Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1057: The spaceship lands on the moon, the wind rises in Changbai Mountain

The cold steel body is about fifty meters long.

It's also a huge thing.

Its cost is extremely expensive, even aircraft carriers pale in comparison to it.

If Ye Yang hadn't won several super bets many times, he might not have been able to afford these super projects at the same time.

After all, having assets of tens of trillions does not mean that there are tens of trillions of money that can be disposed of at any time.

Even with the bonus of divine soil, the assets he could control at any time before were only a few trillion.

After several bets, his cash flow far exceeded 10 trillion, which allowed him to undertake these mega projects with ease and ease.

He walked into the spaceship, and various science fiction settings that seemed impossible to appear in this era were all realized.

The internal structure is extremely technological, simple yet beautiful.

He walked out.

"The transportation capacity of our spacecraft is several times that of Europe's super rockets, and it is several generations ahead of its rivals in terms of power source. It does not require orbital acceleration and can directly take off and land on the lunar surface. A round trip only takes a few hours."

The chief engineer reported to the Chinese Peak Wills.


Ye Yang nodded.

The finished product was much better than he expected.

The top speed can reach two hundred times the speed of sound.

The cosmic cruising speed can reach one hundred and fifty times the speed of sound.

Reaching more than 50,000 meters per second.

The distance between the earth and the moon is 380,000 kilometers, which is 380 million meters. Calculated based on the average speed, it takes off from the earth and lands on the moon.

It only takes a little over seven thousand seconds in total, which is about two hours.

Coupled with training, preparation, cargo transportation, etc., an average round trip between the earth and the moon can be achieved in one day.

As for Europe's super rocket, it takes about ten days from launch to landing on the moon, let alone traveling back and forth and establishing a base.

Not the same level of efficiency at all.

The times are crushing, it is so despairing!



Many big guys retreated outside the border area, and the astronauts boarded the ship.

Unlike rockets that have preset routes and can only fly along previously fixed routes, spaceships are free and can be controlled by the pilot. They treat space as an airplane-like driving tool in the atmosphere.

Overall, it surpasses the Rockets for who knows how many eras.


The high-energy particles spewed out by nuclear fusion turned into blue energy beams, blowing the entire venue into a hurricane.

But the bosses must have taken complete precautions.

This hurricane cannot blow through the protective layer...


The spaceship slowly rises...

After the energy accumulated to a certain limit, it turned into a black arrow and shot up into the sky.

In the atmosphere, the speed will not be too fast.

Because the air resistance is too great, if the speed is too fast, even the newly developed Sun alloy will not be able to withstand the super high temperature generated by friction.


"It's so fast!"

Even if the speed is preserved, it is still twenty times the speed of sound. It rushes tens of thousands of meters in an instant, several thousand meters in a second, and disappears from sight in a few seconds.

In the eyes of humans, it is almost the same as teleportation.

Even the expressiveness is more powerful and shocking than the garbage TV series...

"We in China will finally have our own moon base."

The First Will sighed, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"We've already decided on a name, let's call it Guanghan Palace."

There was an unspeakable emotion surging in everyone's hearts, which was the romance in the bones of Chinese people.

It is a unique mythological complex brought about by five thousand years.

"Now that we have spacecraft, and after building a lunar base, we can fully explore the moon. Maybe we can find the real Guanghan Palace?"

Someone said half-jokingly with a smile.

"I hope..."

Many big guys are basically materialists and know that this possibility is almost zero, but they do not completely deny this possibility.

A true materialist will not deny anything that has not been falsified by science.

Regardless of the premise, to oppose the possibility of the existence of all strange forces and chaotic gods is pseudo-materialism.

For example, there is no science that can prove that "ghosts" do not exist, "myths" have never happened, and "feng shui" has no inherent truth, so we attribute these to superstition.

It is a manifestation of pseudo-materialism and a complete formalist!


The spacecraft quickly flew out of the atmosphere and traveled through the universe.

It will land on the moon's surface in two hours.

At that time, the European super rocket launched a few days ago was still flying slowly between the earth and the moon...

Ye Yang took a few girls shopping before returning to the manor.

Just received the news that the spacecraft successfully landed on the moon's surface.

He smiled.

It is indeed a technological blueprint that is ahead of its time. Even a low-quality imitation of the spaceship is still so powerful in this era.


"Ding ding ding..."

I just took the girls shopping and bought some New Year decorations when I got a call from Sister Ling.

"Tomorrow we will set out to explore the Changbai Mountain ruins. Please ask Mr. Ye's two bodyguards to arrive at the following coordinates at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Oh, I see."

Ye Yang nodded, feeling moved in his heart.

He wanted to get involved in this kind of new thing. Now that the big project of building a spaceship was completed, he had nothing to do, so he just wanted to go down to the 'ruins' to explore.

He told this idea to Xiao Qingxuan and her sister.

"Boss, we can't let you take risks! The ruins of Changbai Mountain are dangerous and unpredictable. There will be bloodshed when cleaning them up."

Xiao Xiaozhu said with some worry.

"Isn't your responsibility to protect me?"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

In fact, he was a little worried about the safety of the two bodyguard sisters. The Crescent Hotel is the integration of the Old Nine Gates and the major "underground business" forces of that era.

There are so many talented people that it is difficult to count.

Even so, this time we have to recruit experts from all directions, and the previous initial exploration of the ruins has obviously caused a lot of losses.

Even if the Xiao sisters are top-notch, if there is a big monster, they may not be able to escape unscathed.

And he has an absolute trump card in his hand. As long as he is on the planet Earth, there is nothing that can hurt him.

With a sweep of the photon weapon, no matter whether it is a thousand-year-old red-haired old corpse or a mechanism personally laid by Lu Ban, everything is smoke and dust.


The two beautiful bodyguards gritted their teeth: "We are still afraid that something will happen to you, boss. There will definitely be risks when we go to the ruins this time. It's the first time for us to face such a thing, and we may not be able to protect you, boss."

Ye Yang laughed: "Don't worry, when you can't protect me, I will protect you two."

The two girls blushed, but still wanted to say something.

But Ye Yang pressed their heads with one hand: "That's it!"


The bodyguards can only make suggestions. They can't really control where the boss wants to go.

However, with the boss's skills, it's really uncertain who will protect whom at that time...

(Second update)

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