"It's about to launch!"

"Sure enough, the European side is faster!"

"Haha, an individual group has obviously lost its mind to compete with the top super consortiums in Europe and the United States."

"This time, the scientific foundations accumulated by the United States and Europe are combined! Moreover, I heard that when the challenge was launched, the construction of their super rocket was almost completed. Ye Shenhao was obviously extremely unwise in taking this gamble. !”

"That's right..."

The wind direction was almost one-sided.

On the European side, the super rocket is already standing at the launch site and is about to be launched, but there is no news at Ye Yang's side.

This battle for the construction of the lunar base is going to be completely lost!

on the international live broadcast platform.

Some of the people were sighing for Ye Yang, feeling that it was a pity to lose.

Some people are applauding the Balor Foundation and Europe and feel proud.

Some people are even mocking Ye Yang, thinking that he has been too aggressive recently, and he is finally sanctioned, which is really satisfying!


Ye Yang looked at these comments and smiled without saying a word.

The construction of the lunar base did not happen overnight.

This super rocket looks big, but it can't hold much more than the previous rockets. If you want to build a base, even if the launch is successful, you still won't be able to build a moon base for a long time.

Balor Consortium Manor, Sayles Building...

Everyone is paying attention to this moment.

"Once successful, our victory will basically be declared!"

Seth Balor was also staring at the screen.

Trillion-euro bets are crucial even for one of the top ten super consortiums in the world like the Balor Consortium. Once they lose, they will be devastated!

Nowadays, the aviation technology of various countries is placed here.

The United States and European aviation technology have joined forces to create the most powerful super aviation rocket.

No matter how powerful China is, they can only create a finished product on the same level as this rocket.

As long as they are ahead of China in time, no matter how hard the opponent chases them, it will be impossible to surpass them...

But all this is based on the successful launch of this super rocket.

Once the launch fails, it's hard to say whether you will win or lose if you build a new one...

Everyone is nervous.

Although he looked down on Ye Yang, in his heart he was still extremely afraid of this new terrifying existence.

It was inconspicuous at first, but Ye Yang won these several huge bets!

This is scary!

Unknowingly, this newly rising man in China has gathered an invincible aura, which makes the enemy feel timid even if they hold a huge bargaining chip.

On the barrage, various arguments emerged.

With their respective interests, they constantly quarreled.

"The Soviet Union had tried to launch this super rocket before, but it failed. How could it be so easy to succeed!?"

"I think they will fail this time! Ye Shenhao never fights an unprepared battle!"

"Look how good you are at that Ye Yang! China has only been around for a few years!? Do you really think it can compete with the two super sports in Europe and the United States!?"

"I have five thousand years of Chinese heritage! Why can't I give it a try!?"

"None of you can do it. Our country, Yin'a Sandu, is number one in the world!"

"Haha, the number one in the world is too weak!? I, the Kingdom of the Great Cold Underworld, the Kingdom of the Universe! The number one in the universe!!!"


Everyone is paying close attention.

They know in their hearts that no matter how nice they are or how sharp their words are, it is meaningless.

Facts speak louder than words. No matter how much you say you despise your opponent, it is all in vain if you cannot actually do it.

Finally, it's launch time.

Jet flames shoot out from the huge rocket base...

The white mist was like a sea tide, instantly flooding the entire launch site...

A behemoth with a height of more than 200 meters slowly soared into the sky!

Everyone looked at the huge thing rising into the sky with different emotions.


"Did it succeed?"

"It seems so..."

In mid-air, the tail flame suddenly became unstable.

The super rocket, which was more than 200 meters away, began to shake.

"No way!? Didn't I promise before that it would be successful!?"

Even Sethis Balor couldn't sit still anymore and stood up directly, staring at the screen nervously...

"Haha, I just said that the Balor Consortium is unreliable..."

Amid all kinds of arguments, Super Rocket has slowly stabilized...

Then, there were no other accidents, and it flew upward smoothly. After several stages of separation, it was declared a success!

In a few days, you can fly to the lunar orbit, and within a dozen days, you can land on the lunar surface...



There was a lot of joy in the Balor Consortium Manor.

They know they have won too much! ! !

Sesis Balor also laughed with relief.

No matter how he thought about it, Ye Yang would never be able to win.

One step faster, each step faster!

"However, we still have to be wary of the 'China Speed'. Once the technology matures, their execution and efficiency will be too terrifying."

A rationalist reminded: "If the time is similar, it is possible that we will be directly chased by the later stage."


Several rationalists spoke out.

"What's the use of talking about this now! Humph, you know that your own prestige will be destroyed if you grow up with other people's ambitions!"

The radicals frowned and scolded.

"That's right! We're sure to win! Our agents haven't heard anything about the Chinese official rocket department yet! They probably admitted defeat, right? Haha..."


"No movement, isn't that the biggest suspicious point!?"

The rationalist frowned and retorted.


Everyone was stunned.


Such a big bet, and the other party accepted it.

How could there be no movement at all! ?

"Don't they plan to build rockets?"

"How is that possible? In my opinion, they are still designing the blueprints? After all, the technology of super rockets is still very difficult."

"It's also possible..."


"Okay, no need to discuss it anymore, invest all your money, and strive to build more super rockets as soon as possible! We must win this bet, and we will definitely win!!!"

Sesis*Barol hammered the table and said firmly.

"Barol Consortium will win!!!"

The council members were also ambitious and excited.

Since it takes more than ten days to launch a super rocket, they can only send supplies first, and the last rocket will send astronauts to coordinate supplies and build a base.

However, in their estimation, this human feat should be completed within a year!

Thinking of this, they were all excited.

Humans are finally going to truly set foot on the sea of ​​stars!

Build their own base on the alien planet!

And this step is destined to be taken by them, and Ye Yang is just a loser in the competition on the sea of ​​stars!

(Second update)

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