Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1074: Mr. Xiao Wang is here?


Ye Yang felt very painful, but the matter involved the fate of the ‘pre-civilization’, which was almost the top event of this era.

He was a little entangled, because he could probably guess what the first path was.

Was it worth spending 100,000 face points for this information?


Finally, he decided to buy it.

After all, this kind of thing was of great importance and could not be vague.

He had to admit that he was tricked by this black-bellied system.

After he bought it, there was an extra file inside the system.

After he opened it, he read it.

“Sure enough.”

He scratched his head. The so-called first path was to fly into the universe.

However, there was a detailed plan process in the information.

“I don’t know how those who set foot into the universe are now.”

Ye Yang pondered.

‘Pre-civilization’ seemed to be more advanced than today’s Earth civilization, but it was definitely limited.

At least the interstellar era had not yet begun. Flying out of the earth and looking for a second home in the universe were all full of dangers and unknowns at the time.

Otherwise, it would not be called the ‘first path’.

Obviously, the people on the second and third roads all felt that the probability of success of the first road was not high, so they chose other methods to survive the "Great Selection".

"What exactly is the Great Selection?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Five hundred thousand face value."

The system said.


Ye Yang rolled his eyes, you star system!

Face value is very valuable, no one can guarantee that the Great Selection will not appear in this era, these face values ​​are not as good as using them to develop the era technology, just in case.

If it is used to buy a piece of information, it would be too unwise.

You know, five hundred thousand face value could have bought a black technology company at the beginning.

Its value can be imagined.


He turned around again, and then, wearing Lieyang No. 1, he returned to the vicinity of the base.

Everyone surrounded him one after another.

"Are you okay, Mr. Ye!?"

They were all scared.

Ye Yang put on the armor, which scared them. After a moment of distraction, Ye Yang disappeared directly.

The speed was too fast!

They couldn't keep up at all!

Can only worry!

Seeing Ye Yang finally return, they all came to greet him.

"We were scared to death..."

"If you make a mistake, we can't afford such a loss!"



Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yang's status and identity are too high. If something really happens, they can't bear the responsibility.

"What exactly is that cube?"

After a while, everyone reacted and asked repeatedly.

Most of them do things related to scientific research, so they are naturally very concerned about these things.

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Confidential."

Everyone's face changed instantly.

Their level is already quite high, but what Mr. Ye discovered is obviously not even qualified to know at their level!

They didn't ask.

Confidential, can't ask randomly.

Everyone got on the spacecraft and took off their space suits. Many people looked at the black square in the distance, curious in their hearts.

They all wanted to know what it was...

Ye Yang looked at their eyes and smiled slightly.

The existence of the ‘pre-civilization’ is now known only to those who explored the ruins and a few top Chinese beings. This is a serious matter and must not be disclosed easily.

Otherwise, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable changes.

As an ordinary person before, he once thought that if other civilizations like aliens were discovered, they should not be concealed from the public.

But when he really sat on the tenth will, looking at everything recorded in history and core data, and thinking from the perspective of the country, it is indeed the most rational decision not to announce it for the time being.

It often only takes a very small number of people with ulterior motives and malicious tricks to cause social ‘chaos’.


Soon, the spacecraft landed back at the launch center.

A group of bigwigs greeted them, all of them excited.

This means that human civilization has entered a new era!

The era of satellite bases!

Ye Yang looked solemn and whispered to several major wills.

Several people looked stern and invited Ye Yang to get on an extended black car.

It sped all the way and entered a core laboratory.


Ye Yang handed the electric pen to the other party, and then said some information he knew.

Now that he himself is a part of it, he is naturally not afraid of the so-called "slice test" when he says these things. After all, who would use himself for a slice test?

He only said the content of the recording, but no one knew how he understood it.

Ye Yang did not explain, and no one dared to ask.

"The above are all my guesses. You can compare and analyze according to my ideas."

After Ye Yang finished speaking, he set off for Prince Gong's Mansion.

This is his residence in the capital.

"Master hasn't been back for a long time~"

The housekeeper Zhu Zhuzhu is still in ancient costumes, gentle and sweet, with a unique temperament of a head of a mansion.

It's like a combination of Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu in "Dream of Red Mansions".

Only the advantages are integrated, and the disadvantages are removed.

Ye Yang smiled.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt his trouser legs move. It turned out to be Winnie, sticking to him.

He couldn't help but smile slightly. This guy was in such a good mood.

"Missed me?"

Ye Yang smiled and touched her head.

Then he walked into the interior. There were a lot of things to do in the past few days, including visiting the ruins and cutting the ribbon on the moon.

In the middle, he had a New Year's Eve dinner to rest.

Now everything has come to an end.

He is also ready to have a good rest. This night, he was completely relaxed. After all, Winnie was too "thick-skinned".

If it were an ordinary girl, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

But because of her unique attributes, her endurance is different from that of ordinary people, which makes Ye Yang amazed.

A pleasant night.

The moon sets and the sun rises.

Ye Yang rarely slept until ten o'clock before getting up. Occasionally, he slept in and was extremely comfortable. Of course, it was also because he slept too late.

He stood up and did a set of punches.

Open the tendons and activate the meridians, stretch the bones and open the qi.

"Master~Mr. Xiao Wang is here."

Zhu Zhuzhu smiled and helped Ye Yang change his clothes while saying.


Ye Yang's heart moved. The other party is well-informed?

As if seeing what Ye Yang was thinking, Zhu Zhuzhu smiled and added without leaving any trace: "He has been coming here recently when he has nothing to do. He always comes to see you, but you are here today."

Ye Yang suddenly realized.


In the living room, on the golden nanmu table worth hundreds of millions, all kinds of precious and fresh delicacies and fruits were placed.

Ye Yang and Wang Xiaocong sat on both sides, chatting and laughing.

"Brother Ye, you are too strong! You flew directly to the moon to cut the ribbon! I was stunned by it!"

Wang Xiaocong said repeatedly.

"It's okay."

Ye Yang smiled slightly: "Tell me, you have come to see me several times, what's the matter? Can't you just say it on the phone?"

(First update)

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