Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1060: Metal Gate, Ye Yang's Strategy

"Do you want to kill them tonight?"

Among the Chinese team, the scar-faced wolf man asked fiercely.

"Yes, these people definitely have evil intentions. The ruins are dangerous and unpredictable. It would be better to deal with them early."

Someone seconded the motion.

"I think so."


Some Chinese experts and strangers said so.

Sister Ling was the initiator and naturally had the most say. However, she looked at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang thought for a while and shook his head.

Immediately, he also expressed his thoughts...

In the ‘expedition team’ camps in various countries, there are people who have come up with such ideas.

However, the mechanical team chasing China during the day was too exhausted. Now they are all exhausted and even if they have the intention, they don't have the energy to do it.

Even with such a strenuous pursuit, they were still some distance away from Hua Xia's garrison.

Now that I have rested, I don't even want to move a finger, let alone plunder.

In the camp.

After hearing Ye Yang's thoughts, many capable people in China nodded and smiled.

They have been in the underground for so many years, and they are skilled in craftsmanship and more than ruthless. But compared to the dark-bellied ones, many of them are not as ruthless as Ye Yang, a big boss who is at the top of the political, business and military circles.

At this time, they all laughed out loud.

"That's a good idea! Haha, let's trick these foreigners!"

"In the early years, our ancestors had a bloody feud with them. This time we will repay them all!"

"Mr. Ye is very calculating. Even if he doesn't have the means to fight, he can still be the first strategist!"

"Ha ha……"

Everyone's perception of Ye Yang was completely different from before, and they were obviously much closer to him.

After all, they originally thought Ye Yang was just a little sheep raised by modern civilization living in the city.

This kind of deep mountains and old forests is not a place where the little fat sheep should come, for fear that he will be held back.

After deciding on follow-up countermeasures.

During the night's vigil, no accidents occurred.

On the second day, the temperature warmed up a bit.

Everyone put on the mechanical exoskeleton and continued to march inward...


In the afternoon, the mechanical exoskeleton arrived at the target location early.

Ye Yang looked at the target location with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Is this the remains of Changbai Mountain?

In front of you is a huge 'door'.

The specific material is hard to say, but it is definitely some kind of metal.

"Could it be possible to refine such a huge metal product with the level of ancient craftsmanship?"

Ye Yang looked at the lines on the giant metal door and felt a little dumbfounded. This was somewhat contrary to the historical knowledge he had learned over the years!

"...Was this blood stained during the last exploration?"

Ye Yang pointed to the bright red mark on the giant metal door. It was extremely vivid, as if it was still flowing...


Sister Ling shook her head.

The imprints on the giant gates all have a bright red color.

"This blood is left over from ancient times. It's extremely old, but it looks bright red."

Sister Ling said seriously: "We took some of the blood residue from it for testing and came to this conclusion."

Ye Yang nodded, this was so strange.

It was obviously bloodstains from a long time ago, but it was bright red and fresh, giving off a certain ominous and biting feeling.

“Open the door and go with the plan.”

Sister Ling said.


Originally, to open the door, you had to carry some mechanical components on your back, but now with the mechanical exoskeleton, everyone is working together, and it is not difficult to open this huge metal door.


The last time we explored, due to limited tools, we could only open a door crack for one person to enter and exit, but now we can directly open the door.

"Put up some traps."

Sister Ling pointed to several places.

Those in the team who were good at mechanism skills immediately came out and started busy.

Although they have different personalities, they are extremely experienced when it comes to their work. They are obviously masters with excellent professional qualities.

After setting up the trap, everyone hid in the shade far outside the gate.

Waiting for the arrival of the pursuers from behind.

The 'expedition teams' from various countries had their legs broken yesterday, so it was naturally impossible to continue that extreme high-speed pursuit today.

No matter how powerful one is, one cannot keep moving at the speed of a small car in the snow for two days.

Slept peacefully all night.

At noon the next day, a faint team appeared from a distance.

Ye Yang held a telescope and observed.

A listening device was set up near the gate, and the subsequent conversation of the team could be heard.

"Baga! The Chinese people have a bad conscience! They ran so fast! I am almost exhausted from my work, Taijun!"

Yamamotodera was breathing heavily, her eyes were blood red, and she was going to die.

This time Japan used all its strength to send in eight top masters in the inversion world.

At this time, eight people stood in front of the ruins, looking at the ancient metal door in front of them and the bright red blood stains on it, dumbfounded.

"The history of China is indeed unfathomable. This ancient metal gate is really eye-opening! Once announced, it will cause a worldwide archaeological shock!!!"

One day the Chinese master exclaimed.

"Well, there's so much blood on it, isn't it possible that all those people from China were injured at the gate?"

"That's too evil."


Yamamotoji Ma touched the blood on it: "It has already dried up, but it looks fresh. It should be blood from a long time ago. This is too evil."

Everyone in the Kingdom of Japan frowned, knowing that something bad was going to happen this time when the ruins were taken down.

This gate alone is extremely weird.


Someone yelled.

Everyone looked over in horror.

The man had collapsed, blood was pouring out from the soles of his feet, and he was rolling on the ground in pain.

"what's the situation!?"

Yamamotoderama inspected it and dug out an 'earth needle launcher' from the ground.

"Damn Chinese people, they are so cunning! They are simply vicious!"

Yamamotoji Ma shouted angrily.

This ground needle was obviously placed here by the Chinese team members.

"Be careful! After entering the ruins, those Chinese people left some traps at the gate to plot against us!"

Yamamotoderama asked someone to rescue the teammate who stepped on the ground needle launcher.

But the ground needle shot straight up from the base of his feet, passed through his legs, and directly penetrated his internal organs. Blood flowed all over the floor. It seemed that he was hopeless...

Soon, the body was cold.

"Baga! Baga Baga!"

Yamamotojima was filled with grief and anger. Before the ruins even went down, a master died at the door.

"I, Yamamoto, swear! This Chinese team must be destroyed! Die, die!!!!"

"The Chinese team has been in for a day, it will be too late if we don't catch up!"

A team member reminded.


Yamamotodera Ma also nodded: "Pay attention to China's traps. We will also lay some traps. The teams from the back of the province will come in and compete with us!"

(First update)

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