Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1046: Crescent Hotel comes to borrow people?

The TV drama competition has come to an end for the time being.

Ye Yang has started a happy life of a super rich man again.

Beautiful women, luxury cars and mansions, endless money and extreme enjoyment.

"The New Year is coming soon!"

Happy days always pass quickly. He flipped through the calendar and found that the New Year would come in a few days.

"Time flies so fast. It will be the second New Year after I got the system."

Ye Yang sighed.

He browsed Douyin for a while.

"Super volcano erupts! A country may be destroyed because of it!"


He was a little shocked. In recent years, it has been really not peaceful. Natural disasters and man-made disasters have always continued, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, floods...

Disasters that were once rare in hundreds, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years have begun to appear frequently.

It makes people feel a little uneasy.

He looked at the huge volcanic eruption scene, which really seemed like the end of the world. The whole country was shrouded in the terrifying power of nature.

This eruption was very large, enough to be comparable to the power of thousands of atomic bombs exploding together!

Maybe it will eventually have a certain impact on the global ecosystem...

His company is all over the world, and naturally he has employees in this country. He immediately invested and prepared to deal with the aftermath.

For this kind of natural disaster, China's official evacuation of overseas Chinese will be slow due to various factors.

He also has to do his part.

Natural disasters are often not the most terrible, but the man-made disasters after natural disasters.

Humans are only called humans when the society is stable. Once there is chaos, some people are more brutal than beasts.

Smashing, looting and burning are everywhere...

After he arranged the relevant matters, he was ready to go to the gym to exercise.

As soon as he walked to the gym, he heard the voice of the system.

"It is detected that the host invested in the 'spaceship' project, and the actual expenditure of funds exceeded one trillion. A skill card is awarded, plus the human extreme survival ability."


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Human extreme survival ability?

This has nothing to do with him, a top rich man, right?

He is now the pinnacle of human society. When even he has to use this extreme survival ability, it is estimated that mankind has been destroyed long ago.

"But if I change my mind, I can challenge the wilderness survival?"

Ye Yang smiled with evil taste.

He has now enjoyed most of the glory and wealth in the world, and he is bored to death. He is looking for some new life experience.

But he will not take the initiative to do such things that make him suffer for no reason.

After thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

"Boss, someone is looking for you."

Yu Momo's voice came, and he handed over a letter.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who is it? It's quite solemn."

He looked at the envelope.

It was tightly sealed and printed with a crescent seal. It should be a top-level secret letter with a crescent seal.

The writer was Tang Ruguo.

The other party rarely intervened in the affairs of the Crescent Hotel on weekdays, and left it to Sister Ling to take care of.

Only when it came to the capital of Europe, the United States and Japan last time, he would really take action.

This time, he took action again, and wrote a solemn letter?

"Where's the messenger?"

He asked.


Yin Qingyue walked in with a smile: "Handsome Ye, we meet again!"

A beautiful girl walked in at the door, with two silver pendants on her ears, which made her look more lively.

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

This is Tang Ruguo's daughter, the eldest lady of the Crescent Hotel.

When the Crescent Club lit up the nine-day lanterns and defeated Japanese capital to bid for the second scroll of "Fuchun Mountain Residence", Yin Qingyue was there.

"Miss, don't make trouble."

Sister Ling followed in.

"You actually came in person, it seems that it is indeed an important matter."

After seeing Sister Ling, Ye Yang invited the two to sit down.

By the way, he opened the letter.

"This time, I came to borrow two people from Mr. Ye."

After Sister Ling sat down, she got straight to the point: "The conditions and background are all in the letter. The fewer people know about this, the better. I won't go into details."

Ye Yang nodded and glanced at the content of the letter.

Although the Internet is well developed, he knows that the Internet is not absolutely safe after learning hacking technology.

It is not as thorough as the secret written on paper.

"There are relics in Changbai Mountain?"

Ye Yang blinked, a little surprised.

"Well, the news is still sealed and will not be made public. The value of this relic is definitely not lower than Sanxingdui in Shu!"

Sister Ling said: "We went in once before, but this place is very strange. It is more difficult than cleaning Sanxingdui before. The people who came out brought out two metal coils..."

Ye Yang nodded.

The letter described that the discovery of the Changbai Mountain relics this time was extremely amazing. It was found that there were traces of civilization suspected to be hundreds of thousands of years ago, and they were metal products.

If it is really confirmed, it will subvert the current human understanding of civilization! ! ! !

A lot of strange things have been unearthed in Sanxingdui recently. They are obviously things from ancient times, but they have serious modern traces, such as golden masks, horse sculptures with tongues sticking out that look like the classic image in a certain cartoon, and Peppa Pig sculptures...

"Wait, you mean, you also went into Sanxingdui... and 'cleaned' it?"

Ye Yang discovered some unusual information.

"Well, professional things still need to be done by professionals."

Sister Ling nodded: "The Crescent Hotel is now an official organization of China, but the legacy of the past has not been broken. Whenever we find any important relics or tombs, we go in to explore first, and only after we are sure that there is no danger, we let the archaeological team and Scientists are waiting in."


Ye Yang nodded: "So, what are said in those tomb robbery novels are all true? What about zombies, Feng Shui, strange powers and the like?"

Sister Ling smiled slightly: "Of course not."

"All right."

Ye Yang smiled bitterly, it seemed that he was overthinking.

"How can it be so ordinary?"

Sister Ling continued her next sentence.


Ye Yang was almost beaten by her.

“There are many things that go against common sense in this industry.

But...ghosts and the like naturally don't exist, and there is no way to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. "

Sister Ling said: "It's common to see tomb passage mechanisms, Feng Shui furnishings, and things that are beyond normal life. For example, rare animals, or zombies."

"There really are zombies..."

Ye Yang glared, but with his status, he had seen a lot of things in some top-secret files in China that ordinary people couldn't access. Although he was surprised, he didn't think it was outrageous.

"It's just a moving corpse. It's just a way for ancient people to use biological energy. It's not as weird as written in novels. It's just used by ancient Feng Shui masters to scare tomb robbers. And it's not harmful at all.

What is really scary are the various ingenious mechanisms. Without a master, the cleaning team will suffer heavy casualties at every turn. "

Sister Ling explained.

"This relic in Changbai Mountain is different from the previous ones. We are gathering experts from all walks of life in China. We are here this time because your two bodyguards are also among the experts..."

(First update)

PS: I am neither a cultivator nor a cultivator. Don’t think too much about it. This book is based on reality + technology.

Some of the foreshadowings have been buried a long time ago, and the real ultimate settings will be slowly revealed later, including the reasons for the creation of the system.

Everything is developing according to the original outline plan.

Interested book friends can also guess the origin of the system and the final setting of the book as the story unfolds. However, Jiuyang believes that everyone will not be able to guess the day before the secret is revealed. After all, it is from other books. A story line that I have never gone through~~

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