Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,080: Tropical Manor


The boss unfolded the document and frowned instantly.

This document was obviously sent by the first person in Vietnam.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Obviously, the number one in the Yue Kingdom was under tremendous pressure, and he was hereby issued a warning not to deal with Ye Yang, otherwise he would be responsible for the consequences.

"Has it come to this?"

The Yue boss put down the documents, his face full of emotions.

He was about to reach the top of the Yue Kingdom and was one of the most powerful people in the Yue Kingdom. In his own territory, he actually had to be so awe-inspiring to a Chinese, which really made him feel extremely angry and angry. Frustrated!

"How could this happen?! What kind of identity and energy does he have that can make the first person have such an attitude!?"

The Yue country boss sat on the seat, frowning.

Obviously, the first person acted like this because he was under pressure from some aspect.

"It seems that the matter of revenge for Lin Lai Dongfu can only be discussed in the long term. At least, Ye Yang cannot be allowed to know that it was me who did it..."

He picked up a photo of Ye Yang: "He has too many identities, which confuses my judgment of his energy. His true identity must be extremely high..."


No one knows about the affairs of the top boss.

Hu City.

Hu City is the most developed city in the Yue Kingdom, and its status in the Yue Kingdom is equivalent to that of the Magic City in China.

However, the economy is much worse.

The house price is probably less than 10,000 Chinese dollars per square meter, which is ten times the difference between that and the magic city.

Here, in ordinary cities, you can buy a villa with more than one million Chinese coins.

Ye Yang has the habit of buying a new residence every time he goes to a new place.

I looked at Hu City for a long time and still couldn't decide.

There is only one reason...they are all too cheap.

I really didn’t want him to take action.

The price tag for the top villa was only a few hundred million Chinese dollars, so he had no desire to make a move.


Yu Momo searched for connections here, and after searching for a long time, he finally found a newly built top-level luxury manor, priced at 900 million Chinese dollars.

Ye Yang nodded.

this is not bad.

Although he doesn't care much about return on investment.

But in a developing city like this, if you buy a building worth nearly one billion Chinese dollars, once the price rises, it will easily increase by tens of millions.

If the price can increase in the future, why not buy an expensive one?

The manor has its own beautiful maid and housekeeper. Because it is so close to China, almost everyone in Yue can speak Chinese.

Feeling at home, the maids shouted in unison: "Welcome Master home~"


Ye Yang nodded.

The top villa manor in Vietnam is decorated in a tropical rainforest style.

In the manor, there are a variety of carefully manicured tropical crops and a variety of top-notch furniture, also in tropical style and privately customized.


Ye Yang nodded, quite satisfied.

This manor is huge.

It can even be compared with Yundingshan Manor.

You know, he spent a huge amount of money to build Yundingshan Manor.

With more than 900 million Chinese coins, it would be great to be able to buy a top-level villa in the Magic City. This kind of super manor is something you don’t even think about!

Of course, the land prices in Magic City are not comparable to those in Hu City.

"Brother Ye, you are so powerful. Wherever you go, you can throw away a billion or eighty million. It's really impressive."

Wang Xiaocong followed suit and was in a good mood.

Most of his money is invested in the project here. If it really fails to launch, his business career will be ruined...

But now, Ye Yang solved this problem for him, and a big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"Brother Ye, when you open the business, you must come over and be my boss! Hehe!"

Wang Xiaocong rubbed his hands and said.

"Easy to say."

Ye Yang nodded, he had already come, of course he had to take a walk, take a look, and drop by Wang Xiaocong's opening ceremony, it was also a destination.

"Now Southeast Asia has begun to learn from us and follow our path to develop its economy. We can still make money by moving the business model we did in China a few years ago to Southeast Asia."

Wang Xiaocong obviously wants to do the main business in Southeast Asia that his father did in China...

real estate.

"When the new building goes on sale, I will give you a building as a gift to Brother Ye."

Wang Xiaocong was very willing. After all, without Ye Yang, the business might have been ruined. It is thanks to Ye Yang that it can open now.

He felt that it was not enough to repay the favor to Yidong.

But now the business here has just started, and there are too many places to use money, so he doesn't dare to give more.


Ye Yang didn't pay much attention to it. After all, a building was just a medium-sized gift to him. It didn't matter if he accepted it, but if he didn't accept it, Wang Xiaocong would always miss it.

In the next two days, Wang Xiaocong was preparing for the opening.

Ye Yang was wandering around Hu City with his bodyguard sister Hua.

Naturally, there are some scenes where some heroes save the girl and act righteously.

After all, the streets of Hu City are chaotic and everyone is there.

Once a person enters the bad realm, his temperament and reason will be distorted. No matter who you are or what your background is, you will always be reckless.

"Ah! My bag!"

With a scream, Hu City's famous speed car team suddenly appeared!

These motorcycle groups are usually groups of will-o'-the-wisp boys riding motorcycles, and their targets are usually people who take out their mobile phones or carry bags on the street.

Whether it is day or night, in a large group of people or alone.

You can see them all.

It can be said that he is extremely arrogant and has no scruples.

Ye Yang turned around and looked. It was a girl who had her bag snatched by the speed team in public and was being chased in panic.

On the motorcycle he got, the young man with a willow fire howled excitedly and turned to make a face at the girl.

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth and kicked him out. The motorcycle was knocked over by him, and the will-o'-the-wisp boy wiped the ground hard, leaving blood stains on the ground.

"How dare you meddle in other people's business!?"

When the accomplices hiding around saw this scene, they all rushed out in their cars.

He wanted to hit Ye Yang to death directly on the street.

Naturally, there was no need for Ye Yang to take action at this time. Xiao Xiaozhu was so skilled in concealed weapons that he flicked his fingers. The motorcycles had their tires blown out on the spot, and the will-o'-the-wisp teenagers were all thrown to pieces with their skin and flesh torn apart, and they were dragged all the way with blood.

"Who are you!? Do you know who is covering us!?"

Several will-o'-the-wisp boys shouted angrily.

"They seem to be the legendary Chinese boss who killed the polar bear gang: Ye Yang and his party!"

someone exclaimed.

"I go!"

The few will-o'-the-wisp boys had little knowledge and naturally did not know Ye Yang. However, when they heard that he had defeated the Arctic Regiment, one of the five major gangs in the Yue Kingdom, they were so frightened that they urinated and felt like they were going to die...


The girl picked up her bag and breathed a sigh of relief. She came to Ye Yang and bowed repeatedly to thank him.

Ye Yang looked at the girl, who was about eighteen or nineteen years old. Her skin was extremely hydrated and she looked very agile.

"Thank you Mr. Ye..."

The girl bowed, obviously having heard of Ye Yang's name before.

(First update)

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