Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,073: ‘The Great Selection’ and ‘Three Paths’

“It’s the unidentified black cube object on the moon that was very popular on Douyin before!”

Ye Yang pointed to the black mass in the distance.


Several people looked over.

There is indeed a very abrupt looking regular cube in the distance.

However, they rarely use Douyin and are usually engaged in scientific research. Or they are simply older and don’t engage in young people’s entertainment.

So I didn't pay attention to the black shadow just now.

Now that I take a closer look, there is indeed something unusual about it.

It was so didn't look like it was formed naturally.

"The lunar base has not yet been built, and the nearby lunar surface environment has not yet been fully understood. It is better not to stray too far away from the base."

All the people said.

Ye Yang walked a few hundred meters away, and they all had sweat on their foreheads.


Ye Yang thought for a while and pressed down his bracelet.

He is now carrying Lieyang No. 1 as much as possible, and it is currently sleeping in the warehouse of the spaceship.

The most dangerous situation in space is floating in space.

Human power cannot change its trajectory in space. Once it floats in the space environment, it is equivalent to being eternally exiled, slowly drifting in space until it dies.

The Lieyang can adapt to the space environment and has its own power source. Even if it accidentally floats into the universe, it can fly back if it is not too far away.

Especially since there is no atmospheric obstruction in the universe, the speed of Lieyang can be greatly increased.

Flying back from the moon is fast.

"Kacha kacha..."

The spacesuit was gradually replaced by the Lieyang One armor.

"no problem."

Ye Yang jumped into the air and flew directly towards the black square...


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"My turns out that Mr. Ye is Iron Man?"


They were all astonished.

Lieyang 1 is highly confidential news in China. Although they came to the moon with Ye Yang, they didn't know about it.

When they saw it at this time, they were all horrified.

"So we already have this level of technology!?"


Everyone was murmuring and lost their minds for a moment.

Even scientists with high receptivity were stunned by the impact of flying spaceships, moon bases, and flying mechas in the past two days.

Ye Yang is extremely fast.

In the eyes of normal people, it is like a thunderbolt.

It passed thousands of meters in an instant...

"Is it so far?"

Even if it sweeps across such a long distance, it only looks a little larger, which proves that its body is not a small cube, but a very large existence!

Ye Yang was surprised and accelerated directly.

Under the terrifying speed of Lieyang No. 1, he soon arrived above the body of the 'Black Block'.

"This is?"

Ye Yang's eyes were shocked.

He descended slowly...

In front of him, a familiar metal door appeared.

"The metal gate of the Changbai Mountain ruins."

His expression changed, and he recognized the strange metal door with bloody lines at a glance...

"Did that civilization ever develop a moon base?"

Ye Yang frowned.

But then he was relieved. Although the other party's technology seemed to be different from modern times, it had obviously developed to a very high level.

Whether it is a projection computer or a black technology battery, this is illustrated.

In fact, it is very likely that the system has a great relationship with this civilization.

However, Ye Yang did not agree that the system was created by this civilization. After all, if this civilization was strong enough to create such a level of creation, how could it suddenly disappear?

You know, the system has no entity.

This technology is at the void creation level!

This skill alone cannot be developed to the level of 'pure energy', and even the civilization of the gods cannot achieve it!

If the previous civilization really had this level of technology, it would be impossible to create experimental failures like black-eyed zombies.

After all, compared with void creation, that kind of experiment is just entry-level.

Judging from the final outcome of these black-eyed zombies, this experiment obviously failed...

"Compared with the current earth, that kind of civilization is no different from gods and barbarians. The earth is like a glass ball, and the sun is just a lamp in the bedroom."

Ye Yang shook his head, opened the metal door with one hand, and rushed in...

Behind the door, there is still a stone statue.

The general structure is very different from the Changbai Mountain ruins.

He explored all three corridors, the ruptured black water, the out-of-control metal creations, the manic black-eyed zombies...

Destroyed by the crushing energy of Lieyang No. 1, they all turned into fly ash.

He cut off the infrared nodes and entered the deepest part of the ruins.

The core room of this ruins is almost completely dilapidated, even more damaged than the one in Changbai Mountain...

After searching for a long time, I only found an electronic pen. After injecting electricity, a broken sound picture flashed out.

In front of him was a 'pre-civilized' man wearing a 'space suit'.

He sat slumped indoors, the lights behind him flickered, and he could vaguely see the face inside through the glass crystal mask...

A pair of purple, desperate eyes.


"The big screening is coming, and this day has come..."

This time, the system actually sounded simultaneous interpretation.


"The impact of the Great Filter is stronger than expected. The people on the second road have been extinct. I sat on the third road and completed my mission. I turned off most of the energy consumption devices. Soon, the coldness of the universe will make my body stiff and lose all vitality.

I hope that the people on the third road can wake up after the Great Filter, see my message, and rebuild everything... But the experimental results over the years tell me that the 99% is a beautiful fantasy..."

"My compatriots who took the first road..."

"Perhaps, you are wise."

"We are all wrong..."

The electric pen stopped working and there was a long silence...

Ye Yang put away the electric pen. This will be important evidence for studying the "pre-civilization".

He sighed.

Looking at the "pile" on the metal chair next to him that was so rotten that it was difficult to recognize.

This "pile" should be the creatures that left these words.

Unfortunately, after hundreds of thousands of years, it has turned into ashes...

"What does the Great Filter mean? What is the first road?"

Ye Yang has his own speculation in his heart.

The Great Filter should be a catastrophe, and the three paths should correspond to the different choices of different people in that era.

According to its description, the second path is extinct.

He also saw the failure of the third path.

So... what is the first path?

Did they successfully survive the catastrophe called "The Great Filter"?

"The answer to the first path is worth 100,000 face points."

The system responded.


Ye Yang was speechless and rolled his eyes.

(Second update)

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