Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,047: Changbai Mountain Relics?

"Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan!?"

Ye Yang asked.


Sister Ling nodded: "That's the two of them. These two should be absolute masters. We observed them that time at the Silver Moon Hotel."


Ye Yang saw the payment for the loan written on the paper. Two rare antiques were indeed not too small.

"Are people from Japan and other countries also involved in this matter?"

Ye Yang asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well, there are some strange people in various countries. Changbai Mountain is vast and it is winter. Even if checkpoints are set up, it is impossible to seal them all. Some people have sneaked in and want to seek things in the ruins."

Sister Ling nodded with a solemn expression.

This ruins involves a lot. Once it is tampered with by foreign countries, China will suffer a lot of losses.

Ye Yang knocked on the back of the chair: "I still want to ask them what they think about this matter. You should go back first. I will give you an answer within three days."

"Okay, don't rush. It will definitely not be easy to 'clean' this ruins. We also need to be fully prepared. It is estimated that it will take at least a week before we set off."

Sister Ling nodded and stood up.

Yin Qingyue shook her head and said with a smile: "I want to play here for a few days! Sister, please go back first!"

Sister Ling didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She obviously saw Yin Qingyue's careful thoughts and said: "The boss has told you not to cause trouble for Mr. Ye here. Mr. Ye has everything to do today and is a giant in China. Don't delay his important events."


Yin Qingyue pouted.

"It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do here."

Ye Yang said with a smile.


Sister Ling blinked. She had heard from Tang Ruguo that Ye Yang was currently at war with the Balor Consortium, spending trillions of funds.

She thought that Ye Yang would be very busy at this time of crisis, so he didn't even plan to sit down for a long time this time. But it turned out that this man was living a very prosperous life and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

Could it be that he thought he was sure of victory? ?

That is one of the top existences in the world!

One of the four leading companies in Europe and one of the top ten financial groups in the world!

Assets worth tens of trillions!

How could he be so calm and indifferent against such a being? ?

She felt more and more that she could not understand the man in front of her...

"Look! Brother Ye even said there would be no delay!"

Yin Qingyue snorted.

"Since Mr. Ye doesn't care, I won't say anything more."

Sister Ling smiled slightly and wanted to resign.

However, Ye Yang was left to have a light lunch.

"I've been eating Hange's food for the past two years, so this is my return invitation."

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

The theme of the state banquet chef’s meal today is Anhui cuisine among the eight major cuisines.

Since Anhui cuisine attaches great importance to the original taste, the ingredients used are all top-notch. The purchase of ingredients for one table costs millions, not to mention other drinks, seasonings, and labor fees for state banquet masters.

"...Ahem, Mr. Ye, didn't you say it was a light meal..."

Sister Ling didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"This is the daily light meal at Yundingshan Manor!"

Ye Yang said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, we follow this standard for three meals a day."

The state banquet chef testified.

"Hey, why don't Sister Ling follow our boss? Eat state banquets every day, every time!"

The maid Chu Xiaoxiao said jokingly.

"Well, I have to say, I'm very moved, but forgive me for refusing."

Sister Ling smiled. Tang Ruguo was very kind to her, so it was impossible for her to do it with anyone else.


A meal that was enjoyable to eat.

Sister Ling also talked about things related to Laojiumen and Crescent Hotel, which opened everyone's eyes a lot.

Things in novels and legends are always slightly different from reality.

Real tomb robbers are also living people. They have no magical skills and rely entirely on the skills and knowledge left by their ancestors.

In modern times, these people have been recruited by the state and have become confidential professional workers.

Industry standards have become more standardized, and high technology is now being used to 'clean' ancient tombs.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu also found out during the dinner that Crescent Hotel wanted to find out about their visit to the Changbai Mountain ruins.


The two of them can become top 'bodyguards', so naturally they are very restless at heart. When they hear such interesting things, of course they want to get involved.

Ye Yang let the two of them make their own decisions.

"Is it dangerous to explore the ruins?"

The maid Mo Yu asked.

"The situation of each ruins and ancient tombs is different. The Changbai Mountain ruins are dangerous."

Sister Ling said solemnly: "That's why we recruited talented people from all over China to explore and clean up. Among the first batch of people we entered, there were more than a dozen seriously injured and several died."

"So terrible!"

Most of the maids are modern city dwellers who have never even entered deep mountains and forests. Death is too far away from them.


Sister Ling seems to be used to this kind of thing.

The Xiao sisters also disagree. On the international mercenary battlefield, what is human life? It was lighter than grass, and they had certainly seen mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

During the war, it was common for the enemy to massacre a village without any reason. This kind of thing was still happening even last year.

But people living in a civilized Chinese society would hardly hear of it.

The world is very big, and different people live in different ‘worlds’. People in different circles have completely different feelings about the real world.

If someone tells you that there are still cannibal tribes killing and eating people in the rainforest, you will definitely think they are joking.

But these things really happened.

Outside the life trajectory of most ordinary Chinese people, in other circles and "worlds", nothing is surprising.

"This world is big and has a long history. The current level of technology is limited, and the understanding of the real world is also extremely limited.

What we do is to go to the real mountains and ancient tombs to discover the "reality".

So, it's not strange to encounter anything. When I first saw a zombie, I also felt like I was dreaming."

Sister Ling shrugged, as if she was saying a commonplace truth.

(Second update)

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