Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1069: The truth about the ruins! Big event at the moon base?


The instantaneous explosion speed of Lieyang No. 1 was too fast.

As soon as the captain of the American expedition team raised the bomb, he arrived instantly, and with a photon hand knife, cut his entire arm off...


The high temperature instantly scorched the cut part, and there was not even blood spurting out...


The captain of the American expedition team was instantly controlled and lost his threat.

At this moment, Ye Yang looked around.

This was obviously something like a laboratory. Although the experimental equipment and experimental environment were completely different from those of this era, it could be roughly guessed.

The entire laboratory was filled with various incomprehensible triangular text records.

Ye Yang looked a little familiar, because these "texts" and some decorative symbols in the system page that he originally thought were meaningless, looked very similar...

There were also some metal creations.

"Is this... a computer?"

Yin Qingyue patted the cube-shaped metal block in front of him in disbelief. There was a "glass crystal" screen on it, and a blue metal helmet next to it. It looked very much like a computer or a VR helmet.

Now, no one needs to speak.

This is obviously not a tomb...

Moreover, it is completely beyond their understanding.

What the hell is this place! ?


But everyone also realized a problem.

The discovery of this relic is of great significance. It can be regarded as one of the top discoveries in human history, or even the greatest discovery!

"We are not educated enough to study it clearly. We have cleared all the obstacles. When the time comes, the army will escort the real scientists and archaeologists to conduct scientific research. Everything will be clear at that time."

Sister Ling said: "We have completed our mission."

When it comes to this, everyone is relieved.

This trip to the ruins is the most unforgettable one in their lives. If it weren't for the mechanical exoskeleton and Ye Yang, the anomaly, they would most likely lose most of them.

Not to mention getting out of it unscathed.

Of the other four expedition teams, only two people survived and were trapped in the last laboratory. They couldn't get out at all. It can be predicted that they would starve to death here in the end.

They all sighed with emotion.


Just when everyone was talking about it with relief,

Ye Yang was strolling around the 'laboratory'.

The system page popped up automatically here, constantly displaying drawings of some key instruments.

Ye Yang's sense of surprise became stronger.

The system showed that the instruments were obviously still usable. Some instruments that had been eroded by time and were completely broken could not cause the system to react.

"It's really... incredible. This must have something to do with the system."

Ye Yang frowned, and he couldn't tell what it was...

"Is this cube still usable?"

Ye Yang was surprised. The appearance of the thing in front of him was obviously eroded by time...

However, the equipment that caused the system to react was still working. At this time, he started to operate according to the drawings.

No response...

"Did I guess wrong?"

He frowned and thought for a while. He slapped his forehead and was anxious.

"I was really stupid just now..."

So many years have passed, and it has been out of power...

He disassembled the metal outer plate, took out the energy core inside, and charged it with Lieyang No. 1.

He had seen the black technology battery being developed by the black technology factory, which was almost exactly the same as this one...

He looked at the structure inside the metal plate again...

"It looks familiar..."

Soon, he suddenly realized again: "Isn't this the internal structure of VR glasses and somatosensory suits?"

The coding system used by VR glasses and somatosensory suits is completely different from that of Earth civilization.

Earth uses binary programming to realize computer operation, so at the beginning, although the United States and others were envious, they had no way to develop pirated VR glasses and somatosensory suits...


Ye Yang had many guesses about the origin of the system, either it was an advanced civilization in the universe, or it was a creation related to future civilization.

In any case, the system should have nothing to do with the earth.

Because such technology that goes beyond understanding seems to have nothing to do with the current earth.

And now all the things in this relic are proving to him that the system may have come from the earth itself.

"Is this a laboratory left by aliens on Earth? Or did another civilization originally exist on Earth, with extremely advanced technology, but for some reason, only the ruins are left..."

In any case, it is shocking enough for Ye Yang!

The thing that was originally illusory in speculation has always been so close to him...

He was worried. No matter what the situation was, it could not be said to be a good thing for the current human civilization on Earth.

After all, this is a civilization with a technological level far beyond that of Earth. If it still exists now, once it descends on Earth or reappears, it will be a dimensionality reduction attack on humans in this era...

He suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

It is necessary to greatly improve the current technological level!

After charging, he put the nuclear fusion battery into the "alien civilization computer".


The cube screen lit up, and the patterns on the body shone brightly...

The light breaks into light points, and finally forms an ultra-clear screen in the air. The user who opens it can control the screen with his eyes.

Ye Yang doesn't understand that kind of triangular writing.

An accidental collision caused the light curtain to shatter. In the end, the light spots reorganized, and a holographic video was turned on...

Everyone seemed to have returned to the time when the laboratory was still in operation.

Many staff members are busy, wearing scientific research coats, with limbs all tied together. If they don't say that this is a video record of other civilizations, but say that it is a scene from a science fiction movie that is currently being screened, some people will believe it.


Everyone was attracted.

"Look! There's still something different!"

Someone was searching carefully.

Ye Yang nodded. He saw that these people had a furry tail trailing outside their lab coats...

The inside of the lab coat cannot be seen, and the tail is wrapped in sealed 'plastic'.

"Oh my god, what on earth did I see..."

Many people's worldview has been hit multiple times today...

After watching the video, everyone discovered that these black-eyed zombies are all ‘experimental subjects’!

What the specific research was, they couldn't deduce from this short video.

This is just a daily record similar to a 'scientific research diary'...

"Black water, mass production, submerging some bodies in it, and it certainly ended up creating what we see today."

"There are also some dead 'people' who were moved to the metal creation on another road to make various links..."

"What the hell is this doing?"

Many people are completely confused.

can't read……

Ye Yang frowned, thoughtfully.

He compared the triangular characters related to time in the system and deduced the Arabic numerals corresponding to the triangular characters.

I checked the 'computer' time again and compared it with the time recorded in the video.

His body and mind fell into infinite shock...

"What's wrong? Ye Yang?"

Yin Qingyue had always cared about Ye Yang, and couldn't help but ask at this time.

"This ruins is not thousands of years away from us, but at least 12,000 years ago. It may even be 120,000 years ago..."

Ye Yang didn't know if the result of his comparison was accurate, but according to the number he determined, it was at least...this number. After all, he didn't understand the decimal places used by the previous civilization.

"Twelve thousand years!"

Everyone was amazed and couldn't imagine...

Could it be that before human civilization, there really was a civilization that had reached its peak of prosperity? ?

"It's up to professional scientists to make a specific conclusion."

Ye Yang shook his head, he was just guessing.

After packing up, I put everything I could take away into my luggage.

They returned with the captains of Japan and the United States...

Everything else will follow the rules.

Ye Yang had no plans to stay any longer, because the lunar base project team sent him extremely exciting news...

He wants to go to the moon tomorrow, which is the Chinese New Year and New Year's Eve, to conduct the groundbreaking ceremony of the base and cut the ribbon!

At this time, this epic move that shocked human history and illuminated the past and future will be broadcast around the world! ! !

(Second update)

PS: Big stamp of approval and New Year blessings!

Jiuyang wishes everyone a happy New Year’s Eve and a happy New Year! ! !

This is the second Spring Festival that Jiuyang has spent during the writing process of this book, which makes me quite emotional when I think about it.

Thank you readers for accompanying me along the way.

The author plans to take two days off on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, so he plans to go to the moon to participate in tailoring (/faithful face).

Normal updates will resume on the second day of junior high school.

Let’s also talk about the subsequent development. This ruins is just a clue to reveal the final setting. There are four main plots in the back, including the Black Source and the Great Technology Upgrade, and there are probably about one to two hundred chapters left.

Interested readers can also guess what will happen next~

Of course, it is not ruled out that during the creation process, you may want to add some branches or enrich the plot, which may lead to some lengthening in the future.

Finally, I wish you all peace and joy in the new year, all the best, pass every exam, get rich and have lots of peach blossoms~

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