"The game is only a few seconds away from being over. This kid is a bit crazy."

Song Xiao and his friends from Jinyi Entertainment sat around the live broadcast screen and judged with a sneer.

"I'm afraid it means that the little girl was knocked down by Fan Hu within a few seconds? Haha……"

The other sponsors all laughed.

"It's starting, it's starting, look."

These financiers all looked over attentively.

After all, behind this game, there is a 100 billion bet involved!

Once they win the bet, they can share the 100 billion!

For these people,

100 billion is an astronomical figure, which makes them jealous.


In Yundingshan Fighting Hall, the referee entered the arena and blew the match whistle.

Fan Hu suddenly rushed out.

He had already made a bold statement to the media that he could knock out his opponent in ten seconds. As an internet celebrity, he had to keep his word.

Otherwise, he would be ridiculed.

A boxing champion beat a weak woman, and it took less than ten seconds! ?

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and dodged Fan Hu's straight punch. He turned his fist into a palm, which almost became an afterimage, and went straight to Fan Hu's throat!

"This speed!? This reaction ability!?"

Fan Hu's hair stood on end.

The moment they fought, he realized that he had underestimated the enemy!

That day was not a staged photo, but the opponent's real fighting power!


Like lightning, Xiao Qingxuan's palm hit Fan Hu's throat directly.

If Ye Yang hadn't reminded her to hold back when fighting in public in China, this blow would have directly shattered Fan Hu's Adam's apple and killed him.


Fan Hu covered his throat, his body could not stop retreating, his face flushed instantly.

The throat was hit, and the whole brain turned white.

The respiratory system was temporarily shocked.

The feeling of death that he could not breathe entangled Fan Hu, causing a deep fear to flash in his eyes.


Because of the sudden lack of oxygen, the cerebellum could not maintain balance.

His steps became chaotic, and he lay on the ground with his hands on his neck, sticking out his tongue, greedily trying to breathe.

Xiao Qingxuan subconsciously followed his instinct and went up to finish off the opponent.

However, he was stopped by the referee.

The referee was Ye Yang's man, and he had been told before the game to keep an eye on Xiao Qingxuan, so that he would not accidentally kill someone, which would be troublesome.

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

Xiao Qingxuan smiled faintly.


The referee thought about it and gave way.

Normally, in a ring match, after being knocked down, you can't continue to attack. If you can't get up in ten seconds, you lose.

But Fan Hu and her decided to fight without protective gear and without rules!

"You asked for this.……"

Xiao Qingxuan showed a hint of excitement at the corner of her mouth.

She kicked Fan Hu in the stomach.


This kick directly kicked out all the acid in Fan Hu's stomach.

However, the feeling of being out of breath was also relieved a lot by this kick.

"Aren’t you awesome?"

"Knock me out in ten seconds?"

"How come you can't even stand up?"

Every time she asked, Xiao Qingxuan kicked him hard.

Soon, Fan Hu's face was bruised and swollen. Just as he was struggling to get up, he was kicked away and fell to the ground, where he continued to be stepped on!

Xiao Qingxuan chose the most vulnerable but not fatal parts of the human body, the soft ribs, the lower abdomen, the diaphragm, the arms and the joints of the legs and feet.

Fan Hu screamed in pain.


The whole audience was silent.

Everything happened too fast.

Everyone was stunned. It was just a face-to-face encounter!

They saw Xiao Qingxuan casually stretch out her hand, and then Fan Hu fell to the ground, holding his neck, and was kicked all over the ground. It was not until Fan Hu was beaten and screamed that the audience gradually reacted.

"What the hell is this?"

"it's over!?"

"You call this a competition……"

"It's clearly just one-sided abuse!"


"Oh my, this guy is so miserable, I can't bear to watch it.~"

"Damn, good beating! It's really fucking satisfying! Let this kid act so pretentious before! Now he's getting his comeuppance! Haha……"

"Chinese martial arts are still useful in fighting!"

"So you think! The horse five whip is not well-trained!"


The audience who gradually accepted the reality started to discuss it enthusiastically.

Only Fan Hu's original fans were not happy.

"Fake match!"

"It's definitely a match-fixing!"

"How could he be knocked down by just one move?! This doesn't conform to common sense in physics at all!"

"That's right! He's a fighting champion, how can he be so weak? Impossible!"


"You can't beat him, you can't beat him. He was beaten like a dog and crawled on the ground! Why are you still being stubborn? Is this how you play a fake match? It's really funny!"

"that is!"


The fans of both sides started to quarrel again.

In the live broadcast room, various gifts were flying.

"Beat him up! I'll play 100 carnivals and kick that pretentious bastard to death!"

"If anyone dares to insult Chinese martial arts, I will give him a kick in the face!"

"Finally I saw the authentic Chinese martial arts in action! I was so moved!"


The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited and watched the carnival here.


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

It seems that the money he spent on the gifts might be paid back soon...

(The third update)

(Thanks to my book friend Jie for the mooncakes~)

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