Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1061: Revenge of grievances, entering the Metal Palace


"Mr. Ye's strategy has worked. The arrangements left behind are misleading, making these little devils really think that we went in first. With them exploring the way in front, they will bear any danger. We don't know how much less we will lose."

The scar-faced man's eyes were filled with excitement. For no other reason than the fact that a Japanese Japs had been impaled to death at the door just now, which made him feel very good.

"Let these guys go in and act as scapegoats first, and then we'll catch a turtle in a urn. The benefits are still ours, but the dangers are the other party's. This is really not an ordinary swindler!"

Several young people from the fighting family were talking nonsense, and it felt very good to deceive others.

It's even more exciting to trick these evil-minded trash.

"Wait a minute, there should be four forces coming with us."

Sister Ling said.


Everyone is in a good mood now, and they can fight without any blood, so they can just watch the show from the side.


The team of Xiaori Kingdom also left some traps.

Not long after, the team from the Great Cold Kingdom also arrived.

The dead master of Xiaozi Kingdom was buried, and the blood stains at the time of death were absorbed by the metal door. This metal door seemed to be naturally close to blood.

Yin Qingyue also looked with a telescope.

Although she is the eldest lady, she has irreplaceable 'underground' skills. This exploration is of great significance, and Tang Ruguo also agreed to her request to go underground.

"Hey! When I was little, I was cheating on each other with the gods and people of the universe. What a fun show!"


In front of the metal gate.

"This soil has been turned over!"

After being shocked by the metal gate, a member of the Great Cold Underworld discovered something suspicious.

Dahan Mingguo only sent five people in this time. After all, the country is too small and there are few capable people and strangers. These five people were forced together.

"Dig it up!"

Captain Park Yi-sik waved.


Several Dahan team members gasped, it was a corpse!

"It looks like the costume is from the country of Xiaozhi. The people in the barbaric country have too low skills and will die before they even enter the door. Haha, I can't imagine any country in the world with people more stupid than them! As long as it's not a donkey, It’s impossible to die without even entering the ruins gate!”

Park Yi-chi sneered.

Before he finished speaking, the sound of an explosion came along with a scream...

After a while.

Park Yi-ci felt that her face was so painful from being beaten by him!

A team member of the Dahan Ming Kingdom was blown up by a booby trap left by the Japanese. Half of his body was blown away. Blood flew into pieces and splashed all over the bodies of several people. The scene was tragic and terrifying.


The member of the Great Cold Underworld was left with only half of his body in front of the metal door. He stretched out his hand with desperate eyes and waved it feebly. However, soon, his body became completely stiff.

"Damn Little Japan Kingdom!!! These Japanese bandits must be punished!!! Investigate carefully, we will also set up some agencies, and then follow me in to hunt down these little Japan Smectas!!!"

Park Yi-chi was furious and issued an order...

In this way, within one day, the four teams tricked each other, especially the European team, which inherited the pirate character of their ancestors and was very reckless, and two of them were killed directly.

In one day, five people died in front of the metal gate alone!

The ground was dyed red with blood. Every team that was trapped dug out the dead bodies of the previous team and whipped them to vent their anger.

"Amitabha, how good it is, how good it is! When will the injustice be repaid?!"

In the distance, in the Chinese team, a bald man dressed as a warrior monk had a compassionate look on his face and muttered words, as if these disputes were not caused by them.

"Old monk, why do you sympathize with these thieves?"

The northern man muttered, but when he got closer, he could hear the second half of the sentence...

"When will the injustice be repaid? Let us all die~"


The northern man grinned, "What a guy!"

This old monk looked compassionate on his face, but he was crueler than anyone else in his heart!

"Okay, the mantis is catching the cicada and the oriole is behind. Now the guys who are following us should all go in. It's time to go in and harvest the crops."

After waiting for another long time, there was no follow-up.

Ye Yang stretched and suggested.

"Okay! Mr. Ye killed five opponents without a single blow. I admire him! I take back my previous evaluation of you! I apologize to you!"

The scarred man from the north smiled boldly.

For those of them who are underground, life and death are common matters. It means nothing to them who is a boss or what their status is, but if they are right, they are good brothers in life and death.

They walked to the gate and dismantled the traps previously arranged by these teams.

Every move of these people is under their surveillance, and they will naturally dismantle them as they please.

"Is it my imagination? Why do you think the door is wider than the one we opened before?"

someone muttered.

Ye Yang also felt this way, but there were too many corpses lying in front of this metal door, and the smell of blood was strong, so no one wanted to stay any longer.

Went directly inside.

Before entering, Ye Yang looked at the bright red blood stains on the door, which seemed to be a bit brighter and too coquettish...

Behind the metal gate is a main hall.

Various metal pedestals with a quaint atmosphere are arranged in the main hall. In the center of the main hall, there is a metal statue of a god, but it is not recognizable to the people present. It is too old and has been too long, and the statue has long been broken and incomplete.

"Is this an ancient religious temple?"

someone asked.

"It doesn't look like it. These metal products obviously have their functions, but they are too old to infer their functions. But they don't look like they are used for sacrifices."

The bald monk knows the most about worshipping Buddha and religion, and said at this time.

Ye Yang stood in front of a relatively complete metal product.

If it is complete, it should be a four-sided rectangular block that can be walked through the middle.

There are holes on both sides of the inner wall, but now it is covered with metal rust and various dust, and it is hard to tell what the function is.

"It's a bit like the access control machine I had to pass when I took the college entrance examination. The thing that detects whether there are metal products on my body."

Someone muttered.

"There are actually people in our industry who have taken the college entrance examination? Intellectuals!"

The scarred man in the north squeezed.

"Haha, we are the four good tomb robbers of the new era, and we can't fall behind in cultural courses!"

The young man replied indifferently.

Ye Yang felt that it was really a bit similar, but it was impossible to think about it. Could it be that the ancients passed the security check here and then went in to take the college entrance examination?

That's too weird...

The old Taoist priest with a mahogany sword on his back and a 95 rifle on his waist fiddled with a stone statue, picking it here and there, and walked around the hall.

Then he heard a buzzing sound all around.

Behind the statue in the hall, three doors slowly opened.

"It seems that these four teams have some tricks, and they have studied this stone statue."

The old Taoist priest stroked his long beard and muttered.

It seems that we can't underestimate the enemy...

These foreign talents are not simple!

(Second update)

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