Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1054 European Super Rocket

"The activation range of this bracelet is ten kilometers. Within ten kilometers, as long as you press the bracelet, the mecha will arrive and possess you."

said the chief engineer.

Ye Yang nodded.

This range is already large enough.

"Lieyang 1 is just a product that has just left the experimental stage. We are developing Lieyang 2. By then, various parameters and functions will be more perfect."

the chief engineer continued.


Ye Yang nodded: "Not bad."

Although in the eyes of an advanced artificial intelligence like the chief engineer, this level of mecha is rubbish, in his opinion, it is powerful enough.


Ye Yang thought for a moment.

This kind of combat mecha can already be called a crushing level of equipment. Once it is actually put into use, a side with this kind of armor will be simply invincible in a conventional war without the use of nuclear weapons.

"Even the fastest fighter jets cannot fly. It is small in size, flexible and maneuverable. It can be said to be invisible in radar exploration. It is extremely powerful. It is simply the most terrifying weapon of war."

Ye Yang sighed. As long as two or three of these mechas entered the modern battlefield, it would be a massacre. Hundreds of fifth-generation fighters were not enough to kill them.

Not to mention tanks and the like.

The conventional speed of surface-to-air missiles is only four or five times the speed of sound.

"How much does it cost to build Lieyang One?"

he asked.

"Four.7 billion."

said the chief engineer.


Ye Yang nodded, not exaggerating.

The strategic significance of this kind of mecha transcends the times!

The significance of a Lieyang One on the battlefield may surpass that of an aircraft carrier!

The cost of an aircraft carrier is probably between 30 billion and 40 billion.

4.7 billion is only one-eighth of the cost of an aircraft carrier.

"The main reason is that the level of other industries on earth is too low now. Every part we need, and even the metal materials we need, we have to build a factory to make it. If we can produce it later, the cost of each machine should be Control it within 3.6 billion.”

The chief engineer sighed, deeply feeling that he could not carry him.

It is said that the cost is 4.7 billion, but in fact the cost is far more than that. The cost of researching the solar alloy alone is more than one billion. Building a factory to synthesize the solar alloy is another big expense.

The machine tools and parts in the factory were not available in this era, so they had to deal with them all by themselves.

"It will get better and better in the future."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "We still have a lot of time."

"Perhaps we are running out of time."

The chief engineer said suddenly.

"What did you say?"

Ye Yang asked in surprise.


The chief engineer shook his head: "I don't know, this is just an inner feeling. The relevant storage area that produced this feeling has disappeared or been sealed."


The artificial intelligence in the black technology factory is absolutely loyal to him, and what he says should be his inner thoughts.

He kept these words in his heart.

No more delving into it.

Before unknown problems arise, thinking too much about them is useless and will only increase worries.

He walked out of the inner workshop.

Yin Qingyue had already jumped around the factory with a mechanical exoskeleton, and now she was bored sitting on the ground counting stones.

"Ye Yang, what are you doing?"

When she saw Ye Yang finally appearing, her eyes lit up, she dropped the stones in her hands and walked over.

"Some business stuff."

Ye Yang said dumbfounded.


Yin Qingyue was smart at heart and didn't ask too much. She smiled and said, "Would you like to try this exoskeleton? It's so fun."

Ye Yang saw her smiling, as if she didn't have good intentions, so he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth: "Just tell me what you have in mind, and you don't have to beat around the bush with me."

"Ahem, I want to make a deal with you on behalf of my father!"

Yin Qingyue said.

"Want to buy a mechanical exoskeleton?"

Ye Yang asked.


Yin Qingyue nodded repeatedly.


Ye Yang thought for a while, and the Crescent Hotel was now considered an official background. This primary exoskeleton was developed to be a commercial auxiliary machine to reduce labor burden.

If the other party really wants it, he can agree.

"How much?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Why don't you just do a hundred and eighty things?"

Yin Qingyue thought for a while and said.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes: "Do you think this is Chinese cabbage? It's very expensive."

"Handsome Ye, you are so handsome, you will definitely give me a discount, right?"

Yin Qingyue took Ye Yang's arm and said coquettishly.

Ye Yang smiled: "Since you are so beautiful... I'll give you a 120% discount."

"Isn't this 20% more expensive than the original price...!?"

Yin Qingyue was speechless. The beauty trap failed...

"Ha ha."

Ye Yang smiled: "I'm kidding you, Boss Tang and I are close friends. I'll give you a 20% discount and sell it to you for 30 million a set."

"Thank you, handsome man Ye!"

Yin Qingyue gave a Chinese princess gift: "Qingyue is so polite~"

Ye Yang said it was a trivial matter and there was no need to say thank you.

In this way, the first order was generated, one hundred sets, three billion.

“If this kind of thing is exported in the future, we must have a backup plan.”

Ye Yang touched his chin.

Although it is a commercial auxiliary device in the future world, in the present, an ordinary person can lift a three-meter-high person, with a strength exceeding one thousand kilograms and a speed exceeding that of a car after putting it on, which can be called a super killer.

But at this price, no country can afford it.

1,000 units cost 30 billion, enough to build an aircraft carrier.

It can be sold to the Chinese military to form a super special forces team.

Ye Yang was thinking, but these are all later stories.

He took Yin Qingyue for a stroll nearby and took her to a romantic candlelight dinner.

When they returned to Yundingshan Manor.

Yin Qingyue was a little drunk.

She said she had a great time today.

The two were chatting casually when Yu Momo's message came.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "So soon?"

He stood up and looked at Yin Qingyue apologetically: "I'm sorry for the poor hospitality. We'll continue the conversation another day."

"Okay, you're busy! My father told me not to disturb you."

Although Yin Qingyue was a little tipsy, she was still clear-headed.

Ye Yang asked a few maids and the Xiao sisters to accompany Yin Qingyue, and he came to the meeting room.

"Did they succeed so soon?"

Ye Yang looked at the display screen.

It was the night in China, and it was still afternoon in Europe.

This is a giant rocket launch site in France.

The launch site is very large, and the things to be launched today are obviously very special.

The size alone is several times larger than the conventional rocket displayed in the distance.

"Is this the super rocket that the Balor Consortium is proud of and thinks can be used to defeat me?"

Ye Yang looked at it.

This is a global live broadcast.

In addition, the unprecedented bet led by the Balor Consortium has caused a huge heat...

(First update)

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