Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1056 Kyushu Industrial Zone 2: Spaceship


The successful launch of a super rocket in Europe quickly caused an uproar around the world.

"Moon base!? What I thought was science fiction before is actually coming true today!?"

"When I heard them betting on who could build a base on the moon first, I thought it was outrageous! The advancement of science and technology is really unintentional for us ordinary people!"

"Because you don't pay attention! Except for this very gimmick event, you don't know what breakthroughs have occurred in science. Until the day the atomic bomb exploded, many people didn't know that uranium and nuclear fission were discovered in the world."


Everyone thinks this statement makes sense.

Deeply agree.

Sakalace: "But this time, Ye Yang, the long-time victor in the gambling world, is going to lose this time!"

Taro Kameda: "Humph, he had to lose in the first place! He doesn't even care who his opponent is! He dares to accept any bet..."

Mark Rons: "Yes, this is a super-large project with the participation of several of the world's top consortiums with our European background and American technical assistance. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the largest projects in the world. This leaves Yang actually dared to pick it up, haha!”

Mr. Liu: "Stop bragging! When you signed the betting contract, you didn't say that your research was almost successful. It was supposed to be a fair competition, but it turned into a scam with asymmetric information! Sneak attack!"

Viking: "Haha, although we didn't say it, Ye Yang didn't ask at the beginning either! I think it was just his own fault! After winning the Sals Consortium, he felt that he was invincible in the world! This time let him Give him a good fall and let him know the consequences of arrogance!”


International forums exist for people from all countries.

Everyone represents their own complex background and has their own complex position.

The comment section below such incidents of great power competition is always full of gunpowder.

In the end, it always rises to the level of 'discussing' the results of the competition between great powers...

The flower grower came to the next life: "In any case, China has given priority to unlocking nuclear fusion. In the future, the energy will be unlimited. The advantages are beyond your reach. The balance of victory has tilted towards us!"

Smecta: "It's just that we have unlocked a technology first! Our country, the Great Cold Underworld, might unlock it tomorrow!"

Non-violent non-cooperation: "I don’t know how long it will take before you unlock it and fully apply it! Want to finally win in the competition between great powers? Stop dreaming!"

American Cobra: "Our journey in the future will be all about the stars and the sea. What's the use of you still talking about earth's energy? Without nuclear fusion, our super rocket has also ascended to the sky! We will build a moon base soon, can you do it!? "

"that is!!!"

Qingfeng Fugang: "Just watch, Ye Shenhao will never lose!"

Danxin asked: "With the support of China's endless resources and will, the final winner is still us!"

Watermelon Kojiro: "Haha, you win with words? I haven't seen any news about the moon base or super rocket from China until now!"

Northern Wolf Clan: "Haha, do I still need to report to you what Ye Shenhao does? Maybe I, the Great China, have already prepared it. Once exposed, I will scare you so much that you won't even have time to cry!"

“What a loud tone!!!”


Ye Yang browsed the comments and comments below, smiled slightly, and didn't care.

Because he has absolute confidence in Ye Shenhei Technology Company and the spaceship blueprints he has unlocked.

While still browsing, the second team leader of Kyushu Industrial called.


Ye Yang answered the phone.

The second group of Kyushu Industrial is responsible for the research and development of spacecraft. The person in charge called at this time. He must have come prepared and had news to report.

"Lieutenant General Ye, we are ready. The last round of inspections will be completed within three days, and the spacecraft will fly directly to the moon in three days!"

A steady and reliable voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jiuzhou Industrial is a joint venture between state-owned assets and black technology company Personal Capital.

Some of the people in charge are senior military personnel.

So when I opened my mouth, I got used to calling Ye Yang his job title instead of his boss...


Ye Yang nodded: "Very good. Don't be in a hurry. Make all preparations. Have you already completed the construction plan for the moon base?"

"Don't worry, Lieutenant General, everything is ready. We promise to build a lunar base before the end of the first month!"

The voice on the other side was sonorous and powerful, extremely firm, and sounded extremely reliable.

"Well, on the day of the first flight, I will go to watch the ceremony."

Ye Yang said.

"We are waiting for Lieutenant General Ye to arrive!"

After ending the call, Ye Yang felt confident.

To be honest, becoming the first person to build a base on the moon will definitely go down in history. He is also looking forward to walking on the moon.

After the lunar base is built, he will go to the lunar base to see it in person.

"It was launched years ago and the base was built before the first month of the year?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked forward to it even more.

Today is almost the Chinese New Year, so he stood up.

Speaking of which, it’s time to go home in a few days...

In the past few days, he went to the street to buy some New Year gifts and New Year's goods. Although given today's living conditions, New Year's goods and such have no practical significance.

But this obsession with festivals is engraved in the bones of Chinese people.

It's just symbolic, but that's enough.

A few days later.

Ye Yang brought Yu Momo and Xiao Qingxuan sisters to the second industrial zone of Jiuzhou.

Many bigwigs of China gathered here today.

Spacecraft has improved too much in the scientific level of rockets.

The highest wills of China unanimously decided that it would never be easily exposed unless necessary.

In the past, the reason why countries reported the launch of rockets was that the act of launching rockets would inevitably be known to other countries. Whether it was its huge site or its huge size, it could be seen clearly on the satellite.

It was impossible to launch secretly!

But spacecraft is not like this.

Its kinetic energy form is nuclear fusion, unlike the previous rockets, which need fuel to propel and cause such a big movement.


Ye Yang got off the military's exclusive car.

Many bigwigs from the military, government, etc. came to greet him.

Today is a day of great significance to China.

And the one who made all this happen today is the person in front of him!

Surrounded by many top bigwigs in China, Ye Yang walked to the edge of the launch site.

He saw the spacecraft in his mind.

There is a gap between the actual spacecraft and the spacecraft in the blueprint.

After all, due to the current technological level of the earth, the spacecraft that can reach sub-light speed can only be made to reach a few hundred times the speed of sound.

There is a huge difference between 100 million meters per second and tens of thousands of meters per second!

(First update)

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