Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1068: Lieyang No. 1 sweeps across the ruins

"Is there really no way to get in!?"

Everyone is surprised.

This thing can actually stop bullets.

Although they had expected that there would be a fierce gun battle in the zombie room, the walls were not damaged.

Apparently these metals are extremely hard.

"We can only retreat and go back and bring in large and powerful weapons."

Someone said.

Before, they didn't know about the energy nodes, and everyone still wanted to fight with their lives. But now that they have a better solution, they still rush in and fight hard. This is not in line with their principles.

"Are you really going to retreat?"

Some people still don't agree with it.

This ruin piqued their curiosity.

Moreover, after exiting, can you really get powerful equipment?

Putting aside the difficulty of driving large equipment into such a place, there is still a question whether this metal can be damaged by those weapons.

"No need."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

Looked around.

Everyone signed a confidentiality agreement for this operation, so he wasn't worried about these people talking nonsense after they went out.

"Is it possible that Mr. Ye has a solution?!"

Some people's eyes widened, feeling incredible.

A metal shell that can shed blood to save people, see through weaknesses in an instant, and even bullets can't stop it?

What kind of existence is this Ye Yang?

Everyone was confused.


Ye Yang smiled slightly and didn't say much. He just took out the bracelet. The summoning distance of Lieyang No. 1 was the core of the upgrade, and it had been rapidly improved in recent days.

He tapped the bracelet lightly.

In the camp opened at the entrance to the mountain, in the big box behind the military truck that Ye Yang drove over.

The blue light lights up instantly!

Lieyang No. 1 instantly decomposed into countless parts and rushed madly into the mountainous area.


The garrison team were all stunned.

Although they were curious about what was in the big box of military cards brought by Lieutenant General Ye, they never thought that these things could fly away on their own...

But they had already received the order, no matter what happened to this military truck, there was no need to make a fuss...

"I didn't quite understand it when I told us... now I understand."

someone muttered.

If we hadn't been vaccinated in advance and such a group of things flew out, we would have to open fire directly...

"Is this super high-tech stuff that the country is hiding and hasn't released yet!?"

"I think so too."

"The speed was too fast, I didn't see it clearly at all."

"Is it...Gundam!?"

"Well, more like a mecha."

"Iron Man..."

Such a sci-fi scene actually happened in front of everyone's eyes, and they were all amazed.

The mecha advanced at extremely high speed.

Like a stream of light and a shadow.

Soon he came to the metal gate, flew straight in, directly broke through the blocked corridor gate, and blasted the black-eyed zombie room...

It can be called devastating.

Finally, these parts rejoined Ye Yang's body.

Lieyang No. 1 became a complete body.

"My day!"

"Ah this!"


Everyone present had their mouths opened...

Unless necessary, Ye Yang does not want this ultra-era technology to be revealed to the public prematurely.

But if we want to retreat now, the price will be quite high, so we have to do this.

"Iron Man!"

The tomb robbing college student exclaimed.

"Is this a secret weapon that the country has not disclosed? This is too cruel!"

"It's so cool to appear! I want it too!"

"Stop dreaming, I guess you can't buy this kind of thing for a billion or eighty million, right?"


Yin Qingyue also looked at it thoughtfully and pouted. It seemed that Ye Yang was not going to discuss business that day. It probably had something to do with this suit.

Ye Yang didn't pay much attention to these exclamations.

He had expected that after the appearance of this creation that surpassed the understanding of the times, it would arouse everyone's heated discussion.

He directly aimed the high-energy particle beam in his hand at a certain node.


The high-energy particle beam carries terrifying energy. After focusing on the metal shell, it will melt directly in less than half a minute!

The inner core was also destroyed!

Despite this, Ye Yang was still amazed.

This metal material is too strong.

This high-energy particle beam can instantly penetrate hundreds of meters of sea water!

It actually took so long to melt through this layer of metal.

In this way, he changed direction and destroyed all five cores.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"With this kind of artifact, what else are we going to do here?"

"Just put on this armor and sweep across."

"That's right!"

Everyone was convinced.

This mecha is simply terrifying, no one can hurt it, and its attack power is so terrifying.

A simply invincible existence.

Coming down is a sweeping sweep!

Many people are excited and imagine wearing this kind of thing to fight upside down in the future. It’s so cool! ! !

Ye Yang seemed to have noticed the mood of these people and smiled slightly: "In the future, there may be a chance to sell it through official channels. Such a mecha is not expensive. Considering the cost, I estimate that it will be sold for over 10 billion." Bar."


Everyone was shocked by the explosive words of Versailles...

More than 10 billion is not expensive...

All the wealth of these people here is not enough!

"Okay, let's go there."

Ye Yang smiled slightly and directly threw a black-eyed zombie on it for experiment. Obviously, the infrared rays in front had disappeared.

He kicked the door open.

Now that this super-era weapon has been displayed, there’s no need to hide your clumsiness!

Sweep directly!

behind the door.

The two figures were trembling.


The two men suddenly raised their heads.

"Chinese people are so cunning!!!"

When Yamamotoderama saw all the Chinese players coming in, his eyes turned red and he immediately cursed.

"This little devil is so lucky, he's not dead yet."

When the wolf man saw Yamamotoji Ma, a bloodthirsty smile appeared on his lips.

"You actually tricked us into finding a way for you! You guys have a really bad conscience!!!"

Yamamotodera felt so distressed that she couldn't breathe.

How miserable I was to be deceived this time! ! !

"You entered the country illegally with weapons. You are spies. You also set up traps to kill others on our Chinese land. You entered our Chinese monuments to run wild and tried to murder our senior Chinese figures. Even if you die ten times, it is not enough! You are still shouting at us here! ?”

Sister Ling had obviously read the code, and she spoke coldly at this time.


Yamamotoderama regained some sense. They were originally the invading enemies, and it was really unjustifiable for them to angrily accuse them of being shameless...

However, Japanese people naturally have no reason to argue.

"We are..."

Ye Yang was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, so he directly punched him and knocked him out.

Maybe the other party has already researched valuable information here and can take him back for severe interrogation.


The captain of the United States screamed miserably: "I will fight with you!"

He knew that he would be tortured endlessly if he was caught, so he was ready to grab the high-explosive bomb in his hand and drag everyone to death...

(First update)

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