Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1072: Surprise! Suspicious black mass on the moon


Many people who watched the live broadcast were attracted by that statement.

After all, many people were wondering why Ye Yang was qualified to come to the moon and cut the ribbon on behalf of China and mankind to open the lunar base.

“Because he is the creator of stable nuclear fusion! He not only provided funds, but also made core technical contributions! And the reason why we can reach the moon and develop nuclear fusion is the premise of everything!!! It can be said that without Mr. Ye, there would be no scene today!!!”

The man spoke again, and it was deafening!

All the people who saw this scene were shocked.

“So it’s because of this?”

“Sure enough, China can do this by upgrading nuclear fusion and developing a new technology!”

In the Balor Consortium Manor, Sesis* Balor slammed the table hard.

Although they knew that China had developed controlled nuclear fusion.

But I didn't expect that this technology would be extended and upgraded so quickly...

"Did they develop a nuclear fusion rocket? Can it make the rocket smaller? So we didn't monitor it when it was launched?"

"I don't could be something else..."

All the council members were scratching their heads. Things that have not been announced are the most frightening, and people who are hard to figure out are the most creepy.

"We must find out!"

"That's right!!!"

"Wake up all the moles hiding in China! We must know the inside story of this matter!"

Everyone was terrified.

China secretly made this technological leap that surpassed everyone's understanding, and they didn't know anything about it?

This is simply a miracle in the Internet age!

Of course, it is a miracle for China, but for the consortiums that bet against Ye Yang, it is devastating news!!!

"How is it possible!? They actually went to the moon!?"

"Is it fake!?"

"Is it fake!?"

"It doesn't look like it... This background..."

"Nowadays, movie special effects are so advanced, who knows if this is a special effect!?"

"That's right... The special effects in the TV series "Daddy's God Restaurant" that has been popular all over the world recently are almost real?"

"In fact, you can still feel it... Special effects are sometimes too real, but not real. There is no sense of flaws in the real world..."


Foreign forums are also going crazy.

Everyone is discussing it crazily.


However, no matter how they question it, it is meaningless.

The facts are there. China cannot use the whole country's strength to create this scam. Everyone knows it in their hearts, because doing so will gain nothing except a little face.

The cost of being exposed is too high.

After weighing the pros and cons, the top leaders of various countries know what the facts are...

"It's really hateful!"

In the United States, many shadow emperors feel tremendous pressure.

If this goes on, it will be meaningless for them to monopolize anything, because... China will monopolize the stars and the sea, and the future of mankind! ! !

Facing such an opponent, what is there to talk about?


At this moment, countless eyes were watching this scene, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

And China was excited.

"So it turned out that Ye Shenhao came up with nuclear fusion!?"

"This is too strong! Thousand layers of cake? With so many identities, he is actually a super scientific research boss!? I'm afraid he has some other identities like generals and super bosses in the positive world?"

"It's hard to say... This Ye Shenhao is simply too strong! He is so awesome that he doesn't look like a human being!!!"

"Maybe he has already stopped being a human being..."



Everyone was excited and excited, looking at the picture, they felt heartfelt emotion.

The surface of the moon.

The bright red ribbon bouquet was unfolded on the dry and gray surface of the moon, becoming the most eye-catching scenery in the field of vision.

This red is destined to be engraved into the history of mankind.

And the young man standing behind this red...





The countdown ended, and Ye Yang cut off the red silk, symbolizing the official start of the construction of the lunar base! ! !


"Too powerful!"

"We will have a lunar base!"

"Maybe we can go to the moon for vacation in the future..."

"I thought it was a dream, but now I can really look forward to it!"

"Ye Shenhao is invincible!"

"Long live China!!!"


In China, the whole country is jubilant.

Ye Yang smiled slightly, and his heart was also very excited.

Who didn't have fantasies about the sea of ​​stars when he was a child?

He looked at the huge earth in the distance, and then looked at the deep and dark deep space of the universe...

The future universe is destined to be bright!

The darkness will fade away.

The glory of mankind will burst out of the earth and shine on the other side of the starry sky!

However, that is destined to be a very distant thing.

The real starry sky era is still far away from now. Once we enter the starry sky era, everything about human beings will change.

Everyone will realize how insignificant the intrigues on this cosmic dust on Earth are.

The universe is so vast, and the resources are almost infinite...

It was an extremely bright and beautiful era, and it was a time of continuity and progress.

He retracted his gaze and calmed down.

"Mr. Ye, the ribbon-cutting ceremony is complete."

The scientific assistant next to him said.

Ye Yang nodded.

Before the live broadcast ended, Ye Yang signaled the cameraman to take the camera and turn around a few times to prove that all this was not a special effect.


Now any normal person would shut up. If such a realistic special effect could be made like this, even if China did not build a lunar base, it would definitely reach the extreme in a certain field, which is also extremely terrifying.

Only some people with bad intentions or ulterior motives are still shouting.


The live broadcast was turned off.

Ye Yang was walking on the moon, and when he looked up, he suddenly saw a cube-shaped black shadow in the distance.

His heart moved.

Isn't this the "black shadow of the lunar building" that was very popular on the Internet before, which was suspected to be Guanghan Palace?

Finally, he found a random stone, took a photo, and said it was the blurry cube body, and he got away with it.

"Go and have a look."

He stepped forward.

After walking a few hundred meters, he found that the black block was still a black block.

It seemed that there was no change.

"Mr. Ye! Where are you going!?"

Many people were shocked when they saw this scene and shouted repeatedly.

"Go to see the black shadow."

Ye Yang pointed to the distance: "Don't you see it?"

"Black shadow? What black shadow?"

The research assistant and the filming team looked at each other, and then they all made puzzled sounds...

(First update)

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