Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1039: Catching a Turtle in a Jar


"These bones are so hard!"

"Why does it seem like you still have a beard?"

"My skin is so old! I still want to take the opportunity to rub my goddess's oil on it!"


They couldn't see clearly in the darkness.

After tying it up, make sure nothing unexpected happens to the target.

They were the ones who turned on their flashlights and shined a light on the kidnapped man's face.


The minds of the three of them went blank for a moment...

The kidnapped person turned out to be none other than Prince Henrys who hired them! ! !

"Holy shit!!!"

"It's over!"

The same feeling of nightmare popped up in the hearts of the three of them.

"what happened!!!"

Gil, the youngest, shouted.

The boss, Hal, thought: "We think we are so careful, maybe Ye Yang already knows everything!!! We are too naive..."

Suddenly, he shouted repeatedly: "Delete all traces of contact between us and Henrys!"

They took out their mobile phones and found that they had been invaded by viruses... and all their data had been stolen.

"When!? Could it be...?!"

The pupils of the three people shrank...

When they used the device to access the large flat door lock! ! !

"That Ye Yang..."

All three of them knew that it was completely over...

Hal looked up in despair, only to see the hidden camera on the top of the bed, shaking at them, as if showing off and ridiculing.


He was furious and blew up the camera with an arrow.

"We were set up! But he also made a mistake! He thought he had everything under control, and he didn't come to arrest us now! We must run out! Otherwise, a big disaster will happen!"

"The elevator must be blocked by someone, we can only jump out of the window and run away..."

The three of them looked down. Because they were near the river, if they jumped from here, if they were good at it, they might fall directly into the river...


All three of them tied simplified gliding devices to their bodies, prepared to break the window, jump off the flat floor, and then escape.


The three of them hit it hard and found that there was nothing they could do to close the window, but it shocked them so much that their heads were buzzing.

"What kind of dog window is this!?"

How powerful the three of them are! ?

Especially Gil, the devil's muscleman. In Europe, bulletproof glass has to be cracked!

But the glass was not damaged at all...

It's simply outrageous...

"It's over, I'm a turtle in a urn..."

Jal sat on the ground slumped.

When the three of them gave up in despair.

The red aiming line was aimed at their heads...

"I'll go, do you want to be so cruel..."

Even though they were agents, they were so frightened that they felt cold all over...


There was applause.

Ye Yang and Vesni walked in slowly.


The three agents were all extremely angry, they were completely plotted against!

It feels like my IQ has been completely crushed. It is really uncomfortable to be manipulated by others...

"Not convinced?"

Ye Yang smiled.

"Not convinced!!! This is simply unfair!"

Hal said coldly: "It seems that you know almost all the information. It's not that our technology is not good or our planning is insufficient, but your intelligence level is much higher than ours!!!"

"You're here to commit crimes, so why don't I create a fair playing field for you?"

Ye Yang sneered and waved his hand.

The three red aiming lines moved away.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to run. I'll let you go if you can't get out of this house."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

These guys sneaked into China and wanted to kidnap his woman.

It would be too embarrassing to be thrown directly into prison. At this time, I was just looking for an excuse to beat them up.


The three of them looked at each other, doubtful.

"I never tell lies."

Ye Yang nodded.

The three of them sneered: "We admit that we lost completely this time, but you are a little too confident!"


Ye Yang shrugged, noncommittal.


Hal instantly became angry, ran out of the house and let them go?

Only a ghost can believe it!

To capture the thief, capture the king first. As long as you capture Ye Yang, you can take the initiative in your own hands! ! !

He looks like a ghost, very fast!

However, in Ye Yang's eyes, it was almost like a turtle crawling.

"I haven't slapped you yet, you come here to slap me first!"

A sneer flashed across the corner of Ye Yang's mouth.

He took action directly and covered Hal's face!


Hal broke out in endless cold sweat.

His speed is extremely fast, and normal people will be captured by him even if they can't react.

As a result, Ye Yang not only saw clearly, but also counterattacked him easily! ?

Before he could think of anything else.

It felt like his face was about to be lifted up by Ye Yang. The huge force dragged his body across the sky, turned 360 degrees in the sky, and then hit the ground hard! ! !

"Bang bang bang bang!!!"

Ye Yang grabbed Hal's face and swung it back and forth, knocking Hal until he was bleeding from all his orifices. If his physique was not superior to ordinary people, a normal person would have been beaten to death...


Jal and Gil rushed forward with their eyes wide open.


After Hal tried his best to say these words, he fainted.

Ye Yang casually threw him more than three meters away and threw him against the wall.

He caught Jarl's fist with one hand, raised his leg, and hit his elbow, breaking his forearm upwards!

Then he elbowed him in the face, almost smashing his skull...

The whole person was knocked back by the huge force of the face, and hit the window behind him, causing cracks in the window, and blood gushed out...

Jarl was a technical talent in the trio, and his physique was relatively weak. These two blows were only a step away from death...

"Such a big guy, but his strength is so small?"

Ye Yang caught Jill's big fist with one finger.

Before Jill's face changed color, Ye Yang flew up with a knee and hit him directly in the chin...

Jaw bone, broken!!!

Blood spurted out...

With one blow, Jill, the strongest of the trio, was knocked unconscious...


In just a dozen seconds, the strongest agent group was swept away by Ye Yang alone! ! !

"So awesome!"

"Lieutenant General Ye is simply a god-like figure!"

"I heard from colleagues in the Magic City that Mr. Ye can lift a table weighing 300 to 400 kilograms and dance with it. I thought he was bragging, but now I believe it..."

"Too strong..."

Several special police officers who were arranged to snipe from a distance were ashamed.

This fighting ability... is worthy of being a terrifying existence that can make the world's No. 1 boxing champion and his apprentice go to the construction site to move bricks...


The special police were deeply shocked.

Ye Yang clapped his hands and said to the people who came in to clean up the mess: "Catch them all. Ask those who should be asked, organize the evidence and confessions, and send them to me."


Everyone stood at attention in awe.

Someone cleaned up the house.

Ye Yang walked out with Weissini. This kind of large flat worth less than 1 billion yuan, Ye Yang has a lot of them. If one gets dirty, he can just move to another one...

(Second update)

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