Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,077 Getting something for nothing?

"Haha? I made Mr. Ye laugh, let's go in and talk!"

Lin Laidongfu raised the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and asked his subordinates to clean up the body of the dead man, and then took Ye Yang and his group to sit down.


Lin Lai Dongfu's butler ordered.


Tea is served.

Ye Yang took a sip. The taste was strong and the fragrance was soaring. It was also a precious tea, but it was too murderous.

It has lost the softness that tea should have.

His identity is here. No one dares to attack him easily. Not to mention his identity, even ordinary Chinese citizens are respected outside the country and do not dare to shout and kill at will.

Even if the other party is really crazy and wants to poison him.

After he took Qilinjie, he was immune to all poisons and had no problems.


"I'm not someone who likes to beat around the bush. Now that we're all seated, let's just talk business."

Lin Lai Dongfu said with a big smile.


When Wang Xiaocong saw Ye Yang's fearless temperament, he felt infected in his heart and naturally he would not be as afraid as before.

By this time, my mind had already settled down.

After all, this business is his. When discussing business terms, he must be the one to do the interview.

"You must have agreed to the conditions I mentioned when you come back this time?"

Lin Laidongfu laughed loudly and looked at Wang Xiaocong expectantly. His smile was full of authority, as if his face might change at any time.

People can't help but want to agree with him and dare not say no.

Wang Xiaocong frowned, thinking that with Ye Yang by his side, this guy would definitely not dare to be too arrogant, and he straightened his body at this time.

No matter where he is, as long as he is abroad, he is a member of the Chinese business community and cannot tarnish his country's image.

After all, he is the son of the former richest man in China. How can he be intimidated by a bully leader?

He was filled with courage and said directly: "Mr. Lin Lai's request for 40% to 60% is really unreasonable. You only provide us with an environment for normal operation without any investment or investment, and you want to take 60% from me." , in any business world in the world, this is absolutely unwritten. Forgive me for rejecting it!"


Lin Lai Dongfu's face instantly changed from a smile to a sinister King of Hell, terrifyingly angry.

It seems that it will rise up at any time and choose people to devour.

"Who are you showing your face to with all your shame?"

Xiao Qingxuan knew Ye Yang's inner thoughts and sneered at the right time.

As long as this guy is ignorant, just follow what the boss wants and kill this bullshit Arctic Group.

Make a name for yourself! Establish your authority!

"What does it mean?"

Although Lin Lai Dongfu has learned some Chinese language, he still can't understand these swear words with a bit of dialect.


Everyone present looked at each other, but no one could understand.

Xiao Qingxuan was speechless. Are these people not online?

It’s terrible to be uneducated. You can’t even understand when you’re scolded, and you can’t even find trouble…

Originally, Wang Xiaocong still had some fear in his heart, but when he saw Lin Lai Dongfu's confused look, he suppressed a smile and his fear dissipated.

"Hmph, do you think there is no cost for us to maintain law and order!? Are you looking down on our efforts!"

Lin Lai Dongfu's butler slammed the table and roared.

"Those police officers in the yamen are in charge of the day and are paid! But we monitor the night, but we can only pay for ourselves! Do you understand our sweat and our pain!? There is so much chaos in the market, and you know it yourself. I think you are just dreaming if you want to open a real estate business here without our protection!”

"Do you really think this is your country? Haha! If you want to do it, do it. If you don't do it, get out of Hu City! You can also disbelieve in evil and just open the market and take a look!"


The butler drooled.

Xiao Qingxuan looked at Ye Yang and gave him a wink. He immediately understood and stepped forward. His body was like a swift shadow, and he was facing an elbow when he stepped forward!

The butler's heart was stifled by the heavy blow, and he hit the white wall behind him with a loud bang. The cracks spread behind him, his mouth bled, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted.

"The master is talking about business, and a slave should do his duty, barking and disturbing the peace!"

After Xiao Qingxuan warned him coldly, he retreated behind Ye Yang.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The hall was filled with murderous people drawing knives and guns, and the atmosphere was ferocious and on the verge of breaking out.

Lin Lai Dongfu took a deep look at Xiao Qingxuan. Her skills just now really scared him!

In just a moment, he struck hard and seriously injured his housekeeper!

To be a steward for someone like him, his skills are extraordinary...

If you can hurt his housekeeper like this, you can hurt him like this at the same distance!

"The woman behind Mr. Ye is eye-catching."

Lin Laidongfu said in a deep voice, obviously very afraid of Xiao Qingxuan.

He waved his hand and did not let his men take action.

Originally, he wanted to shock him first, but as a result, his momentum was suppressed.

He was not that determined to attack Ye Yang.

There's too much involved behind the scenes.

"Without you, there would be no so-called turmoil in Hu City. You hold weapons and don't hurt others, so you need others to be grateful to you. You are worse than bandits!"

Ye Yang sneered and revealed his shortcomings mercilessly.

After all, what the butler said just now was a bit too shameless.

"Mr. Ye, although I respect you, I'm not afraid of you. If I've said it before, I don't mind letting your blood splatter for seven steps!"

Lin Lai Dongfu's eyes turned cold and he stopped smiling.

"What your housekeeper said really doesn't make sense."

Wang Xiaocong stood up and frowned, saying, "I came here today with sincerity. If you can stop obstructing the opening of our property market, I am willing to pay you 10% of the profit. This is the limit."


Lin Lai Dongfu laughed, and the teacup was shaking: "You think I'm a beggar! Have you forgotten whose territory we are on now!? I never take back what I said! 60%! If you don't accept it, get out of Hu City!"


Wang Xiaocong gritted his teeth.

He has now completed all his investments. Before this, Lin Lai Dongfu had never caused trouble. Now that he has invested all his money, he came to ask for protection fees when he was about to open the market, and he asked for 60% at the first opening.

This is obviously trying to get something for nothing and turn all the assets he invested into his own for free!

This calculation is so unscrupulous!

"You can ask around in the business community of Hu City. I'm being polite to you. Don't be so arrogant. I can't kill you, but I'll spare your life. Your father can't do anything to me!"

Lin Laidong smiled sinisterly, and his smile was bloodthirsty.

However, he then glanced at Ye Yang with fear: "For Mr. Ye Yang's sake, I will take a step back and ask for 51% of your shares. This is my last mercy. I hope you can seize this opportunity! Mr. Ye, what do you think, right?"

Seeing the other party looking at him, Ye Yang also smiled...

(Second update)

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