The excitement caused by Ye Yang's arrival took more than ten minutes to subside.

Ye Yang was escorted by Xiao Xiaozhu, Yu Momo and some Yundingshan bodyguards to sit in the core viewing area.

When the host saw Ye Yang sitting down and nodding to him, he smiled and moved on to the next part:"Now, please greet the two contestants."

Fan Hu sneered and raised his fist perfunctorily as a greeting:"Little girl, don't cry if I hurt you in a while, okay?" Xiao

Qingxuan smiled slightly and said sinisterly:"You won't even have the chance to cry in a while."


The moment he saw Xiao Qingxuan's eyes, Fan Hu's heart trembled.

This feeling was like being stared at by a tiger!

There was an illusion that he would be bitten to death at any time.

However, the other party was clearly just a little girl who looked even a little pretty! ?

How is it possible! ?

He shook his head and cleared all the"illusions" in his mind.

The provocation of the two sides instantly aroused cheers from the audience.

The audience who supported Xiao Qingxuan and Fan Hu all raised their cheering signs to cheer for the racers they supported.

Ye Yang glanced at his mobile phone.

The live broadcast has begun.

Netizens who are concerned about this matter have all rushed in. The number of online viewers reached nearly one million in just half an hour.

This is a terrifying data.

Many big internet celebrities with tens of millions of fans, if they don't buy promotion, the number of online viewers for the live broadcast is at most hundreds of thousands.

Nearly one million online viewers are already very amazing data.

It is different from the popularity of other live broadcast software.

Douyin live broadcast shows the real-time number of viewers. Unless you buy robots to watch to make up the number, otherwise, the data displayed is the number of viewers, without adulteration.

"It's not enough……"

Ye Yang raised his lips.

If he wanted to completely destroy Fan Hu and Jinyi Entertainment, the company behind him, then the bigger the impact, the better!

Two days ago, Yu Momo spent millions to buy Douyin's opening screen advertisement for him.

As long as users open Douyin during this period, they will see the video of this game!

"If the popularity is not enough, gifts will make up for it."

Ye Yang directly recharged tens of millions, and then began to send out carnivals crazily in the live broadcast room.

At least one hundred each time, depending on his mood, he would click on it every once in a while.

In less than three minutes, one or two thousand carnivals had been sent out. All the major live broadcast rooms were bombarded with carnivals.

All the spectators who didn't know about this were all stunned!

"What the hell!? Carnival has become a cabbage!? One hundred after another, they are leaving!?"

"Oh my god! It keeps coming! It won’t stop! Is there a bug in TikTok?"

"Holy shit, there are still... this... there must be more than a thousand of them!? More than five thousand each, the total value of these gifts is close to ten million Chinese yuan!"

"Hiss... Tens of millions of Chinese Yuan were spent in just a few minutes! ?"

"This is too scary.……"

All the viewers who were watching the live broadcast were shocked.

It was really the shock of two thousand carnivals, it was really enough!

"What I was talking about, it turns out to be Ye Shenhao!"

"Ye Shenhao? I just registered this account, I have never heard of him, is he famous?"

"Ye Shenhao didn't even know about it, so why watch the live broadcast! ?"

"I'm a newbie who just registered! Please tell me something! Is this Ye Shenhao...he very rich? ?"

"Very rich! ? That’s super super rich, okay! ? Some time ago, he spent real money on hundreds of carnivals in one night! He was directly on the hot search, without posting a single video, but his account gained 5 million followers overnight!!!"

"Holy shit! This is too awesome!"

"I thought it was just promotional packaging, but he has 8 or 9 million fans, and I haven't seen him post videos or make money from fans. I guess he is really rich! Plus, he spent the carnival like he didn't need any money today, I am convinced, I am completely convinced!"

"Without tens of billions of dollars, no one would dare to spend tens of millions in just a few minutes! ? I estimate that the wealth of this Ye Shenhao may have exceeded 100 billion!"

"Oh my god! ? Today I finally saw what a rich person is! I saw his videos and he still looks so young... I'm so jealous!!!"


After seeing that it was Ye Yang who sent the carnival rain, the audience in each live broadcast room was relieved.

Ye's image as a rich man has been completely formed. In everyone's mind, he is an unattainable existence.

No matter how much money is spent, it is reasonable.

It will only increase their envy and amazement.……

"What are you waiting for! Go and watch it, if for no other reason than to show your support for Ye Shenhao!"

"Haha, let's go together……"

All the anchors on Douyin started crying.

The live broadcast room that was once very lively suddenly became deserted.

Most of the viewers left, saying that they were going to watch the super rich spend money.

Some small and medium anchors simply turned off their broadcasts to watch Ye Shenhao spend money.


In just ten minutes, millions of people swarmed into Ye Yang's live broadcast room!

The servers at Douyin headquarters were almost overwhelmed!

(First update~)

(Thanks to book friend Shiqi for the two mooncakes~)

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