Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1076: The Five Leaders of Yue State——Polar Bear

"What a grand occasion! Which gang is this? They are probably very powerful!"

"If I can get this kind of pomp in the future, I will have lived a meaningful life!"

In the distance, some street thugs such as Shamatte and Wanzitou looked at this place with infinite envy.

"These are from Huaxia. They are all powerful people. But I don't think it's a good idea to compete with those people for business in Hu City. After all, it's out of reach."

A middle-aged man in a yellow jacket with a bit of status, smoking a cigarette, looked like he saw through the world.

"From Huaxia!?"

The eyes of several thugs were shocked.

Now that Huaxia's prestige in the international community is gradually established, there is always a shock in the heart when hearing this term.

Moreover, Yue and Huaxia are bordering each other, and the influence between them is even greater.

In the early years, a gang in Xiangwan was provoked by a gang in Yue, and they turned around and massacred a super gang in Yue.

Not to mention the super Huaxia forces that were famous in the early years.

What about Nanling Genye, a big tyrant in the south, who made the Yue gangsters unable to raise their heads.

However, in recent years, with the elimination of gangs and evil, there is no gangster in China anymore, and the Yue gangsters have raised their heads again and respected themselves.



Xiao Qingxuan chewed bubble gum while looking at the nearby streets.

This environment evoked her memories. Many of the places where she completed tasks in her early years were such cities. She had killed many gangsters.

In her eyes, these hungry wolves on the street looked like cabbage heads waiting to be chopped.

Many people felt cold in their hearts when they were looked at by her eyes.

They came to the outside of a big villa.


The door opened.

The man in pajamas opened his ring, looking extremely welcoming, with an endless smile on his face.

"Oh! The distinguished guest from China has come from afar! I am sorry for not welcoming you!"

The man laughed and shook hands with Wang Xiaocong warmly. When he turned to Ye Yang, his outstretched hand stayed awkwardly in the air.

Because Ye Yang just nodded to him lightly, and had no intention of shaking hands.

"Ah... Haha!!! This young gentleman looks familiar!"

The man was unhappy in his heart, but his smile was even warmer.

"He is Mr. Ye Yang, who has recently attacked international chaebols and consortiums. He is the undisputed representative of our Chinese business community!"

Wang Xiaocong introduced solemnly.

"Oh!? Ahahaha... Excuse me! It turns out to be Mr. Ye!"

The man took a deep look at Wang Xiaocong, obviously not expecting that the other party could actually invite someone of Ye Yang's level to the scene.

However, he is one of the highest-ranking people in the entire Yue Kingdom, and he thinks he is also qualified to treat Ye Yang equally. This kid is too ignorant and doesn't even want to shake hands!

Ye Yang glanced at him lightly and sneered in his heart.

A self-proclaimed executioner, a bully who does all kinds of evil, no matter how many people he has under his command and how deep his influence in Yue Kingdom is, he can't get away from this essence.

It's doubtful whether he can be called a "person", how can he shake hands with him! ?

"This is Polar Bear Lin Lai Dongfu, one of the five gangsters in Yue."

Wang Xiaocong also introduced him to Ye Yang.

Polar Bear is a nickname.

Among the five largest black forces in Yue, the Arctic Group led by Polar Bear, which is entrenched near Hu City, must be a strong contender for the strongest force.

Polar Bear is the smiling man in pajamas in front of him, named Lin Lai Dongfu.

In the Asian circle, civilization is more or less influenced by China. Most of the people in Yue are also Chinese surnames.

However, Polar Bear's surname is a rare and unique double surname: Lin Lai.

"Come in!"

Lin Lai Dongfu glanced at Wang Xiaocong's guard team, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the hall.

Incense burners are burning.

There are many Buddhists in Southeast Asia.

He Lin Lai Dongfu is extremely devout in Buddhism, and his home is like a big temple.

Ye Yang looked at the villa garden and sneered in his heart.

Standing at different heights, he and Wang Xiaocong have different ideas.

Wang Xiaocong hopes to rely on his reputation to suppress the polar bear and make him dare not be greedy and exploit again.

However, Ye Yang has seen too many local snakes like this, and he always thinks that he is a local emperor, and he will not give face even if the gods come.

He smiles in front of you, but in his heart he completely despises the reputation on your head.

It is better to use tyrannical means to destroy a big gangster, which will not only eliminate harm for the people, but also establish a reputation.

To deal with ruthless people, the only way is to establish a reputation with ruthlessness.

What politeness, what politeness, in the eyes of evil people, it is just a cowardly expression of your fear of their fierce reputation.

"You erect so many Buddha statues, are you afraid that the people you kill will turn into evil spirits to find you?"

Xiao Qingxuan was straightforward, chewing bubble gum, and asked casually.

Lin Lai Dongfu's smile was stiff for a moment, and his eyes glanced at Xiao Qingxuan with a vicious look. This micro-expression can be hidden from others, but not from Ye Yang.

However, the next moment, he laughed out loud.

"If I were afraid of ghosts, I wouldn't do this business!"


Xiao Qingxuan nodded to herself.

"The Buddha said, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha right away. I put up these Buddha statues just to let them watch me kill people. I will put down the butcher knife in the future and let them protect me and become a Buddha!"

Lin Lai Dongfu laughed.

"Ah this!?"

Wang Xiaocong was shocked by this weird theory.

"Oh, by the way, where is the guy who didn't agree with my share of the hidden fee before!?"

Polar Bear raised his eyebrows to the big man behind him.

"Come on!"


Suddenly, two big men came up holding down a man with a pale face and blood all over his body.

The man trembled: "I, I agree! I agree! Please spare me!"

"Haha, why did you go so early? I didn't give you a chance! It's too late!!!"

Lin Lai Dongfu took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it directly at the man's head: "I will take care of your beautiful woman and daughter!"


One shot, through the head!


Wang Xiaocong's heart trembled. Although he was a top second-generation rich man, he naturally hadn't seen much bloodshed in the domestic environment.

On the Parrot, he hadn't fired yet, but when he saw a confrontation with a gun, he turned pale with fright, let alone seeing someone die in front of him now!

Just trembling a little.

But Ye Yang was used to it and sneered.

How dare you show off this little trick of killing chickens to scare monkeys in front of him?

How childish.

"Is this how you treat guests by letting them see dead people?"

Ye Yang asked calmly.


Lin Laidongfu glanced at Ye Yang. He thought he was born in China and was still so young. Seeing this scene, his expression would definitely change. The reaction of Wang Xiaocong next to him was more normal.

As a result, Ye Yang's reaction surprised him.

"Strengthen your composure, ha..."

Lin Lai Dongfu sneered. He was just one of the five underworld gangsters in the Yue Kingdom. Naturally, he didn't know Ye Yang Taishen's identity.

When a Chinese businessman saw a murder scene, in his eyes, Ye Yang should not react like this...

(First update)

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