Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1059: Vast snow sea, mechanical exoskeleton shows its power

"Yo Xi!!! If we can trick this Ye Yang to death in the ruins, Father America will definitely reward us for our hard work!"

"Sparasi! Just do it! This Ye Yang has now become the heart disease of all countries in the world and the mortal enemy of the super consortium. If we can take this opportunity to kill him, we will become monumental heroes! Siparasi, die!" "

‘Expedition teams’ from various countries are discussing it.

The enthusiasm was boiling. It was obvious that Ye Yang actually dared to go down to the ruins, which made them all excited and in a lively mood.

After all, anything can happen in the ruins!

If you have to go looking for death, it would not be a strange thing to die there.

They are all talented people from all over the world. They have been engaged in black business for generations. They have vicious blood in their bones, so they are naturally restless.

Ye Yang's head is simply priceless!

It's just that no one dares to buy it, and it's impossible to buy it.

But now, apparently an opportunity has arisen! ! !

They are crazy!


Ye Yang was proficient in martial arts and had a keen sense of murderous intent. He turned his head and looked in several directions, and then looked at the special military truck that brought him here, with an unexplainable smile on his lips.

Changed my mind and wore a mechanical exoskeleton.

Then he followed the others into the mountain.

"Looks like this time it's going to be more fun than I thought."

He murmured in his heart, vaguely looking forward to it. Ever since he became a god, such exciting things involving life and death had only happened a few times, and each time it made his blood boil.

This made him often imagine that if the earth was not a technological civilization, but a fantasy cultivation civilization, maybe he would be more suitable.


In the snow-capped mountains, in some places, the snow is two or three meters deep and can submerge people in it.

Cars can't drive in. If you wanted to enter Changbai Mountain before, you had to drive in.

If we follow the previous exploration method, we won’t be able to reach the ruins during the New Year.

We need to keep setting up camp, keep clearing the snow, and keep trekking...

But now the thirty-six-member exploration team directly carried their luggage and jumped three meters high, jumping like a group of giant grasshoppers in the ice and snow.

Not only is ice and snow not a resistance, but it has become a beautiful scenery full of primitive beauty.

It made everyone feel extremely enjoyable.

"It's so cool!"

"I never thought that the Changbai Mountain area in winter could be so comfortable..."

Changbai Mountain is the sacred mountain of ancient northern tribes. Many large tombs and ancient ruins are located in the Changbai Mountains.

It is also a place where all the previous tumblers and tumblers have been very greedy.

However, because the mountain is closed by heavy snow for half of the year, it is not suitable to go deep, so I can only wait for it.

The 'expedition teams' from the following countries were all speechless and completely confused.

"Damn it! Is this mechanical suit so awesome!?"

“China’s black technology is too scary!”

"Is the other party already so awesome!?"

"I really wish we had this kind of equipment!"

"Jealousy envy hate ah!"

“It’s so sour, it’s so sour!!!”

"Damn! I'm really envious..."

Several detachments saw the speed of Ye Yang and his party, and knew that if they slowly opened a road to camp at the back, by the time they reached the entrance of the ruins, they would probably eat shit and not be able to keep up with the heat.

They all walked along the path cleared by these mechanical exoskeleton teams, saving a lot of time.


Mechanical exoskeletons are fast.

However, everyone does not intend to get too tired. After all, this ruins is obviously very different from before. It may even be the first case of exploring ancient and modern ruins in China. No one knows what will happen.

You all have to rest and be ready before going down to the ruins.

Otherwise, I don’t know when I will sleep next.

Soon, they used the mechanical exoskeleton to clear away the surrounding snow, set up a camp, lit a bonfire, and shot several wild birds and deer along the way.

Put it on the fire, brush it with seasonings, and the aroma will come out instantly.

A huge barbecue in the snow and ice, paired with a soju bonfire, is an unparalleled enjoyment.

Ye Yang cut off the roasted deer leg with a knife. The meat of wild creatures is firm, fat but not greasy. How can it be called fragrant?

Although the taste is definitely not as good as the one cooked by the state banquet chef.

But this situation, this scene, my mood is different, and my taste experience is also different.

When you eat, your mood and atmosphere are also important.

Everyone had a great time eating.

However, someone soon discovered that a bonfire was lit not far behind.

The smoke was dim.

"Someone followed us in!"

A new generation of outstanding young people from the Toutou family exclaimed.

"As expected, every time there are some treasured ruins in China, these guys want to get involved."

There was an old man with white hair who was not young, carrying a long wooden sword on his back and a Type 95 rifle on his waist. It had a strange shape. He had obviously experienced a lot. He said this with no surprise at all.

"Modern civilization and the corners of the world beyond the reach of electric lights are full of struggle and killing. When you enter such a primitive area, you have to be more cautious."

The white-haired old man glanced sideways at Ye Yang, obviously telling him.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, nodded, and said nothing more.

For a guy like him who is incompatible with reverse fighting at first glance, it is abnormal behavior for these talented people to not doubt his ability and not be weird.

"I don't believe these people are better equipped than us this time. I wonder if there are any from the Japanese country. This time, we must settle the previous grudges! Kill them in the ruins."

A rough and wild man dressed in the Northern Wolf Clan with a single braid sneered, with a shocking scar on his face.

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

It seems that some tomb-robbing forces have had a long-standing grudge with the Japanese country...

But this is nothing strange. The little Japanese country and China have a national feud. There were violent clashes in all walks of life at that time. It is not surprising to have a grudge.

Obviously, the application of the exoskeleton this time has boosted the confidence of the talented people on the Chinese side.


Beside the campfire in the distance.

Now that they have entered the mountains, these foreign expedition teams have begun to be blatant, and they are no longer hiding.

In the wild mountains and primitive environments, how can there be any public law?

The leader of the Japanese team, Yamamotoji Ma, sneezed: "Baga! Who is cursing me! I'm dead!"

"Forget it, let's go to sleep and take turns to keep watch. According to the speed of those steel monsters in China, we can reach the ruins tomorrow..."

Yamamotoji Ma rubbed his legs and grinned.

These steel monsters can jump three meters high and rush five or six meters at a time. Their speed can be compared with that of a car.

Fortunately, they all have some kung fu skills, otherwise they would have been left behind long ago.

However, no matter how deep their kung fu skills are, they will almost break their legs after running for a day!

Yamamotoji Ma was worried and suspected that he might not be able to get up tomorrow...

(Second update)

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