Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1079 Hurricane's Eight Trump Cards

She shook her hand and threw it away, and the sachet fell among the crowd.

Explode immediately!

Everyone subconsciously wanted to shoot, but the moment it exploded, their bodies seemed to be paralyzed, convulsed, and the guns fell to the ground.

They all fell to the ground and howled!


Even Lin Laidong Fu was hit and fell to the ground wailing!

They couldn't stop scratching their skin, and some even scratched out bloody marks without stopping. Their whole bodies were itching like crazy from the inside out! ! !

"Poison! Poisonous girl!!!"

Lin Lai Dongfu cursed crazily.

Xiao Xiaozhu squatted on his head and raised the corner of his mouth: "It seems that your dose is not enough, you can still talk!"

As she spoke, she poured all the spices in her hand into Lin Lai Dongfu's mouth...


The cry of a slaughtering pig suddenly rose into the sky...

She clapped her hands and saluted Ye Yangyi: "Report to boss, mission accomplished!"

Ye Yang smiled slightly.

"As expected of the 'Arch Mage' in our ace group of eight, Third Sister, long time no see, you are still so awesome!"

The scarred man scratched his head and laughed.

"Brother Scar hasn't been poisoned yet. Sooner or later, I will poison you and I will be the second sister of our group of eight!"

The eight trump cards of the hurricane are considered brothers and sisters.

After all, almost all of them were orphans raised by Hurricane from a young age. They had no parents. These aces who survived the cruel trials were each other's relatives.

Ranking is generally based on merit and strength.

"Even the second sister can't defeat the eldest brother, I think you should take a rest."

The bald-headed young man at the side laughed playfully.

On his back, there is a tattoo of Buddha and Bodhisattva in the center. Yaksha, Hades, White Tiger, and Dragon are all densely covered. The surrounding areas are full of taboo pictures in the tattoos. But now he is carrying it on his back. It is obvious that he has an extraordinary destiny.

"Hmph, Lao Wu, are you itchy again? Do you want to take my pills?"

Xiao Xiaozhu rubbed his palms, happy to see Lie Xin.

"Ahem, I didn't say anything."

This bald young man with endless evil behind him was obviously subdued by Xiao Xiaozhu and did not dare to talk back.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and took a deep look at the scarred man.

He has seen how powerful the Xiao sisters are. This scarred man can actually overpower the Xiao sisters and rank first in the Eight Aces?

The scar-faced man stepped forward and saluted Ye Yang, his face awe-inspiring and solemn: "Boss!!!"

If Ye Yang didn't ask for the bodyguard to be a beautiful woman, then he would be the one who came.

Ye Yang couldn't laugh or cry when he thought that he almost had to carry such a fierce man with him every day.

"May I have your name?"

he asked.

"Shi Zhantian."

The fierce man said matter-of-factly.

"This name is quite domineering."

Ye Yang gave a thumbs up.

"I started it by myself. I was obsessed with fantasy novels when I was a kid...after all, I don't have a name."

Shi Zhantian scratched his head and laughed.


Ye Yang nodded. Each of Hurricane's eight aces came from a miserable background. They were trained by orphans adopted by Hurricane...

"What to do with these guys?"

Xiao Qingxuan kicked Lin Lai Dongfu at his feet.

"Have you brought all the veritaserum? Kill him in a vicious manner and let him go if he is justified. Today, the Arctic Regiment, one of the five regiments of the Yue Kingdom, will be removed from the world!"

Ye Yang said lightly.

He has never shown any mercy towards these extremely evil things.

The interrogation lasted for two hours, and you didn't have to hear much. Almost as soon as these people opened their mouths, they were sentenced to death, and they all killed innocent people!

Cruelty, cunning, and treachery are all basic operations.

"We are not a family, we don't belong to the same family."

Ye Yang shook his head.

There are hundreds of people, but not even one who has not committed a capital crime can be found...

In Hu City under the control of such a team, I can't even imagine what kind of life ordinary people live...


Soon, the news of the destruction of the Arctic Regiment spread like the wind to all directions of the Yue Kingdom...

"What!? The Arctic Group? Isn't that one of the five most powerful underworld forces in Yue? Yesterday I heard that they massacred a family that did not pay them asylum fees! They were so arrogant that the officials did not dare to control them. Was it destroyed directly today?”

"Who did it!?"

"Isn't it too strong!?"

"This news is really shocking! What about the polar bear Lin Lai Dongfu, one of the five people in Vietnam?"

"Dead too."

"I go……"

"In just one morning, the situation in Hu City has changed, and the power structure of the Yue Kingdom has also collapsed..."


Everyone is looking for what is going on.

Many people are suspecting that someone among the other four has launched a team-killing battle against the Arctic Regiment.

But soon, these people all stood up and proved that they were not responsible...

"It was not the fault of the other four! It turned out to be such a situation..."


The other four guys are also in danger.

They pride themselves on being well-connected.

Such a powerful force as the Arctic Regiment was actually destroyed in one morning, and they didn't hear the slightest news.

It's absolutely terrible!

They are all afraid that the next one will be themselves! ! !

"Could it be that the Yue government took action!? We must finally make up our minds to learn from China and crack down on gangsters and evil!!!"

"Hehe... I don't count on those rotten things in Yue State! It's good enough that they don't take the money from the underworld and collude with them!"

"That's right..."


Everyone was talking about it.

But soon, a piece of news came out...

"The Arctic Group offended Mr. Xiaocong of China. On the day when the news of their demise came out, Xiaocong and Ye Shenhao of China went to Lin Laidongfu's mansion together... Not long after, the news of the demise of the Arctic Group came out!!!"

"This!? Did they do it!?"

"Absolutely! But there is no evidence... There is no evidence left..."

Everyone knows what happened, but there is no evidence, which means they didn't do it...

Ordinary people in Hu City rushed out of their homes, ran around to tell each other, danced with joy, and shouted that Ye Shenhao of China was blessed with good health and longevity, and that he had eliminated a great evil for them! ! !

And the other four bosses in Yue State trembled in fear.

They had no idea what Ye Yang was up to, and were all afraid that the butcher's knife would fall on them next...

"Maybe it was because Lin Lai Dongfu offended Mr. Ye that he was destroyed..."

"We can only hope so! The power displayed by the other party was too terrifying. In one morning, a large force was silently destroyed, and all the evidence was destroyed. The means were cruel and terrifying... If they were to deal with us, we would not end up much better than Lin Lai Dongfu..."

The four bosses achieved a dialogue under pressure, and they were all trembling...

And the existence of the collusion between the Yue State official and the Arctic Group also suffered from the lack of evidence, and it was completely impossible to hold Ye Yang, who was already of a very high status, accountable.

"Tear off the face! I don't believe that he can do whatever he wants on our territory!!!"

A super boss of the Yue State slammed the table and said he would ignore the law.

But as soon as he stood up, a document was thrown at him...

(Second update)

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