Byte company headquarters.

The phone rang frequently.

The number of requests to the server for Ye Yang's live broadcast room increased dramatically, which also made the staff busy.

Normally, a single live broadcast room would have tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people watching online.

Millions of people came in all of a sudden.

The Douyin live broadcast system was a little overwhelmed for a while.

"This is too exaggerated! ?"

"The power of the super rich is unimaginable."

After adjusting the parameters and deploying the server, these technicians breathed a sigh of relief and sighed.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of users.

Douyin's technology and adjustment capabilities are top-notch, and the problem was quickly solved.


Ye Yang took a look at the number of online viewers, which was almost five million.

Not to mention five million, even before today, if someone said that someone's personal Douyin live broadcast room could have more than one million viewers, they would definitely be criticized.

They would say that this person is wishful thinking and daydreaming!

But today, Ye Yang achieved all this!

He created an unprecedented record!

If you ask him why! ?

Don't ask, the answer is his money ability!

"The fight is about to start!"

"Don’t know who will win?"


After the audience and many people who didn't know the whole story found out the truth in the live broadcast room, they all had a lot of expectations.

"That’s about it.

Ye Yang nodded.

There are only so many people online on Douyin. The number of people who can still click in to watch the live broadcast is almost a few million.

"Alas... It's a pity, I originally wanted to attract 10 million people to watch."

He sighed softly.

If those live streamers knew what Ye Yang was thinking at this moment, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood and faint!

These are millions of real viewers!

I don't know how much money they usually spend on buying robots to watch their live broadcasts. For powerful live streamers, the real number of online viewers is at most hundreds of thousands.

Normally, the real number of viewers for ordinary live streamers is only a few thousand.

It's a world of difference compared to Ye Yang!

"If this number was given to me, I would sell hundreds of millions of goods a day, and then reach the peak of my life and win a tall, rich and handsome man! ?"

"Ahhh! Over 5 million people watched online!!! I'm so jealous that I'm vomiting blood!"

"Tsk, I feel like this is a new marketing model, spending tens of millions to attract millions of people, and then start selling products! It must be!"

"Stop being jealous, stop being jealous! If you can spend tens of millions on marketing, you can do it too!"

Many anchors were stunned by the number of people when they first entered the live broadcast room, and they were filled with jealousy.

At this time, countless e-commerce companies were calling Yu Momo frantically.

They wanted to use this popularity to negotiate a contract with Ye Yang. They would even be happy to split the profits 20-80 with Ye Shenhao!

After all, this popularity was too scary. No matter how much goods there were, they would be sold out as soon as they went up.

"Boss, this……"

Yu Momo asked quietly beside him.

"Is e-commerce profitable?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and did not shy away from live streaming.���Ask


Yu Momo whispered,"Master, the total value of the goods these e-commerce companies have given you has reached 1 billion yuan. If they can all be sold, the share we get will probably be at least 200 to 300 million yuan.""

"See? I told you he was going to bring you products! You were just fooling me!"

"No way!"

"They have money to spend, so what if they bring goods? Are they eating your rice? Shut up, sour dog!"


Ye Yang waved his hand:"It's troublesome, forget it, the game will probably be over in a few seconds, this little money is useless."


"Damn! A few hundred million is just a small amount of money!"

"This is even more awesome than Wang Silin’s goal of 100 million!"

"Horrible, I'm crying!"

Because Ye Yang didn't hide his words from the audience in the live broadcast room.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all listening.

At this moment, the whole live broadcast room was shocked!

The e-commerce company begged Ye Shenhao to give him hundreds of millions.

Ye Shenhao actually refused because he thought it was troublesome!?

Ah this……

"A conscientious anchor who doesn't sell goods! Love it!"

"Ye Shenhao is really rich. I used to not believe those people who pretended to be rich and showed off on TikTok. From now on, I only believe in Ye Shenhao!"

"That’s right, me too!"

"I just said that this is a new marketing model, just to attract people to come in and bring goods, isn’t it painful?! ?"


The audience exclaimed,"I love you."

Ye Yang's magnanimity and courage, which made him look down upon hundreds of millions of dollars, was simply so handsome!!!

Yu Momo received instructions and directly switched his phone to do not disturb mode. Those e-commerce merchants could not find him and secretly sighed,"What a pity!"

However, they did not complain.

Boss Ye even said that hundreds of millions of dollars were a lot, and it was obvious that he did not care about his orders worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

His status was too high.

Naturally, these e-commerce merchants did not dare to get too close to him.

"Boss Ye, I think it's almost time, can we start?"

The manager of Yundingshan asked Ye Yang.

Ye Yang nodded slightly:"Let's start"


The manager gave the host and referee an OK.

With Ye Yang's slight nod, this grand event watched by tens of millions of people officially began!!!

(The second update is here.)

(Thanks to book friend 3109/0721 for the mooncake!

Thanks to book friend 1931/1297 for the mooncake and likes~)

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