Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1065: Millennium Tomb or Alien Relics?

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Ye Yang felt that when he jumped over.

I felt that the black-eyed zombie in front of him was stiff for a moment.

Maybe it didn’t expect someone to jump in front of it?


With a slight sound, Ye Yang’s bayonet had already stabbed into its body.


The blood-colored arc lit up instantly, which was a strange phenomenon that had never happened before!

Everyone was shocked by this scene and looked over!


Under the flashing of the blood-colored arc, the black-eyed zombie actually caught fire...


The blood-colored flames continued to burn, and it roared miserably, like a dying beast, roaring before death!

Ye Yang was also shocked, pulled out the bayonet, jumped back, and flashed a distance.

Although Yin Qingyue just said that the Qilin blood was of great use, it seems that he still greatly underestimated the restraint of this blood on evil things!

“Don’t stop until it is completely destroyed...”

Ye Yang shook his head and stopped attacking.

This thing makes too much noise.


The roaring zombie soon stopped moving, the black blood burned out, and only a pool of ashes remained on the spot...

Even the many knowledgeable professionals were stunned at this time.

The scene before their eyes was completely beyond their cognition.

"What the hell is this!?"

"Oh my god... I just said that Mr. Ye can't cause substantial damage to zombies, and he slapped his face..."

"Yes, Mr. Ye is an important figure above, how could he come down without any trump cards. He must be equipped with a treasure!!!"


Everyone nodded repeatedly.

Only Yin Qingyue knew Ye Yang's support, and she was also very surprised at this time.

The Qilin blood is rare in a hundred years, which means that in a few generations, there will be only one person in the world who truly possesses the blood of the Qilin. It is said that the blood of the Qilin is the treasure of the tomb-raiding world, but no one in the world can really see its power and effect.

Now, she has seen it...

It's simply too strong!

Purify all evil spirits!

This huge zongzi that has been around for thousands of years can't stop it!


The old Taoist priest seemed to remember something and was thinking.

Everyone looked at Ye Yang in shock, but now the black-eyed zombies brought great pressure, and they had no time to think about it, so they could only try their best to kill the evil.


In the end, the hundreds of black-eyed zombies that crawled out of the rectangular body were all wiped out...

And the talented people in China did not die, only three were injured. After applying the ointment of their respective sects to suppress corpse poison, they did not get better, and their faces were about to turn black.

"We can only cut off these injured limbs, otherwise the poison will enter the internal organs in a while, and it will be completely over."

The old Taoist priest frowned.

Ye Yang came over, bit his middle finger, and pressed on a man's shoulder.


The man screamed.

Everyone looked at Ye Yang in confusion, and then was frightened by the scream.

"Mr. Ye, what are you doing!?"

"Let him go!"

Someone shouted repeatedly.

The old Taoist priest blocked them, watching all this with deep eyes.


The man screamed for a while, then was stunned. He looked at his shoulder. Although it was burnt, it was also normal blood and flesh color. The corpse poison had completely disappeared...

He looked at Ye Yang in surprise: "What is this?"

Ye Yang shook his head and said nothing.

Now saving people is important, there is nothing to hide.

The next moment, he turned his head and pressed his hand on the waist of another person.

A scream sounded, and then the corpse poison of that person also entered.

Finally, his finger touched the chest of a mature woman, and it felt bouncy.

In order to heal the wound, this was also necessary.

Women don't care. They are naturally not hypocritical when they struggle between life and death.


After she screamed for a while, she found that the corpse poison was indeed completely eliminated. She bowed to Ye Yang to express her gratitude.

"It's not long since we went deep into it, and there is such a big evil. I don't know what will happen next."

Some people are worried.

If they hadn't had the mechanical exoskeleton this time, at least half of them would have died here.

"Not necessarily."

The old Taoist priest shook his head. Just now, they relied on the mechanical exoskeleton and were not afraid of the strange power of these black-eyed zombies, so they stayed to fight.

If they only thought about escaping, they might have found a way to survive long ago, and normally they wouldn't have reached the point of destruction.

"The expedition teams of Xiaozi Country and the United States should have found a way to survive and escaped in advance."

Yin Qingyue guessed.


The old Taoist priest nodded.

"Otherwise, these hundreds of black-eyed zombies, who don't have mechanical exoskeletons, rely on guns and ammunition, and all of them will die here."

The wolf man snorted coldly, obviously feeling extremely sorry that the Xiaozi people didn't all die.

Ye Yang walked to a rectangular block. The zombie that he killed to ash came out of this rectangular block.


He was a little surprised.

This rectangular metal actually retracts and opens automatically...

Looking at the technology, even modern civilization may not be able to make such a smooth metal unfold...

The corner of his mouth twitched.

For a moment, I couldn't figure out whether I had come to the territory of high-tech civilization or a mysterious tomb.

This is too mixed...

He looked inside again.

I only saw wet, sticky black liquid.

There should be poison in it.

Ye Yang frowned.

These machines have been working for at least thousands of years, which really makes people doubt.

"Are they really aliens?"

He became more and more confused.

Humans have been searching in the universe for so many years. Could it be that aliens have visited the earth long ago and left relics on the earth?

He shook his head.

I feel that this speculation is not very reliable.

If these black-eyed zombies remove the weird long black nails and black eyeballs, they are basically the same as humans. How to explain this?

Aliens just happen to look exactly like humans?

He pondered.

"Go inside and you will know what's going on. You can't guess the truth by guessing."

The old Taoist priest also saw Ye Yang's thoughts and spoke at this time.

"Well, it's time to go inside."

Ye Yang nodded.

Whether it was the peerless martial arts that Ye Yang had just displayed, or the profound means of saving people with blood, everyone regarded him as a god.

At this time, he was directly the leader, and he was protected in the middle.

This is not only because he is the big boss of China, but also their life-saving straw!

He can fight and heal, he is simply the god of team battles!

At this moment, Ye Yang, who was excluded by everyone at the beginning and thought he would be a drag, became the undisputed core of the team.

Yin Qingyue smiled, a truly outstanding man can really shine with infinite brilliance wherever he goes...

(Second update)

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