
Fan Hu had just struggled to get up halfway when Xiao Qingxuan kicked him in the chin, causing his teeth to fly out. He flew backwards and fell three meters away.

"Stop fighting, I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered:"In the fighting agreement we signed, admitting defeat is useless.……"

Fan Hu just remembered.

The match will only end when one player falls out of the competition area or one player is completely knocked unconscious and loses all resistance.

He gave up hope of getting up and struggled to crawl to the edge of the ring.

On the top floor of Jinyi Entertainment, in front of the live broadcast screen.

Several sponsors had prepared champagne and were ready to celebrate the 100 billion.

But Fan Hu was knocked down in an instant! ?

And then he was chased and kicked! ? He was as miserable as a dog, in a miserable state.……


The champagne in Song Xiao's hand fell directly to the ground, and it broke into pieces...

He opened his mouth wide and looked at everything on the live broadcast screen in disbelief.

"This this……"

His hands began to tremble.

This bet was not just Ye Yang's 100 billion, they also bet their entire fortune, even the company Jinyi Entertainment!

"Could it be that Fan Hu took money privately? How could he lose the game like this! ?"

""It's just one move!"

If Fan Hu heard these words, he would be so angry that he would die on the spot. Although Xiao Qingxuan had restrained some of his strength, if that palm had been poked on the throat of an ordinary person, it would have killed him directly!

He was lucky not to die, and he was kicked so many times.

At this time, he had completely lost the ability to resist.……

"He shouldn't be able to do that... He's not stupid. He's been beaten so badly that he's completely humiliated. Unless he's determined to make it in the entertainment, fighting, and internet celebrity circles, he won't accept this kind of bribe."

"Yes, this is such a cruel thing to be stepped on by a woman. The boxing champion has lost all his face. Unless he doesn't want to be in the industry anymore, he won't take this money."

"If he hadn't taken the money……"

Several sponsors were all shocked. That weak woman really had such a strong fighting ability!?

"Please spare me, or I will be beaten to death if you hit me again!"

"I am a bad mouth, but I can't help it! I was also instructed by others to market and gain popularity!"

"Spare me!"

Fan Hu was beaten and begged for mercy.

With Xiao Qingxuan's skills, it was too easy to prevent the opponent from fainting or leaving the competition area.

"Isn't this the rule you set yourself? Why did you change your mind?"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered.

After kicking so many times, her feet were a little sore.

Fortunately, she lost interest in teasing the other party and started to ask about the business:"You said someone instructed you? Who instructed you?"


Fan Hu opened his mouth and closed it again

"Don't tell me? Then let's play for a while. I have plenty of time."

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and raised her foot to step down.……

"No, no, no……"

Xiao Qingxuan's action left Fan Hu with an endless shadow. He subconsciously knelt down and begged for mercy. His defenses collapsed:"I've told you! Jinyi Entertainment is behind me! Jinyi's boss Song Xiao ordered me to do this!"

"He also told me not to hold back, to torture you on the stage and then make you unconscious... He also set a trap for your boss Ye Yang."

"After this competition is over, he will use the evidence of the call to blackmail him."

"This way, I can become famous and get money from your boss.……"


Fan Hu was so frightened by Xiao Qingxuan's lifting of her foot that he broke down and told her everything.


As Fan Hu continued to talk, the whole audience was in an uproar.

"So this is the truth behind this matter!"

"These entertainment companies are really terrible at what they do, aren’t they! ?"

"In this day and age, there are still such vicious people!"

"Haha, in this day and age, where interests are concerned there is bound to be darkness and calculation. You must be living in a dream!"

"It makes me so angry!"


The audience and the live broadcast room all burst into countless greetings to Fan Hu and Song Xiao of Jinyi Entertainment...

The top of Jinyi Entertainment.

Several sponsors were all stunned.

"Is this kid really only 22 years old? How can he be so meticulous and decisive in his actions?"

"Stop praising him! This idiot has shaken us all out. You should think carefully about what to do next!"

"What else can we do? We have bet everything we have and our entire company! There is nothing we can do!"

"Ha, words are not enough, and they have no evidence. We just need to be shameless enough and deny it!"

"Do you think that a super boss who can bet hundreds of billions is a weak and vulnerable child?"

The sponsors of Jinyi Entertainment all slumped on the sofa with pale faces.

The champagne under their feet flowed, exuding the sweetness that they had no intention of appreciating at the moment...

(The fourth update is here~)

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