Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1066: Different experiences?

"Mr. Ye, you don't have to take risks yourself when you walk among us. If you are in danger soon, just help us and support us!"

The wolf man said repeatedly.

"That's right!"

The rest of the professional inversion fighters are all Lian Liandao.

Now Ye Yang can be regarded as the soul of the team.

The old Taoist priest and two professional inversion fighters who knew the art of traps were looking for traps around the cube space.

Japan and the United States fled in panic before and were not completely wiped out. They must have found some mechanism and way to leave.

"Do you think they were not completely wiped out because they found a way out?"

The little fat man asked.

"What's the meaning?"

These words aroused the interest of most people, and they all looked over.

"I was thinking, there are three portals to the hall, and we are all exploring them in batches. So, are the 'expedition teams' from those countries also split up?"

The little fat man frowned and raised a possibility that no one had considered before.


Yin Qingyue raised her eyebrows, feeling that this statement was not impossible.

"I think it's impossible. Even the Kingdom of Japan, which has the most people coming in, only has eight people. The 'exploration team' of the Kingdom of Dahan, which has the smallest number of people, only has four people. Such a team faces three roads and has to be divided. ? That’s really looking for death!”

Objections were raised.

"It's better to get to the next place to know the truth."

Someone suggested.

"Well, it depends on whether the old Taoist priest can find a way out."

Ye Yang also nodded.

Not long after, the three of them found some opening mechanisms in different directions.

"It seems that there are many ways to survive in this situation. If we didn't plan to fight to the death just now and escape for our lives, it would be very easy."

The old Taoist priest muttered: "This does not conform to the general rules for the arrangement of tombs. To cultivate such a vicious thing, one must not want future generations to enter the tomb of the owner of the tomb. And the decorator of this ruins obviously left many A way out..."

Tomb said that at this moment, it was once again met with huge doubts.

"Other than tombs, where else could such a ferocious creature be raised? It's simply outrageous..."

The little fat man muttered.

Ye Yang also frowned.

This Changbai Mountain ruins is really mysterious...

"Let's go."

Everyone finally set off.

As soon as they came out of the corridor, they saw so many black-eyed zombies, and everyone felt uneasy.

"If it's really a tomb, none of us may be able to get out later."

someone muttered.

"Shut up! Crow mouth!"


As everyone walked forward, after the cube metal space mechanism was opened, there was a wide metal corridor, which was blue and gold in color.

It has the color of science fiction and a sense of splendor, which makes people's eyes suddenly light up.

It has nothing to do with people’s impressions of tombs...

This metal corridor has three doors.

Another door slowly opened.

Ye Yang and others suddenly looked over.

"Is it possible that just after leaving a dangerous place, we have to dive into another dangerous place?"

Everyone's heart trembled.

The door is completely open.

The humanoid shadow slowly walked out of it...


" turned out to be them, a false alarm!"

The old Taoist priests all sighed.

If something weird like that just happened, no one would be able to bear it.

It turned out that what came out was another Chinese expedition team.

The monk took the lead. The monk's body was stained with black traces of blood, and his skin was corroded.

This group of people was obviously much more miserable than Ye Yang's side. They were all in a miserable state and looked pale.

He was obviously exhausted.

Several others were carried out with severe poison in their bodies and their faces were ashen.

Ye Yang shook his head and went up to treat a few people, which shocked the monks and others.

"It seems that this is where the three roads converge."

Ye Yang said.


The other people all looked at the last door.

There are many strange people in Ye Yang's team, and with a Kirin treasure like him, they should be the fastest.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the last group of twelve people led by Sister Ling also walked out of the third door.

Ye Yang treated several injured team members.

"Thanks to the mechanical exoskeleton this time, otherwise I don't know how many people would have been here. I saw three corpses of the Great Cold Underworld expedition team on our road."

Sister Ling sighed.

Everyone was also happy.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and now no one in China's team has been injured, which is the best news.

"A total of four people came from Dahan Ming Kingdom, and now it seems that they are all dead."

Yin Qingyue said.

"Yes. On our road, we saw the bodies of four European expedition members."

The monk said.

"A total of seven people came from Europe. One died at the metal gate, and four died at the hands of black-eyed zombies. Now there are only two people left."

Someone summed it up.

In front of them, there should be only two people from Europe, two from the United States, and three from Japan, a total of seven people.

"They all entered at least half a day before us. Now it seems that this ruins is not very big. Why haven't they exited now?"

Someone asked doubtfully.

"Is it possible..."

Everyone thought of the most terrible situation.

All died in there! ! !

"Could it be that there is a great terror behind us!?"

Some people were terrified.

Even after many years of going underground, what they saw today was terrifying enough to make people not want to go forward.

"This is our mission."

Sister Ling shook her head: "Even if there is a great terror ahead, we must find out what it is and make sure that we cannot pass through before retreating."

Ye Yang asked what the other two teams encountered.

All of them came out with black toxins, and everyone subconsciously thought that the other two teams had the same experience as them.

But after Ye Yang asked so carefully, he found that this was not the case.

The other two roads encountered crises, but they were not black-eyed zombies, but they could hurt people and they all carried this black toxin.

"Sister Ling encountered a black water leak, and she died if she touched it. The monk encountered an attack from a metal creature. It seems that we have entered three areas with different functions."

Ye Yang pondered, and combined with all these, he still couldn't say what the ruins were originally...

He looked at the road: "Go deeper."

Everyone nodded, although they were a little worried, but after all, they had a mission.

And with Ye Yang being around, nothing serious should happen.

"Da Da..."

Soon, everyone reached the end of the road.


Everyone was stunned by the scene at the end of the road, and no one could say anything for a while...

"What on earth is going on here!?"

They were all stunned.

At the end of the road was a metal wall with holes on both sides.

In the middle of the wall was a gate, but it had become mottled and dilapidated under the erosion of time...

And what shocked everyone was the scene in front of the gate!

(First update)

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