Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1051: Arrested on the spot! New news from the Black Technology Company

"I just came to watch the fun, but this guy called me to the stage and wanted to teach me how to succeed. He also asked me to be humble and learn from you~"

Ye Yang said with a faint smile.

"Ah no no no..."

Zhang Wanmin broke out in a cold sweat when he heard this.

How unlucky he was. He almost offended Mr. Ye again!

So unlucky.

The first time was because of the blind manager Gao, the second time was because of Han Caili who wanted to show off, and this time it was because he coveted the appearance fee of hundreds of thousands of yuan for free, and was cheated by this success king Xiaoge...

"How dare I teach you! I was just invited by this guy to go through the motions! I don't know anything else!!!"

Zhang Wanmin explained repeatedly.

At this time, he didn't care about anything else. As long as he didn't offend Ye Yang, his company could continue to prosper. A master of success, he once fought with others for grabbing lunch boxes and couldn't even eat. He knew what was more important and what was less important.

"What!? He was actually paid to come here!"

"Good boy, I really thought that this Brother Xiao was friends with Zhang Wanmin!"

"Even a billionaire is so polite to this young man!? This person's status is ridiculous!"

"Haha, Brother Xiao has fallen into a big trap today, and he is embarrassed!"

"That's right..."


Many people in the audience were originally here to have fun, and when they saw this scene, they all burst into laughter.

As for Brother Xiao's fans, they were confused and had no idea what to do.

Although the scene in front of them told them that Brother Xiao was probably a big liar, they had already firmly believed in their hearts that Brother Xiao was a spiritual leader who could lead them to success and wealth!

Their dreams were shattered!

They were very angry!

Most of these deceived people knew that they could not succeed, and they regarded Brother Xiao as a drowning straw and a spiritual pillar. Even if Brother Xiao was arrested, they would not hate him, but only hate the person who reported Brother Xiao!

This is the sad nature of these people who are easily brainwashed and cheated of money.

"What's going on!"

"Brother Xiao, tell us, it's not like that!"

"That's right! Zhang Wanmin must be a liar!"


Ye Yang looked at the surging curses below and shook his head sadly. It seems that it's not just Brother Xiao who needs to be educated. After all, as long as there are people like this, there will be an endless stream of success gurus.

"What are you doing! Do you know what kind of person this person next to me is! A bunch of stupid people! This Brother Xiao is just a liar who steals lunch boxes! How dare you confront Ye... confront such a big boss for such a big liar!"

Zhang Wanmin was furious when he saw that these ignorant people dared to scold Ye Yang. He was really afraid and loved Ye Yang in his heart.

Although he was afraid of Ye Yang's majesty, his booming development and opportunities in the past two years were almost all because of Ye Yang's name in his company.

From this level, Ye Yang was grateful to him.

And he almost offended the other party many times, so he needed to express his attitude even more.

"No! You're lying!"

"What billionaire! Our Master Xiao can draw the energy of the universe! You are nothing in front of him!"

"That's right! Brothers and sisters, don't listen to this guy's nonsense!"

"You are just lying!!!"


Everyone didn't believe it at all.

Brother Xiao's face was pale. Although he was called a master, he could only be a master of these two hundred and fifty people in the audience. He was extremely confident when fooling them.

But when he really stood next to the super boss, he was scared like a mouse.

These fans scolding Zhang Wanmin made his heart jump, and Ye Yang was even respected by Zhang Wanmin as a big boss!

He knew that he was probably finished...

He didn't do good things in the first place, and he was afraid of being exposed.

If he offended the big boss, he would be useless...

Although he knew that he was probably doomed this time, he didn't expect the disaster to come so quickly.

Just as the fans here were angry, the door was kicked open!

A group of police rushed in.

"Don't move!"

"Be honest!"

The police quickly controlled the scene.

The captain came directly in front of Brother Xiao, and in front of the fans in the audience, he said seriously: "You are suspected of illegal fundraising, pyramid selling and other crimes. Come back to the police station and tell us the truth! This is a summons and arrest warrant!"

The police quickly controlled the situation.

All the relevant people were detained.

The fans in the audience were dumbfounded.

"Damn! Is Brother Xiao really a liar!"

"No!!! Who can tell me! This is not true!"

These people are like losing their parents, which is more painful than losing their own mother.

The spiritual support is shattered...


When Brother Xiao was handcuffed, their fantasy was completely shattered...

The facts told them that they almost let someone cheat them of money and counted money for others! ! !

People don't want to believe that they are mentally retarded, but today, they have to re-examine themselves...

Some policemen want to come and handcuff Ye Yang and Zhang Wanmin. After all, Ye Yang was wearing a mask and standing on the podium. If they didn't know, they would think they were in the same group.

Zhang Wanmin repeatedly stood in front of Ye Yang: "You misunderstood! Take a good look at who this is?"

Ye Yang took off his mask.

The policeman was immediately shocked. Isn't this the super idol he dreams of every day!

Nowadays, the legend of Ye Yang is being spread among the police system in the capital, especially the armed police and special police systems. Ye Yang took them on a mission that night, but they were besieged by killers from the Black Source.

This ruthless man directly wielded a large log table weighing hundreds of kilograms and broke all the bones and tendons of the killers!

Almost everyone regards Ye Yang as their idol.

He holds a high position, is rich and handsome, and has incredible martial arts skills.

A man is born in heaven and earth, this is how he should be! ! !

When the captain in charge of this mission heard that Ye Yang was here, he ran over and saluted: "Lieutenant General Ye!"


Although Zhang Wanmin knew that Ye Yang was awesome, he shocked the business community in Shanghai and even China, and he was famous internationally.

But he never expected that in another, more terrifying field, he would reach such an extreme level that he almost stumbled off the stage in fright.

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

After this incident, Zhang Wanmin planned to show Ye Yang's appearance and voice to everyone he knew, so that these people would not open their eyes to provoke Ye Yang in the future, and then implicate himself...

"This kind of pyramid selling behavior is very bad and must be punished from the root!"

After Ye Yang left instructions, he took Yin Qingyue and left.

He also wanted to see the arrogant Brother Xiao crying after being caught, but there was another news from the Black Technology Company, which fascinated him...

(Second update)

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