Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1075: Ye Yang goes abroad, attracting worldwide attention

"Ahem, I'll tell you the truth, Brother Ye... It's really because of one thing, to ask for something, that I have only come to see you in person a few times."

Wang Xiaocong scratched his head, obviously coming in person to show his sincerity.

"Oh? But it doesn't matter."

Ye Yang nodded.

"A company under my name has recently built a project in Southeast Asia, and I want to invite Brother Ye to be the opening guest. The local power there is too fierce, and a small dragon like me can't defeat them at all.

Brother Ye now has international prestige. If he goes to suppress the situation, he will probably be able to suppress it. "

Wang Xiaocong sighed. Most of his recent investments were in that company. The resistance was beyond imagination. It was too difficult!

After much deliberation, he had no choice but to invite Ye Yang. After all, he was the only one with this prestige and status.

Although his father is also strong, his influence in Southeast Asia is not great. Now Ye Yang is attacking the leaders of Europe and the shadow emperor of the United States. His reputation for strength is unparalleled in the world. The whole of China, now in the international business world, The most shocking one is Ye Yang.

Only in the face of such a terrifying existence sweeping the international business community can those Southeast Asian businessmen restrain themselves.

"Well, I understand."

Ye Yang nodded: "I just want to go out for a walk recently. This is nothing."

"Brother Ye! Thank you so much!"

Wang Xiaocong said repeatedly.

Ye Yang waved his hand: "Between us, how can we express our gratitude for this small favor?"

Wang Xiaocong sighed: "You don't know how difficult it has been for me recently! Those lone wolves and humpback whales in Southeast Asia are so powerful and fierce that my father doesn't even buy them. Now only Ye is left. Brother, you have a hope.

If you refuse, all my long-term investment will be over and I will be completely destitute overnight! "

"Haha... the problem will always be solved."

Ye Yang laughed and didn't care too much.

Now that he has reached this stage, there are not many difficulties and obstacles in the world that he can see.

He didn't think that this trip could be so dangerous.

I had a good rest at Prince Gong’s Mansion for a few more days.

After feeling refreshed and comfortable, you are ready to set off.

The moment Ye Yang stepped out of the border.

There was a sensation in many parts of the world.

Somewhere in Southeast Asia, in the Palace of the Source of Darkness.

All the black-faced men suddenly raised their heads, their eyes bursting with brilliant light! ! !

"That person finally left China!"


The exciting voice echoed in the hall.

"Back then they destroyed our headquarters in China and the losses were extremely heavy!!! He must pay the price!!!"

"That's right!"

“Finally the day has come!!!”

"We said that day that as long as he dares to step out of China, we will let him pay with blood!!!"

"Haha, I thought he was going to be a coward for the rest of his life! Hahaha... He finally couldn't hold it in any longer and took that step!"

"This step will save him from life and death!!!"

All the masked men in black robes roared.

Obviously, they had endured Ye Yang for too long.

The president at the top also stood up and said with great strides: "Make a plan! Revenge!"

As long as they are outside China, their power can be used without limit! ! !

"Back in the Demon City, we had too many restrictions... We were the most terrifying force in the world. We were destined to lead the future! Then Ye Yang wouldn't be so naive as to think that we would only play some dark tricks, would he? Let him be shocked! Let him see how terrifying and terrifying the black source is!"

Some council members shouted excitedly.


Many council members are looking forward to it.

The black-robed president came to the map and prepared to discuss a detailed plan.

And all over the world, shadow emperors, leaders, and plutocrats are all paying attention to Ye Yang's footsteps.

His move made everyone look at him.

"Isn't his travel encrypted? He is really unscrupulous."

"Perhaps you really feel that you are invincible?"


Various discussions came from the highest place in the world, and sneers continued.

"Shall we...?"

"He has offended too many people. Someone will always take action for us."


"Let those people try his true and false first!"

"Let's just sit back and watch the snipe and the clam fight."

"Ha ha……"

There are many voices, voices from all over the world.

Ye Yang's rise is too fast, too dazzling, and too compelling.

It makes people feel pressure and also makes people feel fear.

There are even many people who have a hostile relationship with him and hope that he will die soon.

At this time, everyone is paying attention to this scene.

Ye Yang set foot at the Vietnam Airport in Southeast Asia. The people here are fierce and the economy is in the process of development. It is like China decades ago, full of opportunities.

However, it is also full of dangers and ‘hard truths’.

Chaos, opportunity, money, and power intersect here...

All kinds of business, from the most decent to the most scandalous, can be found here.

However, Wang Xiaocong hired a professional bodyguard team with specially equipped weapons here.

The aura is so powerful that ordinary people dare not approach him.

Otherwise, as soon as they get off the plane, many people will be able to learn what the unique atmosphere of Southeast Asia is.

"It's like going back many years ago."

Ye Yang looked at the many scenes in Yue Kingdom and said with emotion.

Heroes emerge from troubled times. Chaos means there are no rules and everything is possible.

Black, poison, sex, and martial arts.

Power, money, wine, blood.

An era full of opportunities, but also full of darkness...

If you compare, it is the years here in the 1990s or the beginning of the 21st century.

The age of heroes.

Heroes rise on the flesh and blood of ordinary people.

Many people yearn for this kind of era, but they can't tell whether they are heroes or ordinary people.

The hero's story is only suitable for reading. If you really lived in the same era as him, only you would know the pain.


Ye Yang saw the simplicity and honesty of the people in the market, and also saw the arrogance of those who dominated the market.

Very emotional...

Everyone thinks that they are heroes in troubled times, but in the end, the vast majority are ordinary people who are trembling in fear at the street hair salons who are being charged shelter fees...

He withdrew his gaze and realized that what he thought about when he was a child was indeed very different.

He smiled.

Change is not a bad thing sometimes.

Maturity is not all the derogatory meaning it once thought it was.

"Ahem, we're almost there."

Wang Xiaocong said.

What we came to was naturally Hu City, the most economically prosperous city in Vietnam.

After getting off the car, there was a huge team of bodyguards.

It made the legs and feet of those ordinary gangsters feel weak, let alone come up to deliver them.

They all hid far away and looked at this place with envy.

Many people looked fiercely, hoping that one day they could reach such a prestigious position...

(Second update)

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