Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1062: Corridor and Glass

"There are three doors, which one should I take?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Now this ruins doesn't look like a big tomb, and no one can tell what it is.

Most of their knowledge is useless.

"What I saw and heard along the way didn't look like a tomb at all... let alone the relics of civilizations from past dynasties. These patterns and furnishing styles are not consistent with any historical knowledge we know."

Many people frowned.

Even the experienced Taoist priests and monks frowned.

The two of them are the most senior among this group of people. When encountering this kind of situation, everyone looks to them and waits for their advice.


"It can only be divided into three ways."

Sister Ling said after discussing with the old Taoist priest and warrior monk.

So many people came this time just to cope with this situation.


Ye Yang followed the old Taoist priest, and Yin Qingyue insisted on staying with him.

The scarred man from the north is also on the team.

"Da Da..."

A group of twelve people stepped into the middle door.

After walking forward for less than a minute, the door behind them slammed shut.

The originally dim passage was filled with darkness.


The flashlight attached to the mechanical exoskeleton was turned on, illuminating the road ahead.


"How terrible!"

Yin Qingyue played tricks in Ye Yang's ear, trying to scare Ye Yang.

Ye Yang rolled his eyes at the other party.

This little girl feels more and more out of touch with her.

Yin Qingyue smiled. Although she didn't always go to the ground, she had to go down on average once a year since she was fifteen years old. Of course, she couldn't be really afraid.

"There may be a mechanism inside! The tunnel is sloping downwards, and we should have entered the underground by now."

The old Taoist priest reminded.

Everyone in the Metal Hall felt that this place was completely incompatible with the tomb.

But now I can't be sure.

They all felt that this operation was unusual. Everything seemed to challenge their common sense, and there was no trace to be found.

If what they have learned before cannot be used, there will be no other use for them except that their skills are better than normal people.

Generally speaking, the purpose of fighting is to find out which dynasty and which level of tomb it is. Different dynasties and levels have their own doorways. They know almost all the mechanisms and layouts that will appear.

But now this mysterious place seems to be beyond the smoke and dust of history, and its context cannot be touched at all.


The dark corridor is filled with an unsettling feeling.

But contrary to everyone's expectations, everyone felt that there must be a terrible mechanism here, and there would be great danger.

But the journey was uneventful and nothing happened.

There are various furnishings on both sides of the corridor, but they are all in a terrible state. Even if they had functions back then, it is impossible to guess at all.

The materials range from unknown metals to plastic-like materials.

"I think these plastic-like things should be left behind by previous expeditions. If there was a civilization that could produce plastic thousands of years ago, I think our history would be in vain."

A young man said: "At that time, we were still picking up rice grains in Hemudu, and we had just learned how to grow rice!"

Soon, I saw light in front of me, and the corridor was passed...

"Perhaps it's too old and even if it's arranged, it's completely rotten? Is there no danger at all?"

someone asked.

"Well, it's possible. According to Sister Ling, the analysis of the blood stains on the gate that she brought back last time showed that the blood is thousands of years old at least. And this inference is made because the machine can only trace the blood back to a few thousand years at most. Years... It is even possible that the history of this ruins is over ten thousand years."

The old Taoist priest revealed some secrets.

"Ten thousand years!? Aren't we still a group of upright apes at that time?"

The young tomb-robbing college student was extremely surprised.

"This ruins is too special and cannot be treated with common sense."

The old Taoist priest shook his head.

"Could it be left behind by aliens who came to Earth in the early years?"

Some people thought wildly: "Anyway, if it is something from ten thousand years ago, it must not be human."

"What do you think...what did those foreign expeditions do with glass?"

Someone asked doubtfully.


The northern man scratched his head in confusion.


The person who found the glass pointed to the end of the corridor.

“It is indeed glass and of excellent quality.”

Ye Yang walked over and found pieces of broken glass on the ground. He observed it carefully and frowned: "It was not brought in by a foreign expedition team."


Those who discovered it were puzzled.

"These glasses are obviously embedded in these dilapidated metal walls, and the expedition team in front broke them."

Ye Yang looked around and picked up a bullet: "This is the proof."

"I go!?"


Everyone was confused and didn't know what to say.

Glass already existed in civilizations thousands of years ago? !

"Damn it, it's not really an alien, is it?"

"It may also be an ancient civilization that was lost in history. This civilization made glass by mistake."

"After digging graves for so many years, this is the most evil thing I have ever seen..."

There were divergent opinions, and all kinds of opinions came out for a while.

"This is not just ordinary glass."

Ye Yang looked at the scattered bullet casings, which were obviously large-caliber bullets. He emptied many magazines before breaking the glass door.

"To be precise, this is not glass."

The tomb-robbing college student frowned and held the glass fragments, muttering: "This is a deeply processed structured crystal. Although the main body is silicon dioxide like glass. But it can never be called glass. At least after being broken by bullets, bulletproof glass will not break into the blocks in our hands."

"Maybe it is some kind of crystal that we don't know."

The college student added.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be crystal...

Crystal is natural, and glass requires chemical knowledge to make. If glass was really made thousands of years ago, it would be amazing!

They passed through the "crystal door".

In front of them, there is an empty cube space.

The six walls are made of metal.

There are strange patterns on the metal, like snakes crawling, and the patterns are left with the same red blood stains as on the metal door.

The cube space is about 500 meters square,

which can be called huge.

Even in modern times, if you want to build such a large metal cube space, you don't know how much labor and money it will cost.

It is hard to imagine that this is a creation from at least thousands of years ago.

On the ground and the walls, in addition to the strange patterns, there are also raised rectangular blocks, which are also covered with patterns. Some of the rectangular blocks are broken, while some are still intact.

Although they have dried up long ago, the bright red blood seems to be crawling on these small rectangular blocks, creating a weird atmosphere...

"A corpse has appeared!"

Someone shouted.

(First update)

Weekly no prize quiz: Everyone can guess what this relic is~

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