China and are relatively unfamiliar with it.

In fact, their professional capabilities are extremely strong.

Otherwise, they would not be called the three ace agents.

Security, door picking, kidnapping and tracking are all very high-skilled.

"Should we teach Ye Yang a lesson? He made us suffer this time!"

Jarl said coldly.

"Don't act rashly. This person has a very important position in China. If there is any mistake, I am afraid that China will turn over the gray area of ​​Europe, and our three lives will be in danger!"

When Hal heard this, his face turned green with fear.

"Okay, then he's in the house. If we really want to kidnap him, it will be difficult not to hurt him..."

"Once Ye Yang and Princess Visene are done, they should leave. Let's just wait..."

An hour passed...

Two hours passed...

Three hours passed...

"Uh, did he fall asleep because he was too tired after doing it? It's impossible to do it for three hours at a time? Is he still a human being!?"

"...I don't know. Anyway, we'll do it at two in the morning."

Hal looked at his watch. There were still four hours left. He had to do it anyway.

Another hour later, Ye Yang finally went out...


The three of them were sweating, right? So long? !

They're not human!

"It must be because he did something else after he was done! It can't be that long! This is not a human being!!!"

Jill has always been extremely confident in his extraordinary twenty minutes, but today he suffered a devastating blow to his confidence...


"Ahem, now is not the time to think about this. This guy is finally gone. We'll do it soon!"

Hal said repeatedly.


However, not long after, Ye Yang actually came back with a suitcase!

"Oh my god, this is too unsatisfied! Will it take another four hours?!"

The faces of several people were very gloomy.

However, this time, Ye Yang came out in just over half an hour.

Jill breathed a sigh of relief: "This seems normal..."

After leaving, he never came back.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and the time had come...

The three brothers were all sharp-eyed and slowly approached the gate of the community.

In the past few hours, they have scouted the site, collected information, and made a plan to move forward...


The moon was dark and the wind was high.

They nimbly climbed over the security mechanism of the community, and their bodies were like monkeys.

It's not that the security mechanism of Linjiang Community is too weak, but that they are indeed world-class, with strong skills, professional equipment, and master-level physical fitness.

They climbed nimbly, carrying jammers, and jumped directly into the community four or five meters high.


After they landed, they looked around and avoided the security guards who came out of the security booth to check the situation.

Then, they sneaked along and destroyed the cameras along the way with homemade crossbows.

"Finally here."

They took out tools and electronic equipment, operated them, connected them, and used hacking technology to crack the electronic lock at the door.


The door of the apartment building was opened.

"It's on the top floor of the big flat."

They all felt relieved.

It felt like success was within reach.

In front of the door of the big flat.

They checked the airtightness and used the splitter to open a small gap. The mist spread from the gap to the inside...


After twenty minutes.

Several people felt that it was almost done.

They started to pick the lock.

The fingerprint lock and the electronic lock were cracked by hacker technology, and the mechanical lock was even more difficult for them.

After more than ten minutes.

They slowly opened the door and entered...

Put on a simple breathing valve mask and walked into the room.


After turning around for a long time.

"Fuck, this big flat is too big...I'm dizzy."

"Being rich is awesome!"


Several people whispered.

"Found it!!!"

Jill smiled and called his two brothers over...

In the big bedroom, on the big bed, there was obviously someone lying.

"The rope, and the suitcase that Ye Yang didn't take away, I'll use it to carry the person away later. I'll find a rag and take it away in one go."

He grabbed a rag.

They looked at each other and nodded.

The three of them rushed over! ! !

They are professionals in tying people up. The people inside should have been fainted by the smoke and are sleeping soundly.

According to their professional techniques, one minute is enough to complete a whole set of tying-up procedures!

They have fierce eyes and cold expressions. As soon as they start, they show the qualities of being European ace agents.

They put on the head, rags, rags, and ropes...

It was tied in one minute.

However, they immediately felt something was wrong...

The feel?

It's not soft and round at all!

"The princess's body is a little hard!"


(First update)

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