Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1050 Who is the billionaire?


Brother Xiao's face turned from black to white in an instant. He did glance at Ye Yang's text message interface. There was a long list of balance numbers, 10 million, which was absolutely unstoppable!

"Good guy, why are you so unlucky to just interview a lucky audience member and directly deposit more than ten million? Isn't this too 'lucky'!?"

Brother Xiao didn’t quite believe it.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether Ye Yang was a poor guy pretending to be cool by taking screenshots, or a second-generation rich man with a rich family.

"Does he really have 10 million..."

"You are so young, but you are quite accomplished!"

"So what! Can you compete with Brother Xiao!? Brother Xiao earned his first ten million at the age of seventeen! This young man looks like he has graduated from college! And he said Maybe he’s still a rich second generation!”

"That's right!"

Everyone present is a fanatical fan of Brother Xiao, and of course they are all defending Brother Xiao.

Not to mention Ye Yang is wearing a mask, even if he shows up in person without a mask, these idiot fans probably think that he is not as good as this master who can 'communicate with the universe' and 'absorb energy'.

After all, no matter how powerful you are, you are still a human being, and this guy has made himself a god!

Beginning to enlighten!

Brother Xiao pondered for a moment, and the show had already begun, so he couldn't let it cool down, so he rolled his eyes and said repeatedly: "Young people, if you haven't experienced hardship, you don't have a foothold in society if you have some cash! Don't you want to live in a big city? With a mansion and a lot of real estate, can you really sit back and relax and start living your own 'real' life?"

What did Ye Yanggang want to say.

The phone rang.

After he answered the call, since the phone was very close to the receiver, the voice on the other side came directly: "Boss, the occupancy rate of the more than 2,000 houses in your community was 80% last month. The rent has been collected and sent to you. "

It's Fang Sijin calling to report the rental situation last month.

Ye Yang nodded: "Well done."

After saying a few words casually, he hung up the phone.

When he raised his head again, the whole place was silent.

Even Brother Xiao opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say at all.

More than two thousand houses? The whole neighborhood belongs to you, right?

What a terrible charterer!

However, with Brother Xiao's intelligence, he immediately thought of many possibilities.

"How is it possible! Just calling a lucky audience member and calling a super boss of this level!?"

He muttered inwardly.

He sent out his minions to look for audiences on the streets, and recruited those who came to attend the lectures. They should be guys with little money or ability, but daydreaming every day.

Even if you occasionally make mistakes and make mistakes, you won't just find a super boss, right?

"He must have come here to cause trouble on purpose!"

He thought with determination in his heart.

Why is this phone call so coincidental?

Where in the world can there be such a coincidence?

It must be a colleague who came here to cause trouble!

This cash deposit interface and this phone call were all planned for a long time, all planned for a long time! ! !

He laughed inwardly, feeling that he had seen through the mystery.

"You may be considered a successful person, but you must also be humble. Only by being humble can you gain energy and achieve success in life!"

"After all, there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there are people beyond the people!"

Brother Xiao repeatedly said: "I have met many successful people, and they are all very humble. I also invited a truly successful person today, with a net worth of tens of billions! The name and company can be found on the Internet. I believe everyone here I have also heard of this old friend of mine!”

He solemnly introduced the next guests.

He has no idea now.

After all, although Ye Yang may be an opponent, he may also be the real boss. Although he is known as the strongest king among the four kings of successful masters, he is cheating everywhere, cutting leeks and selling courses. All in all, he just makes a profit. More than 100 million.

He also spent most of this more than 100 million on renting venues, showing off, making connections, and the like.

We also need to share accounts with the organizations and companies behind them.

In fact, he boasts so much that Ma Yun would call him a master. In fact, the cash he can use for himself does not exceed 10 million...

I brag myself to be very awesome and awesome.

But apart from the money he made by bragging and selling courses, he had never made a penny from his theories.

Therefore, he also plans to move out the big boss he hired with a large sum of money today to control the situation. Even if Ye Yang is really rich, he will probably tremble in front of a big boss with a net worth of tens of billions and dare not speak. !


The door opened, a loud and rustic BGM sounded, and the fog filled the air.

A very elegant man, with his hands behind his back and a very stiff suit, but a bald old man, accompanied by the fog, appeared in the middle of the gate.


Ye Yang was stunned, why did this figure become more familiar the more he looked at it?

The fog dissipated, and the bald old man finally showed his full figure.

"This big boss is the chairman of Wanmin Software Company! Mr. Zhang Wanmin!!!"

Xiao Wenqiang raised his hand and introduced in a loud voice.


Ye Yang broke into a cold sweat, he and this guy were really destined.

After graduation, my internship company was their home, and I met them several times after that.

The market value of Wanmin Software Company two years ago was only over 10 billion. Later, because of the incident involving Jin Buzheng and the senior executive, Zhang Wanmin gave himself a portion of his shares to make amends.

Later, he gave Zheng Xian a portion of his shares to please him.

However, due to its own reputation, the market value of Wanmin Software Company has increased a lot in the past two years. Therefore, although Zhang Wanmin's shareholding ratio has decreased, it has become richer than before.

He is already a well-known boss in Shanghai.

"why you?"

Ye Yang asked with interest.

Originally, Zhang Wanmin was still walking forward angrily, like the overlord of a party.

But when he heard Ye Yang's voice, he almost got stuck.

He looked around and saw the young man wearing a mask among them. Although he was wearing a mask, combined with this voice, it was absolutely unmistakable!

Boss Ye! ! !

However, seeing that Ye Yang was wearing a mask, he obviously didn't want to reveal his identity, but he didn't dare to overstep the mark and immediately trotted to Ye Yang's side, acting like a horseman.

"Boss, why are you here? How much does this guy have to pay to invite you to appear?"

Zhang Wanmin was shocked.

His nephew invited him and spent hundreds of thousands in appearance fees. If he invited Ye Yang to such a low-key occasion, why not spend hundreds of millions?

If Brother Xiao is so rich, he can spend hundreds of millions casually, why are he harvesting leeks and selling courses?

How much money can you make by selling courses? ?


The whole place was silent.

Obviously, many people recognized Zhang Wanmin, and when he first appeared on the stage, they even whispered to each other, lamenting that Brother Xiao could even invite such a terrifying big shot.

As a result, before he could finish his emotion, Zhang Wanmin ran to that young man and knelt down?

This gesture is even more humble than a small employee asking his boss to borrow money...

What exactly is going on! ! ! ?

(First update)

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