
The sword hit the humanoid creature that rushed over, and it was directly knocked back!

Ye Yang had just had contact with the other party, and knew that this humanoid creature was as hard as iron, and his body was very heavy, but he could still be knocked back...

This old Taoist priest looks skinny, but he is actually very strong!

You can't judge a person by appearance!

Even with the bonus of mechanical exoskeleton, its own strength must be ridiculously large.

The humanoid creature seemed to be in great pain, and crackling electric sparks flashed all over its body.

"Short circuit after insulation?"

He broke out in a sweat. This zombie is really driven by bioelectricity...

Sure enough, after learning science, as long as you know enough, you can really explain everything with these scientific principles.

Thinking of this, the terrifying feeling on his body suddenly subsided by half.

After all, fear often comes from ignorance.

Once you understand its principles and composition, even the weirdest and most terrifying things seem to become less mysterious and less confusing.

"It works!"

Everyone felt more at ease when they saw the old Taoist's peach wood sword had an effect.

As long as this thing is related to the underground profession, they have ways to deal with it.

"It seems that this is indeed a tomb, otherwise how could zombies appear?"

A group of people shouted while fighting.

"Not necessarily, as long as there are dead bodies and special environments, these things can be generated, not necessarily in a tomb."

The old Taoist shook his head. He has lived for such a long time and is naturally knowledgeable.

Obviously, he has encountered similar situations where zombies were generated in non-tombs...

"What are you waiting for! Let's sacrifice!"

The wolf man directly pulled out a mace from his back, and then took out a bag of blood from his waist. After breaking it, he sprinkled it on the mace.

Then he rushed left and right with the mace, and instantly smashed the three copper-skinned and iron-boned black-eyed zombies, causing them to arc all over their bodies and fall to the ground and twitch...

Yin Qingyue took out some tortoise shells from his backpack, pinched them with two fingers, and threw them out like flying knives.

Hit the zombie.

Like a raging fire meeting a fire stick, the skin of the copper-skinned and iron-boned zombie was like water, and was hit by the tortoise shell. Then the black flesh and blood instantly turned gray and white, and fell to the ground like a stone...

The other eleven people in the same team all showed their magical powers. Although some had never seen zombies, their respective inherited masters had ways to deal with them. For a time, all kinds of methods were revealed, which made people marvel.

One thing defeats another, and every profession has its own specialty.

To deal with such evil things, professional methods are needed.

These humanoid creatures in front of them are ghosts that can continue to move no matter where they are broken through.

No method is as useful as destroying the principle of its internal bioelectric operation.

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In this case, ordinary guns and cannons are indeed not as useful as these various unconventional methods.

"Isn't that black dog blood? What is that tortoise shell?"

Ye Yang even had the leisure to look at the methods of the people around him.

Whether it is physical fitness or fighting skills, he is at the peak of human strength, plus the mechanical exoskeleton adds a thousand kilograms of strength. Not to mention copper skin and iron bones, even if it is a copper-built and iron-cast robot, he can smash it with his bare hands.

Naturally, there is not much pressure.

Originally, the eleven members of the same team protected Ye Yang, knowing that he is an important figure in China and must not be lost.

But later, after seeing Ye Yang smashing a zombie's head with one punch, he suddenly felt that he was being too sentimental...

"Although Mr. Ye is brave, he is not one of us after all, and he doesn't know how to deal with zombies. These things, even if half of the body is blown up, the remaining half can continue to move. Let's deal with these things!"

Someone said after observing for a while.

The old Taoist also nodded.

Although Ye Yang is strong, he did not do any substantial damage to the zombies.


Ye Yang was very depressed. It was the first time that the superhero's physique was defeated. It seemed that even if the captain of the United States was called to fight zombies, he would not be as good as these talented people around him. It turned out that professionals are professionals...

Yin Qingyue came over mysteriously: "Handsome guy, did you eat the Qilin Jie auctioned at our Xinyue Hotel that time?"

"I ate it."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Don't make it public. The blood flowing in your body now is already full of Qilin's medicinal properties."

Yin Qingyue said.

This kind of blood is the supreme precious blood in the tomb-robbing world. It can ward off all evil and surpass the black dog blood and black donkey hoof. It is the most sacred thing in the tomb-robbing world.

"As long as you show a little blood, these zombies will not dare to bite you when they come in front of you. Instead, they will retreat."

After Yin Qingyue told him, he turned around and threw out a tortoise shell, which directly "petrified" a black-eyed zombie.


Ye Yang was surprised. He thought that after eating Qilin Jie, he would be immune to mosquitoes and snakes and scorpions in the future.

It turns out there is such a use.

"I can't waste my hundreds of billions! Otherwise, I will lose money. I have to try the effect of this blood."

He muttered that when the Crescent Hotel was auctioned at night, he lit nine sky lanterns in a row, repelled the European, American and Japanese capital alliance, and took down the national treasure.

It cost him hundreds of billions.

Yin Qingyue rolled his eyes.

Everyone is trying to avoid these zombies, but Ye Yang actually wants to get close to them to experiment with the "effect" of the precious blood in order to make up for his money...

This brain circuit is also amazing.

"This is not an ordinary zombie..."

The old Taoist said: "Although the action principle is similar to that of zombies, it is different from all the zombies that China has ever found."

In order to survive forever.

Those corpses that can be transformed into zombies are generally treated to prevent decay.

So the body is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is still within the human range.

And these zombies are really made of iron.

It is beyond the old Taoist's cognition.

"And there are too many of them. I have robbed countless tombs in my life, and I have only encountered them twice, one at a time, and two at a time. There are at least dozens of them here... When did the mutation happen so easily... My worldview has been overturned!"

Another elder of the tomb-robbing family complained.


Others either focused on dealing with zombies or were attracted by the words of the old Taoist and the elder tomb-robbing predecessors.

Without noticing, Ye Yang cut his palm with a knife and dripped blood on the newly taken bayonet.

Ye Yang's current super gene warrior physique has a very good self-healing ability. Within three minutes, such a small scratch can be perfectly healed.

He was eager to try.

Others were as if they were facing a great enemy, afraid of dying accidentally.

But he directly waved the bayonet and jumped more than five meters, jumping directly in front of a black-eyed zombie who had just slowly stood up from the rectangular body...

(First update)

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