Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1078: Seven steps away, the gun is fast

"I think it is..."

Ye Yang nodded lightly.

"Well! Look, Mr. Ye..."

Lin Lai Dongfu was about to say something.

Ye Yang said lightly: "I think it's a fart!"


The whole hall was quiet.

Ye Yang's previous things obviously showed that he did not respect Lin Lai Dongfu, and now he is directly scolding him.

This is only a hair's breadth away from turning against each other! ! !

"Ye Yang, what do you mean?!"

Lin Lai Dongfu's eyes suddenly became violent and indifferent, looking at Ye Yang coldly.

"Did I be too polite to you before, so you misunderstood something! This is Yue Country, not China, and you can't be presumptuous to me!!!"

"Who are you, and you are worthy of saying this to my boss!"

Xiao Qingxuan sneered and went straight to the scene.

"Okay, Ye Yang!"

Lin Lai Dongfu was furious. He has been in Hu City for so long and is respected as one of the five masters of Yue Country. His status and power can be seen.

Now he was looked down upon in his own territory, of course he was furious!!!

"I admit that you are powerful, but are you faster than a gun!?"

Lin Lai Dongfu shouted angrily.

In an instant, all the elites among the younger brothers around him took out their guns from their waists, and pointed the black muzzles at Xiao Qingxuan. The smell of gunpowder in the field suddenly became strong!

Wang Xiaocong's face tightened, but since he had entrusted the matter to Ye Yang, he had to trust him completely. At this moment, he could only do this.

He gritted his teeth and stood beside Ye Yang. He believed that the other party would never dare to really attack them!

Wang Xiaocong's bodyguards were left outside the door and were not allowed to come in. Only Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were personal bodyguards, and they did not look threatening at first, so they were allowed in as followers.

Xiao Qingxuan raised her lips and said, "Seven steps away, the gun is fast. Within seven steps, I am fast!"

After she returned to China, she watched a lot of movies. She had long wanted to find a scene to say this cool and pretentious line.

Sure enough, it feels really good!


Lin Lai Dongfu had never seen any Chinese movies, and was shocked by this extremely pretentious sentence.

Subconsciously, he stepped back repeatedly until he was seven steps away, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehe, now, what can you do to me?"

Although he had not seen many Chinese movies, the reputation of Chinese Kung Fu shook the world, and all countries in the world were in awe of the mysterious oriental Kung Fu.

In addition, he was shocked when he saw Xiao Qingxuan's ghostly attack just now.

When he heard this sentence at this time, he naturally took it seriously.

"Of course, I don't need to take action today."

Xiao Qingxuan said lightly.

"What do you mean!?"

As soon as Lin Lai Dongfu finished speaking, there was a thumping sound outside.

His face changed drastically, and he led his men into the courtyard.

A group of men had been thrown in long ago!

They were the men who were watching the bodyguards brought by Wang Xiaocong! ! !

The lucky ones were just knocked unconscious and disarmed, but the unfortunate ones had already lost their breath of life...

Several figures jumped down from the wall and looked at the hall indifferently.

"How many of you!?"

They were the bodyguards brought by Wang Xiaocong, and it was obvious that each of them was a top master!

They had a strong aura.

They lowered their heads just now, deliberately restrained, and were ignored by Lin Lai Dongfu.

"Boss, are you okay?"

The leader had three scars on his face, and was obviously very fierce.

The boss was not Wang Xiaocong, but Ye Yang!


Ye Yang nodded.

These few, in real identity, are all ace killers of Hurricane.

Hurricane has a strict internal hierarchy. From ordinary members to ace killers, they need to grow seven levels, which means that they have completed at least three world-class super-difficult tasks!

It can be said that everyone crawled out of the sea of ​​blood.

Standing in a row with Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu.

However, in China, you cannot use such arrogant words as killers, so the gold medal bodyguards were also mentioned on the phone.

"How is it possible!"

In Lin Lai Dongfu's impression, these people were pointed at by guns in the dark, and once there was any abnormal movement, they would be shot to death.

"The few secret lines you laid were too unprofessional."

The man with three scars sneered and clapped his hands: "You are one of the five masters of Yue country? I think it's better to call you one of the five rats!"

"Arrogant! Too arrogant! Do you really think that you can go against the sky!? There are dozens of brothers in my villa, more than 20 guns, and you will all be sieves at my command!"

Lin Lai Dongfu roared fiercely.


The four figures looked at each other and laughed.

The four of them have their own unique skills, and when the Xiao sisters are combined, the weaker countries will be overturned directly!

Let alone a small gangster leader from Yue State.

The points earned by killing such a small target are not enough to grow from a high-level killer to a master killer in Hurricane, let alone those who are above the master killer - ace killers!

Hurricane is purely protecting Ye Yang, and it is necessary to ensure 100% safety.

Therefore, all the eight ace agents that can be mobilized are dispatched!

"Do you think I'm kidding!?"

Lin Lai Dongfu roared.

"I advise you not to move, you will only become a sieve faster than us."

The man with three scars waved his hand.

A red aiming point was pointed at Lin Lai Dongfu's head.


Lin Lai Dongfu shouted and trembled all over.

Who can not be afraid of death?

"Haha, Mr. Ye, there is obviously a misunderstanding here. We can sit down and discuss it carefully..."

Lin Laidong richly said that he wanted to resolve his own crisis first!

"There's nothing to talk about."

Ye Yang shook his head: "I have no habit of forgiving enemies who murder me."

"Ahem, the cause of this incident is just a trivial matter. There is no need to use knives or guns. Life is precious!!! Peace is the most precious thing in all things! Don't start a fight!"

Lin Laidong and Fu Lianlian said.

"That's not what you say when you casually take other people's lives."

Ye Yang chuckled and glanced at the blood stains left by the man who was shot by Lin Lai Dongfu just now.

"I don't have that much experience to care about injustices in the world, but if you bump into my hands and want to kill me, I won't keep you anymore!"

"It won't do you any good if the fish is dead or the net is broken! You have to die too!!!"

Lin Laidong's eyes were splitting, and his eyes were extremely fierce: "I got to this point not because I was scared! Don't think that I don't dare to trade my life for my life! It's not necessarily who will die!"


Ye Yang shook his head: "You never had a chance."

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Xiaozhu.

Xiao Xiaozhu smiled slightly.

Finally, she was no longer in China. There were no strict security checks, and she no longer had to prepare poison. She just turned over her hand and took out a sachet...

(First update)

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