Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1071: His qualifications cannot be replaced by anyone


Ye Yang put on his space suit.

He didn’t know if he could survive on the moon’s surface with his current physique. No one would risk their lives, so he had to put on his space suit before going out.


The door of the spacecraft opened.

Ye Yang stepped on the soil of the moon for the first time.

Because the gravity of the moon is relatively low, the space suit has been specially treated to ensure that people will not fly around. Although the feeling of walking is light, it is almost the same as on Earth.

Ye Yang suddenly felt a little emotional. Isn’t this the light skill in martial arts novels in the past when ordinary people can fly over the eaves and walls with a simple jump?

If the gravity is lighter, wouldn’t it be the same as flying?

Are the backgrounds of immortal cultivation novels all set on planets with relatively low gravity?

He smiled slightly and put away these fanciful thoughts.

After all, it will be broadcast live to the world in a while. This will definitely be recorded in the history of mankind in the future, an important part of the history of space!

"Mr. Ye is the first Chinese to step on the moon!"

The scientific consultant behind him was also excited. Who doesn't want to step on the lunar soil one day? ?

Behind him was the broadcasting team.

The broadcasting was nothing more than a signal problem. Although there was some delay in the communication between the earth and the moon, the delay was not large in fact, given that the distance between the earth and the moon was too close.

The team debugged the equipment specially prepared for this aerial photography.

And Ye Yang walked towards the distant lunar base.

Of course, the existence of the spacecraft should be kept secret for as long as possible.

Many things, before they are revealed, will cause infinite fear and dread in the enemy. If they are revealed, they will be exposed.

Let Europe and the United States guess!

Why did they suddenly build a base on the moon?

If they don't know the bottom of China, they will have trouble sleeping and eating, and they dare not really start a war.

So, this time the spacecraft docking site is a little far away from the base, and the spacecraft will not be filmed when the ribbon is cut later.

The materials for building the base are piled on the surface of the moon.

After the ribbon-cutting ceremony today, astronauts who have urgently completed their knowledge of construction will be sent up tomorrow to carry out the preliminary construction.

Building a base on an alien planet is the first time for humans. No one has experience or standards. They can only try and explore slowly.

After a long while.

The broadcast team finally adjusted the equipment and came over.

At the same time.

The Internet on Earth has already exploded.

In ten minutes, it will be the official announcement of China that the live broadcast of the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the lunar base will begin.

The eyes of the world who are paying attention to this matter are all staring at the program of China's official satellite TV.

Nowadays, Chinese has become a language that is on par with English in the world. Many people do not need translation when watching Chinese programs.

"Today, our station will broadcast a grand event in human history. In ten minutes, the base construction team far away on the moon will connect with us to watch this scene that is destined to go down in the history of human aviation!"


"No way, China is really going to do a live broadcast?"

"Could it be that they have really landed on the moon and even started to build a base?"

"I know that China has risen, but this rise is a bit too incredible..."

The foreigners were dumbfounded.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could China land on the moon earlier than our country! We are China's most powerful competitor! I am the world's number one, and they are the second for a thousand years!"

"My Great Cold Netherland is the number one in the universe! We haven't landed on the moon, so you should just stay where you want!"

"Ahaha, China, your conscience is so bad, you must be a liar!"


The popularity of the international forum has increased sharply. Obviously, everyone attaches great importance to this kind of thing.

And China is full of joy.

"Before, I thought it was some self-media that was spreading rumors again, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"The official satellite TV has started broadcasting the program, it's absolutely correct!"

"Haha, our China is a country that does big things! It is unknown, but once it strikes, it's a king bomb!"

"Playing dumb to eat the tiger?"

"The protagonist of the old cool article!"

"We have always been king-level in secretly developing and then surprising everyone."

"I saw Europe launch a super rocket before, and those idiots' remarks really made me angry!!! Today we have to be proud of it too!"

"That's right..."


Expected and watched by everyone!!!


Official satellite TV.

The host Lao Sa and a few others said together: "Okay! Time's up, let's connect to the moon!"


The screen went black for a few seconds. During these few seconds, countless people had their own thoughts. Some hoped that the screen would remain black, some hoped that nothing would go wrong, and some expected Ye Shenhao to show up...

Facts often do not change with people's hearts.

Even though many people didn't want to see this scene, the connection was still connected safely.

The dark background of the universe, the dry lunar soil.

The orderly stacked building materials.

And the tall figures in space suits in front of the building materials.


The barrage exploded.

"It's really the moon!"

"Which one is Ye Shenhao!? This astronaut hat is so thick, I can't see it clearly!"

"Stand in the middle!"

"Haha, that's right, big shots have always been in the C position!"

"What Ye Shenhao? Isn't he a live broadcaster on Douyin? When did he become an astronaut?"

"What Douyin live broadcaster? Isn't he a movie director? Why did he go to the moon..."

"I clearly remember that he was a food maker..."

"That's wrong, isn't he the boss of a charity organization?"

Many people are confused about the situation.

Ye Yang has been on the hot search too many times in different identities, resulting in many people having completely different impressions of him.

Most people have a one-sided understanding of him.

However, soon there were enthusiastic viewers in the barrage area who came out to popularize Ye Yang's deeds, and they were all Ye Yang's die-hard fans.

"Wow! He did so many awesome things!"

"This is too awesome!"

"What a big shot! But I still don't understand why he went to the moon for such a thing? This is an extremely important event in human history!"


No matter how popularized, the identities of Lieutenant General Ye Yang and the Ninth Will are absolutely confidential, and few people know about them.

It is said that there are deeper identities.

Therefore, most people don't understand why Ye Yang is standing there...

"Do you need a reason? I only need to say one thing to make you understand that his qualifications cannot be replaced by anyone!"

At this time, someone suddenly said something shocking, attracting everyone's attention.

"Boss! Tell us!"

"That's right, I want to hear it too!!!"

(Second update)

How was your New Year, fans?

How many dishes did you eat for the New Year's Eve dinner?


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