Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1053: Using Lieyang No. 1 to fry fish?


The cold fusion reactor on his chest suddenly lit up.

This is a copyrighted IP costume that I bought, and naturally it basically pays homage to the appearance of Iron Man.

In fact, the reactors of other armors would not appear in such an obvious exposed position. Otherwise, when actually facing the enemy, they would just attack the chest fiercely, and the reactor would kill the warrior first before the armor could do anything.

Blue eyes scanned Ye Yang.

"Pupillary data collection, fingerprint data collection, DNA data collection, owner confirmation completed, system calibration completed..."

The mechanical voice kept talking.

“The first launch goes through these confidentiality procedures.”

The chief engineer promptly reminded: "You won't have to worry about it in the future."

"The main body data has been saved."

"Armor attachment begins!"

Click click click...

The mecha in front of him began to split independently. Ye Yang opened his arms. These mecha parts flew over automatically and surrounded him, forming a personal mechanical armor.

Ye Yang's viewing angle is completely unrestricted, and he can even call up some electronic pages. The specific functions are being improved.

"Where's my 'Jarvis'?"

he asked.

"I'm here, the owner, and my name is Lieyang."

The mechanical AI butler responded.


After getting familiar with the operation for a while.

Ye Yang began to try to take off.

Streams of high-energy particles spurted out from everywhere, and he slowly rose into the air.

"Did it really fly?"

Even after experiencing so much, the feeling of actually flying by myself is not on the same level as flying on an airplane.

This feeling is extremely magical.

"Has the weapons system been loaded?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Advanced field equipment is still under development, but some small weapons have already been fielded."

the chief engineer replied.

The headquarters in Magic City has national military industry certification.


Ye Yang nodded and flew directly into the sky along the factory window...

"Did you see it!? There seemed to be something flying out in a swish!?"

"Didn't see clearly... Big Bird?"

"That bird is too big!"


Everyone was talking about it, but when they wanted to look again, it had disappeared.

High in the sky.

Ye Yang felt the feeling of ascending to the sky, extremely happy.

Rushing left and right, it's like you can fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

"Look at the top speed..."

Ye Yang quickly became familiar with the flying skills and flew away into the distance.


Soon, the suit broke through the speed of sound and let out a scream that broke through the sound barrier.

However, these noises were selectively isolated and Ye Yang could not hear them.

Call up the real-time speed, the speed index on the screen keeps soaring...

"Ten times the speed of sound..."

Ye Yang was surprised.

In terms of straight-line speed, from acceleration to ultimate speed, it is amazing.

It soared to ten times the speed of sound so quickly!

You know, the fastest world record for aircraft in the atmosphere... manned fighter jets is only seven or eight times the speed of sound.

And his current speed has directly exceeded this value!

The conventional missile flight speed is only between 3-5 times the speed of sound, which is more than half slower than his current flight speed.

Ten times the speed of sound, and a speed of more than 12,000 kilometers per hour, which means that he can fly to any place on the earth within three or four hours.

And there are no venue restrictions or space restrictions.

This meaning is self-evident.

"This kind of thing can be called a strategic-level weapon."

Ye Yang lamented that ten times the speed of sound was far from the maximum flight speed of Lieyang One.

He keeps pushing the limits.

After ten times the speed of sound, the acceleration slowed down significantly...

Finally, after breaking through twenty times the speed of sound and exceeding the safety threshold, Lieyang 1 reached the theoretical limit speed.

At twenty times the speed of sound, the friction between the armor shell and the air produced a high temperature exceeding a thousand degrees.

Most metals in the world would melt at these terrifying temperatures.


Generally, nuclear missiles with relatively slow speeds are only as fast as this.

Ye Yang slowed down. The extreme speed wasted too much energy. After experiments, stabilizing the speed at about fifteen times the speed of sound was the most cost-effective.

In just a moment, he had flown from the magical capital to the sky above the northeast.

He couldn't help but feel very emotional.

If it reaches the ultimate speed of twenty times the speed of sound, he can circle the earth in two hours and fly over the great rivers and mountains of China in ten minutes.

He changed direction and flew directly towards the Sea of ​​Japan in the distance...

"Try the loaded weapon."

As soon as he raised his hand, a high-energy particle beam erupted from his palm.


The beam of light shot into the sea instantly, penetrating hundreds of meters under the sea before disappearing...

Passed through a lot of marine life along the way.

In a few minutes, he crossed the Sea of ​​Japan and the Japanese mainland and arrived over the Pacific Ocean.


The armor covers on his shoulders were opened, and there were three micro-missile launch ports on the left and right. There were four groups of twenty-four micro-missiles inside.

"Swish swish..."

Six micro-missiles were activated and shot into the distance. In the sea more than ten kilometers away, six micro-missiles exploded!

Six sea pillars rose into the sky, and the sea turned red.

A veritable ‘fish fry’.

"The power is not bad."

Ye Yang estimated that there should be no armed unit on earth that could block this level of attack, especially the last group of six-shot micro missiles, which were specially made and more than ten times more powerful than the previous three groups.

"Let's stop testing here."

Ye Yang was extremely satisfied, turned around, and flew back to the Magic City in a few minutes.

What he didn't know was.

Not long after he left, a damaged submarine floated up in the blood-stained waters.

In the submarine, the members who had suffered a terrible disaster scanned the surrounding area with radar, but found nothing.

"what is going on!"

"Our secret submarine base has been discovered!?"

"The little country of Japan doesn't have this ability, does it?"

"What a coincidence!?"

"have no idea……"

"Did the United States discover us?"

"It's not like, if it were them, we would definitely get instructions from above."

"Haha, what an instruction! Last time in China, the headquarters was destroyed, and the attitude adopted by the superiors was also very negative, right?"

"Maybe it's a new weapon test."

Inside the submarine cabin.

Several men in black robes wearing black masks were discussing.

"Anyway, let's change the sea area. This submarine also needs to be sent for overhaul. Fortunately, it dived deep enough this time, otherwise we would all be buried under the sea..."

They were all shocked by the destructive power just now.

The radar did not issue a warning at all, which proved that the thing that launched the attack was extremely small, and such a small weapon exploded with such terrifying power.

It made their faces extremely ugly.

"This matter must be made known to the superiors..."


The headquarters of Ye Shenhei Technology Company in Magic City.


Ye Yang landed and expressed his satisfaction to the chief engineer, but saw that the chief engineer seemed to have something to say...

(Second update)

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